
ROB's Lottery Wheel

Alexios Komnenos is a teen with a surname which raises eyebrows. Does he have connections to Ancient Byzantine Emperors? Well, it doesn't matter. That empire is long gone. But such a surname has left a mark on him. Then one day he gets an APP with ROB's name in it! What could go wrong? A waifu from a lottery wheel? Maybe the world change? Or some powers from an anime? Just one of a few things. Oh... And he gets a dungeon based on Dark Souls and Monster Hunter

Dragon15681 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
59 Chs

Spar (Showing off)

( 1 out of 2 chapters this week)

'With how thick is that Dragon Aura, I am certainly taking him one-on-one is suicidal. We should attack as a group.'

Sona thought to herself.

"We attack you as a group. What do you say?" Sitri Heiress suggested. It was a cheeky suggestion. After all, they never fought before. Her suggestion even confused her Peerage.

Sure his aura is impressive but how does it translate to a fight? His age was the same as theirs.

"Be my guess." Alex tried to casually shrug but he was as stiff as one could get.

It was a fighting situation and his hunter nature was rising.

"Good! Then Tomoe, Attack!"

Sona ordered her Knight to attack, then proceeded to order her Bishops and Rook to move out and get ready.

As her pieces tried to surround him, it was a very basic tactic.

The Devil Heiress herself proceeded to charge her Devil magic.

'They are so slow… are they trying to break the world record with how slow they are?'

The White Dragon Emperor who was already pumping adrenaline and ready for action could only lament how slow these girls were. How could he possibly fight them? These girls look very fragile!

The Knight girl with Katana swung at Alex who simply brushed her sword away.

The whole sequence was so fast that Sona and her girls needed a double take on what they saw.

Before Tomoe could react she was already falling on her ass as Alex pushed her away. That's right! He is not even fighting, he is simply pushing them. The teen simply had no idea how to fight.

His lightning blades would turn them into barbeque, and his Lightning Force would turn them into ashes. He has no abilities which doesn't exterminate.

So all he could do was push them.

Not very high class but that's the only thing he could do.

As Tomoe was rolling on the ground, Sona and Momo started throwing magic at the White Dragon Emperor.

The teen simply sidestepped and almost looked like he was moonwalking, his steps were silent and extremely balanced; it looked like he was using a minimal amount of effort to dodge their magic.

"Girls, we need to pin him down! Tsubaki! Go in and engage him!"

The 'Queen' stepped into the battlefield as she summoned her Naginata. A Japanese weapon.

The tallest girl from the group jumped onto the battlefield and tried to attack Alex who once again casually dodged every single attack from her!

"No way…even Shinra-senpai is no match for his speed!" Momo exclaimed with wide eyes.



Albion spoke from his wings as Tsubaki's speed dropped.

"His Sacred Gear!" The girls paled as they remembered that he did have a gear and only now he used it!

Just like with Tomoe, Alex simply disarmed the 'Queen' by pushing her away.

"Momo let's pincer move him!" Sona ordered as she proceeded to get into a position.


The pair of magic users rushed to surround him and proceeded to cast magic.

Momo created a few circles which should have stuck him in place while Sona proceeded to make a serpent made from water which proceeded to rush towards Alex.

The White Dragon Emperor didn't even react to the coming attack.

The reason for this is that he doesn't feel threatened by this at all.

It's like preparing to get a shower. Does one even react to that? Who could be afraid of a shower?

This is why he didn't do anything.

When the water serpent smashed into its target the whole Peerage grinned from happiness! Finally, they had a connection! One of their attacks hit him!

But when the attack settled down all they saw was wet Alex looking at them.

"Congratulations. You have drenched my clothes." The White Dragon Emperor lifted his hand and looked at his wet sleeve.

Sona paled as she proceeded to make more water. Her two Bishops proceeded to advance as well.

The teen noticed that one of her Bishops had not done anything.

Either she is not a magician or it's something else.

"...You serious?"

The girl proceeded to engage him in close combat!

"I am a scout, but I still know how to fight."

"...Great. Do you want a medal or something?"

As she was about to deliver a punch Alex caught it and then flipped her over and threw her away.

All that lasted a couple of seconds but it was enough time for Sona to gather her energy and throw a large ball of water, full of Demonic Energy.


At that moment the air around him turned extremely static as his clothes dried up and his hair stood up.


Sounds of lightning crackling manifested around him. A white aura surrounded him.

Mana gathered around his right hand turning into a blade.

With a casual swing, he cut the ball cleanly in half.

Then the next second he was behind Sona.


That moment her Demonic Energy reserves got halved and his thunder blade was on her neck.

"You have lost, Kaichou."

"...I can see that."

She sighed and collapsed on her knees. Sweet started to drench her forehead. That divide took the wind out of her sails

Not only that but she is feeling a threat to her life, this lightning was by no means normal. No, it's so dangerous that just being close to it makes her hair stand up.

"Not bad. The only issue with your Peerage is that they need that *OOF*. They lack overall strength once you have that they will be powerful." Alex dismissed his Sacred Gear and his augmentation while commenting on what he just experienced.

"No need to sugarcoat it. We lost badly." Sona said that as she slowly got up on her feet. She was still feeling weak.

"Very well. You lost badly, over-reliance on tactics was your shortcoming. You need strength to even start tactics.

Out of your peerage only you and your 'Queen' have adequate minimal strength, the rest are mostly fresh reincarnations, am I right?"

"...Now you're just rubbing it." She exclaimed with an annoyed sigh.

"... It's called feedback."

"...If you say so."

"Since the fight is over, can I get those magic-related books?" Julis stepped in between Sona and Alex.

"...Fine. Momo, give her those books."


The white-haired girl proceeded to teleport away and collect them while in the meantime, the pink-haired Princess huffed and crossed her arms waiting for them.

"I am interested in what this lightning of yours is. It…feels terrifying." Sona curiously asked him as she observed him in more detail. One could say her curiosity is at an all-time high!

"Hmph! He can manipulate his bio-electricity, mix it with magical lightning and then mix it with a dragon attribute called Dragon Thunder." Julis bragged about her boyfriend's powers.

"...You mean he synchronised all of that?" The Sitri Heiress was dumbfounded, to say the least.

"That is correct! Even Albion is impressed by it. He said it's in the realm of Gods! The only thing that is lacking is sheer power behind it."

Alex sighed and pulled his pinkette into a hug from behind.

"Relax, there is no need to tell everything."

He whispered into her ear as he pulled her closer to himself.

The girl instantly calmed down and proceeded to snuggle.

At first, Sona was shell-shocked by the reveal of his lightning but then she sighed with resignation when she saw the cuddling happening in front of her.

"...You know… the more I hear about this the more I believe you have the means to train in a place where time flows differently."

She mentioned that casually, though his reaction to that was the confirmation she needed.

That's right! It's the only thing which makes sense after watching him for weeks! Depending on how serious his training is he can return extremely tired. Sona recalled such days when he simply lazed around for the whole school period.

Each such taxing session would make him much stronger but at the same time he would be much more tired!

Just like yesterday morning! He was exhausted but now she can understand it. He makes his lightning extremely potent and he becomes extremely durable in the process.

"... That's…"

"No need to hide it. It took me a while but I was able to put pieces together." Sona decided to hammer it down.

"Your magic signature has changed dramatically and it has happened daily since you started to attend Kuoh. For a while, I wondered what was going on.

Until I realised that it's simply impossible to achieve this much throughout a single night. So what about many nights? Many days? Shrunk into one night?"

'She is smart. As expected of Sitri, I heard they have cutting-edge hospitals in the Underworld.'

'Yeah-yeah. You just read through my memories.'

'Something like that.'

Albion didn't even deny that his knowledge came from his memories.


"So you don't deny it?"

"I don't."

He nodded at her words. This made Sona feel delighted that she learned one of his mysteries.

"...Is it possible for others to practise like that? I assume Riessfield-san is practising there as well."

The pinkette narrowed her eyes. There is no way in hell she will allow another girl to join their diving sessions!

"Sorry, but his power is very unique. He can only invite people who are EXTRA close to him." As she said that the Pink Princess hugged him with affection.

This was where Sona realised that he might have another Sacred Gear or something like that. It would have special attributes which would allow one to enter into that place where time flows differently.

'Extra close?'

The Sitri Heiress' eyes widened as she recalled a few days when Julis was walking weirdly.

'So you have to do THAT to enter that special place!?'

At that moment her cheeks erupted and turned pink at the same time her glasses needed some cleaning as they turned steamy.

"...I beg your pardon? You mean?"

"I won't be telling details as it's a private matter." Julis quite smugly didn't finish what she was saying.

"Very well, then I won't bother you..." For now, Sona decided to brush this revelation aside. Not that she will be surrendering. Not at all.

She will find another way to get close to him. Now that she knows he has such an advantage.

'I won't be telling this to Rias. That rival of mine could potentially take some drastic action once she learns about this.'

A place where time flows differently? Rias Gremory could train there to prepare for her fight against Riser Phenex.

A few moments later Momo returned with a pile of books. Julis gulped down when she was all that!

"Go on. Start reading them." Alex motioned for her to start reading.

"Okay!" His girlfriend swiftly walked over to Momo and took the books, once she had the books she looked at Sona one more time. Motioning that she will be watching her.

"Your girlfriend is one…unique girl." The Sitri Heiress commented with a perplexed look.

"She is the Princess of her family. So she takes her duties very seriously. One of them is being my future wife. She decided that long ago."

Alex explained in a roundabout way what happened to them.

"I see. But you do know that as White Dragon Emperor you will attract all sorts of attention from the supernatural. Not just Devils or Fallen Angels.

Gods will pay attention to you as well. Including Goddesses of Love and other…questionable domains." Sona commented as she looked at Julis.

"What are you implying?"

"I am simply commenting on the fact that you two need to be prepared for their descent. Gods regardless of their pantheons are fickle beings who can cause untold chaos.

While not as active as in the old days. They will act if they see someone as interesting as you." She said the last part with a smile.

"It sounds like you are hitting on me, Kaichou."

This made her blush like a tomato. Was she that easy to see through!?


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