
Rogue Secrets

Deshiree · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

3. Alpha

Shining obsidian orbs stared down at me, his anger high enough that I could almost see the fur rolling behind those startling black eyes. I had never encountered an Alpha before and my Pack had only consisted of my parents and I till the fire took their lives back when I was fourteen. Since that night, I had been forced to look upon myself for survival. Part of me didn't understand why my condition concerned him and why it ralled him up so much. Was that what actual Packs acted like?

"I have no Pack," my voice came out small and shaky.

Blinking at me, I watched as his black brows scrunched and the anger morphed to puzzlement. "Were you exiled?"

He was asking if I was a rogue. In a sense I was. No family. No Pack. It wasn't by choice though. Why my parents had led me to believe that we were the last of our kind and their reasoning of that went with them to their graves, so I would never really know why they kept to themselves. Exiled or not.

Looking up at his striking face, I shook my head in answer. For now I would keep my business my own, but I technically wasn't lying to him. You couldn't truly lie if you didn't know yourself.

Blinking rapidly, I watched as he took in a deep breath, his chest expanding nicely and drawing my attention once again to his near nakedness. Heat radiated from his steel covered flesh and I strangely had to fight the urge not to stroke the smooth expanse of his abdomen. Every ab was well defined and his light brown nipples almost begged to be nibbled on. Telling myself to stop with this weird fascination, I looked back up and noticed his eyes were back to their bright emerald color again. I also realized that he had been watching me as I oogled him.

Turning away in embarrassment, I swallowed my nerves. Did I apologize? Did I want to apologize for liking what I saw? No, I wasn't sorry for appreciating his maleness. I would give almost anything to see all of him bared to my hungry gaze, but that was asking too much on a first meeting.

His hand that still clasped mine gave a small squeeze, his thumb smearing the mud across the back of my hand. I shuddered and I couldn't pin point of it was because of the grunge or the sensation of him caressing a part of me. Maybe a combination of both.

"Let's get you cleaned up. We'll talk more after you've showered and I look at the wound on your leg." His rumbling deep voice had a hint of masculine pride laced with his words. Did he like knowing that his scrumptiously ridged form possessed my eyes?

Turning my head enough to meet his eyes, I gave a short nod. I was ready to be mud free and hopefully clothed. Being five foot four, I was short with curves in all the right places, but I wasn't model thin. My thighs were a bit thick and my stomach wasn't rippling with muscles like his was. No. I was all the soft fluffy curves opposite to his rock solid frame.

Reaching out, he gently took hold of my free hand without asking permission and carefully stood, pulling me up with very little effort on my part. Favoring my good leg, I pulled my hands from his, grieving that his skin was now covered in my muck. It made me self conscious and I fought the urge to shudder in disgust at my appearance. I wondered what he thought of me.

Movement caught the corner of my eye and before I could react he had swept me up into his arms bridal style. One strong arm supported my back and the other cupped the back of my knees, his warm hand pressing against my thigh. Instinctly, my hand slapped against his chest in surprise, my other grabbing ahold of his shoulder for stability.

"Please don't. I'm gross..."

Looking at his eyes from so close was memorizing and the protest died on my lips. There was little flecks of gold in his green irises. His lashes ere thick and dark enough to make me envy him. Smooth cheek bones only marred by a single deep scar just under his left eye that was maybe an inch long. It looked like an old knife wound. His straight nose gave way too those full kissable lips that were slightly turned up in a small secretive smile.

Blinking, I flushed and looked away. He caught me staring yet again. Jesus I needed help.

"I don't mind the mess, plus it gave me a chance to see those stunning eyes up close." Walking through the kitchen, he walked into what looked like a small hallway that had a door on one side and a set of stairs on the right. Taking the stairs, he continued, "it's easier to clean myself up rather then half the house. No offense, love."

Nodding silently, I admitted that I hadn't even thought about trailing mud throughout the house. Him carrying me was logical, but it was thrilling none the less. Every step had his stomach muscles flexing against my hip and his neck was begging me to press my nose to it's curve. I wanted to inhale more of his clean sandalwood musk that flowed off of him. I wanted to nibble on that sensitive spot, marking him.

"As much as I enjoy you nuzzling me, I damn near had us both sprawled out on these stairs and not in a...way I'm imagining at the moment."

His voice pulled me out of my trance and I was shocked to see that I had pulled him close. My breasts were crushed against as much of his chest as I could reach in my cradled position. My lips were sealed to the same curve I had been fantasizing about.

"Fuck me," I said, jerking back.

The Alpha chuckled. "All in due time, love."


Hope you like it!