
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
119 Chs

Chapter 70

In the remaining time they have before the zombies attack. Souichiro and the others rested and prepared what they needed. Saeko and the others focused on meditating to accumulate as much mana as they could. Meanwhile, Yoru focused on modifying his body.

[Muscle Modification completed Mana +100 and Mana Regen +25]

[I am now initiating your internal organs. The process that will take place from now on will be a bit painful]

It was true what the System said. After the internal organ modification process is carried out. Yoru felt like his body was being pricked by hundreds of needles.

"Arg..." Yoru groaned a little in pain.

Even so, he continued the process, until finally a notification appeared.

[The zombie horde will arrive in 30 minutes]

After hearing the notification. Yoru immediately opened his eyes and stopped what he was doing.

'What's the time now?'


He then immediately woke Saeko and the others. After everyone had woken up, everyone rushed out and joined Souichiro and the others. And Yoru himself climbed back up the tallest building to see where the zombie hordes were.

After Yoru confirmed where the zombie hordes were, Yoru then told Souichiro from where and when the zombie hordes attacked

"Souichiro, get everyone ready. The zombies will be arriving in about half an hour." Yoru said seriously.

Souichiro then went to tell everyone to get ready in their places.

Yoru also didn't forget to activate all the symbols in the weapon used by Saeko and the others.

"This time, it might be a bit harder than last time."

"Even though you are stronger now and we have Shirley as an extra. Can we still not equal to them." Saeko asked.

"For regular zombies, you guys are more than enough. But for pawns, it'll be a little too much. Maybe if you, Shirley, and Souichiro can work together, I think it's possible, only one thought."

Saeko and Shirley looked slightly disappointed.

"No need to worry. You guys can reduce the number of regular zombies, that's alredy more than enough." Yoru smiled and patted Saeko and Shirley's head.

"Shizuka and Shiiko work in the back. As for Ayaka, you use your magic if they start to lose focus."

The three nodded understanding what they should do.

After that, they got ready in their respective places with slightly worried faces. Meanwhile Yoru, Saeko, Shirley, and Souichiro were outside the gate.

Not long, a new notification appears.

[The zombie horde will arrive in 5 minutes]

"5 more minutes!!!" Yoru screamed.

Not long after that. Hordes of zombies began to be seen walking slowly toward them.

"Ordinary zombies can't possibly hurt you. But be careful if your meet a slightly special zombie."

The three nodded their heads.

"It's okay. After all, we have help from behind." Souichiro proudly pointed back with a thumb.

Not long after that, the Zombie who had been walking slowly ran towards them.

"Everyone stand by!" Yoru shouted.

The zombies are running closer and closer. And not long, Yoru give another instructions.

"Activate the trap!"

With those instructions. The trap that Takagi's members had prepared was finally activated.

The zombie who is above the trap starts getting electrocuted and burns. And as usual, because they couldn't think, the zombies didn't care about what was in front of them and just walked towards the trap and just got burned.

"Looks like we don't have much to do." Souichiro said.

"Don't let your guard down. This is only the beginning." Yoru reminded.

Sure enough. Before long, a zombie carrying a sludgehammer beats up the trap and destroys it.

"My mouth." Souichiro look dejected.

"All hands on trigger!!!"

Everyone started preparing their weapons.


The zombie run closer and closer.


After the zombie not that far from them.







Bullet started raining down on the hordes of zombies that were running towards them without stopping. Many zombies died, but there are also some that can survive.

Seeing that, Yoru gave another instruction.

"Kouta!!! Throw bombs now!!!"

Kouta started throwing bombs at the zombie hordes.






"Oh..." Shirley looked amazed by what was happening in front of her.

Shirley was truly amazed by the power of the weapons in this dimension. Even though Yoru once said that there were weapons that might be stronger than magic, he actually didn't really believe it. But after seeing what was in front of him. He couldn't help but be amazed.

"Shirley, can you make a big explosion?" Said Yoru.

"Are you serious?" Shirley was a little confused, because she thought all off this was enough.

Yoru nodded his head. "It's okay."

[Actually you can kill all the zombies if you use up all the mana you have. But I'm not sure you can fight 10 pawns without using mana]

'That's why I won't be using much mana on normal zombies and will only focus on the pawns.'

Hearing what Yoru said, Shirley raised her hands. Souichiro was confused by what Shirley was doing. Those at the back were equally confused.

But not long after that. They gaped in shock at what they saw. Because above Shirley, five fireballs could be seen flying which gradually enlarged and turned into spear-like shapes.

"Shirley, release."

Shirley immediately threw the five flame spears at the horde of zombies that running towards them.

The fiery spear shot quickly and exploded amidst the zombie hordes and killed hundreds of zombies.






"Huhf... Is this enough?" Shirley said as she rubbed her forehead.

Souichiro and everyone behind could only gape at what had happened.

But not for long, a strong wind blew from the direction of the zombie horde and extinguished the fire created by Shirley's magic. That incident didn't just shock Souichiro and the others. Even Shirley was shocked.

"No way. Is there a lich there?!" Shirley shouted.

"Nope, I only saw normal zombies, velotiles, police zombies, firefighter zombies, crawling zombies, other special zombie, and 10 pawns. The one who use magic is probably one of the pawn."

'System, can I give a symbol to someone else? So far I haven't done it because I'm afraid of the side effects it will have on the recipient of the symbol.'

[Can. But only 1 symbol for every single status.]

'Alright, prepare 1 strength, 1 agility, 1 endurance, and 1 stamina regeneration for Saeko, Shirley, and Souichiro.'


After that, Saeko, Shirley, and Souichiro's bodies glowed. The three of them were surprised to see what happened, but they were even more surprised by how they felt after the light had dimmed.

"Yoru, what are you doing?" Shirley asked.

"Buff. I'm just giving you three buffs to make you stronger."

"My body feels light." Souichiro said he couldn't believe what was happening while jumping like a kangaroo.

"It's not permanent. It only lasts for 4 hours. So let's finish everything faster. You three focus on the zombies you can fight. If you feel you're weaker. Stand back."

Souichiro and Saeko smiled sadistically. Shirley looked very serious.

"Have fun..."

After that. The three of them run amok against all the zombies that were there. And the three of them killed all the zombies around them indiscriminately.

Those at the back looked utterly shocked by what was happening, and made them all not move at all. But, not long after a woman's scream woke them all up.

"Why aren't you guys doing anything?! Shoot!" Ayaka shouted and used her magic simultaneously.

Everyone who heard her screams woke up and immediately opened fire on the zombie hordes. And finally the massacre happened.

"System, can you buy telekinesis."


[Telekinesis*1 Magic purchased]

[Fly*1 Magic purchased]


After that, a magic circle appeared under Yoru's feet and he disappeared instantly. Yoru made a magic circle to make him invisible. Because he was planning to make a surprise attack to the ten pawns.

Yoru then took out so many weapons and he controlled all those weapons with telekinesis. And Yoru then flew straight towards where the pawns were.

"System, focus on mana regeneration. Add 2 symbols to each weapon I use. 4 strength, and 4 agility for me."

[No problem]

With his body now invisible. Yoru easily approached all ten pawns and he saw a familiar man.

'Turns out, he really became a zombie.' Yoru said after looking at Shidou.

'Poor, ostracized and not accepted, and now a zombie. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.' said Yoru while shaking his head.

Not long after that, Yoru's face turned serious and stretched out his hand. After Yoru stretched out his hand. All the weapons he controlled with telekinesis instantly moved and aimed at the ten pawns.

And without a long wait. Yoru waved his arm and all the weapons he controlled shot swiftly towards the ten pawns.