
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
119 Chs

Chapter 44

[Emergency Mission : Survive tonight horde until sunrise. Complete]

[Emergency Mission: Kill Zombie until sunrise. Complete]

[Individual Yoru Lvl up]

[Bonus proficiency add to the skill and magic]

[Lover Lvl added to system]

Yoru walked away from the messenger's body when he heard the notification that the mission was over. He also got another notification but he didn't care for now.

'System, is there a more convenient way to get the cores out than me having to mutilate them? And why did I already Lvl up?'

Yoru chatted with the system as he walked towards Saeko and the others.

[I don't know. Maybe if I had more information from the Eye of Truth. I can tell you. As for your Lvl up. Maybe the zombie earlier give you a lot of kill count]

'Huh, back to the seal on the Eye of Truth. Then continue modifying my right eye. What percent is left? I forgot how much kill a have, so whatever.'

[Modification has reached 90%]

'FAST! How the hell it became that fast? Then focus on that and mana regen after that.'

Yoru then stopped her conversation with the system because he saw Saeko and Shizuka running towards him and Shizuka carrying a bottle of water in her hand.

Saeko then immediately trying to took off the clothes Yoru was wearing so she can checked all parts of his body. Meanwhile, Shizuka was busy cleaning Yoru's hand which he used to extract the core from the messenger's body.

When Shizuka tried to clean Yoru's hands. Saeko trying took the opportunity to take off the pants Yoru was wearing but to no avail.

"Tsk" Saeko tsking her mouth.

"Why did you tsking?" Yoru look at Saeko.

"Nothing." Saeko turned her head away.

After Shizuka finished cleaning Yoru's hands, the three immediately walked over to meet the others.

"Yoru, what kind of zombie was that?"

Yoru was a little confused to explain. He was silent for a moment.

"I'll explain later. Let's just get out of here while we have time. I don't have much energy left for the other zombies."

Yoru almost fell and looked pale after saying that and made everyone panic especially Saeko and Shizuka.

"I'm fine. I just need to rest a little. We're going to Taiei Shopping town now. Please wake me up when we're close."

And Yoru fell fast asleep after saying that.

Everyone panicked to see Yoru sleeping because they thought that he passed out. But Saeko who was hugging Yoru's body looked calm.

"You guys don't need to panic. Yoru is just sleeping. We'd better get out of here." Saeko said a little seriously.

Souichiro agreed with Saeko's proposal and told everyone to get ready to leave and head to Taiei Shopping town.


At another place. A car is seen moving slowly. 4 girls are seen inside. the two in the passenger seat are seen sleeping with their hands handcuffed to the seat. And the two in front are talking.

The girl sitting beside the driver was looking at a book.

"What book is it?" Ask the driver.

"I found it in the girl's pocket," she replied, pointing to one of the girls sleeping behind.

"Can you read it? Who knows maybe she's writing where the other shelters are." Said the driver.

"You sure?" The other girl felt bad.

"This is an emergency." The driver replied.

The girl was reluctant to read the contents of the book. After a few minutes, she closed the book.

"What's in it?" The driver asked.

"It is nothing." The answer.

"Well that's that then." The driver did not ask further.

The girl looked at the back seat and saw the two girls sitting in the back were fast asleep.

"We're really lucky." Said the girl with a smile after seeing both of them fast asleep.

"Yes." The driver answered with a smile on his face.


In the middle of the forest at night, a woman with long white hair was seen running through the thick forest. Behind her, several people with torches and wearing armor chased her.

"Shirley, stop!" Someone shouted.

The woman's name was Shirley. Even though someone calling her, she didn't stop her run.

'I don't want to go back to that place. I have to get out of here as soon as possible. For me, and for them.' The woman ignored the calls from those who were chasing her and kept running to get her out of their pursuit while caressing her stomach.


Yoru woke up and opened his eyes.

But he frowned because he saw something that shouldn't be in front of him.

He saw his own reflection in a mirror.

'This is my real face and body. But why am I seeing all this? Don't tell me.'

"So how do I use this mirror?" Someone spoke.

'I already guessed. This is my memory. So what do I do now?'

"I should be able to make ********* with this, but how?" Yoru who was standing in front of the mirror looked confused.

Since he didn't know what to do, he tried some strange gesture and pose but nothing happened. Until finally he held the mirror and a panel appeared in front of Yoru.

'Damn, I can't read it. I can't see this information yet.'

"Ahh... So it's like that. Then I'll make my ********* like this."


Yoru then woke up from his sleep and saw Saeko was in front of him. More precisely because he fell asleep on Saeko's lap, he saw Saeko's breasts right in front of him.

"Yoru, you are awake?" Saeko immediately looked down and found Yoru already awake.

Yoru tried to sit up but Saeko stopped him and told him to rest a little longer.

Because he doesn't have anything he needs to do. He accepted Saeko's offer and continued sleeping on Saeko's lap.

'System, I heard a notification about Lover Lvl. What does it mean?'

[Lover Lvl is used to set the Lvl of your lover. They can't Lvl up by themselves. They need your help or rather need your approval so they can Lvl up. You can set this to be automatic if you feel it's all troublesome thing]

'Then can you make it all automatic?'

[Alright, I will make Lover Lvl setting to automatic]

[And reminder. Your right eye modification is complete. You get 50 mana and 2 mana regeneration. Now I'm continuing on your left eye and it's already 30%. And you received a new mission]

[Mission: Close a space rift.

Location pinned on map.

Open in 10 hours.

Reward : Eye of Truth Second Seal Released.

Remaining time before the rift opened 09.48.53]

'Heh... Why so fast? How long did I sleep?'

[You fell asleep for 2 hours. And we will reach Taiei Shopping town in 30 minutes]

'Perhaps the modification will finish sooner than I thought. System, can you pin the clinic on the map that I can use to help Shizuka complete her mission.'


'Thank you. By the way, about this mission?'

[You have to close the space rift which will open in 8 hours. About how to close it. I don't know myself. I have to see what it is and how big the rift is]

'So we can't do anything?'

[Not for now]

'You think, should I do this with Saeko and Shizuka? Or do I do it myself?'

[Do it yourself. You're not strong enough to protect Saeko or Shizuka in an emergency yet. Rift usually occurs because of the intervention of God. Either intentionally or not. If you are alone. You have a chance to escape if what comes out of the rift is a creature you can't fight]

'So the risk is too high?'


'Sigh, I better strengthen myself faster.'

[You just need to be patient. I have a plan to strengthen you even faster]

'Okay, I will wait your further instructions.'

Yoru stopped talking to System because she heard Saeko wake her up since they had arrived at Taiei Shopping town.