
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · แฟนตาซี
104 Chs

Train travel to another city

The day of the sports tournament arrived, I woke up very early so I decided to watch TV. On television there was some news about some attacks by villains, commercials with superheroes, there were news about new heroes and heroes who were retiring.

"Woke up earlier too" Roxy said startling Zoe.

"What a scare," Zoe said.

"Can I keep company?" asked Roxy.

"There's not a lot of interesting stuff on TV, but if you want to watch it with me," Zoe replied.

After some time watching television Roxy got up to go to the bathroom, Zoe received a message from the school informing that the sports tournament was going to change its location to the city of Many in the state of Louisiana, it seems that 2 more schools will participate and that the school was going to pay the tickets for the students.

"Roxy, changed the location of the tournament" yelled Zoe.

Roxy's cell phone that was on the sofa starts to ring, Zoe thinks about checking it out, but decides not to betray Roxy's trust. Roxy who had come out of the bathroom is watching Zoe, when she didn't take her cell phone Roxy is happy.

"I think it's better to look up information about this city on the internet, I don't want any surprises" said Roxy taking her cell phone.

Zoe's cell phone starts to ring, Zoe answers it and realizes it was her father.

"Hi, do you have any plans later?" asked Zoe's dad.

"I'm rooting for my friends at the sports tournament," Zoe replied.

"Where is this tournament, do you want a ride?" asked Zoe's father.

"Don't worry, I'm going with my friends," Zoe replied.

"Take care, then I'll visit you and your mother later" said Zoe's father hanging up.

Roxy who was nearby realized that it was Zoe's father on the phone, she tried to get closer to listen but ended up falling into Zoe's lap. When Zoe finished talking to her father she looked at Roxy's face in her lap, Roxy was red in the face.

"Did you decide to sleep on my lap?" asked Zoe jokingly.

"It's comfortable, but no" Roxy replied getting up.

Zoe starts to see information about the new location where the tournament was going to take place, the schools that were going to participate and the train schedules.

"What you're seeing ?" asked Roxy.

"I'm just looking at the tournament information" replied Zoe going up to her room.

"Liz, Serena and Steve are waiting for us at the park," Zoe said, changing her clothes.

In the park we met with Liz, Serena and Steve. I saw some suspicious people following us, but I realized that one of these people was our neighbor who was a government agent so I was reassured.

"Looks like we have some people following us," Liz said.

"I think it's my neighbor and some government agents," Zoe said.

"All right then," Steve said.

After we talked, we decided on the places we would visit during the tournament and on the celebration if our school won, I heard a signal from my watch so I went to the bathroom, after I saw that no one was watching me, I looked at the clock and saw a message from Joe warning that there were dangerous people in town and that I had to be careful. I left the bathroom and saw two men at the door, I went home with Roxy angry, when I asked why she just said it was nothing. At home I packed my backpack, got some equipment to use in case something bad happened and rested until the time I scheduled with the group.

"Mom, we're leaving, we'll be back tonight," Zoe said.

"I'll meet you at the station," Zoe's mom said.

"Bye" said Roxy.

The train station was not crowded that day, we easily found the group and waited for our train. The train was huge and moving fast, it had a kind of force field that prevented people from approaching the tracks.

"The hero who created this kind of train must be a very rich person," said Steve.

"The hero who built these trains also built a lot of inventions, he's quite rich," said Zoe.

We took the train and arrived quickly at Many station, there were many people and it was completely different from the station in your city.

"We still have time before the tournament starts," Liz said.

"There are 3 places where the tournament will be held, do you know where the tournament Jack will participate in is going to be?" asked Serena.

"Yes" replied Liz.

Suddenly some people armed with skull masks appeared, people panicked and started running.