
Chapter 1 Let's Begin

So where should I start? Mmh maybe I should start with my name, Andrew Davis and yes it might not be the most exotic of names but it is mines. Anyways am what you would call a genius of sorts who has many achievements and awards under his belt, and made defeating chess world champions seem like a mundane affair.

However I did not become a "chess world champion face-slapping genius" over night. To be fairly honest I was a bit of a snort-nose brat who wanted nothing more then to cause trouble for his parents, so that they could give me the attention I desperately wanted. Well after months of tormenting my teachers and my parents being called in to school, I finally got what I wanted at the expense of my parents getting fired from their jobs which lead us into poverty and that was one of the lowest times in my life to the point of where I thought of end it all but thanks to the grant that we got from the government we were able to get by even if it was not enough to three people, we still could buy bread every day.

This made me determined to work because I knew that this was all my fault even if my parents did not want to admit it to my face. So I started to study like my life depended on it to the point where I developed a insatiable hunger for knowledge which caused me to jump a grade or two, I studied so much that I was always 5 grades ahead of every class that I was in but that still did not quench my thirst for knowledge, causing me to request to jump some grades but my parents denied me on the spot because they feared that I wouldn't be able to fit in with the children in the higher phases of learning.

However this did not stop me as I looked for new avenues to gain knowledge and stumbled upon a Vitube video about chess on my school's library computer ( I knew the librarian on a personal level😏) and I was completely entice by the amount of strategies and tactics you could use to capture the enemy king, and you how every decision you made could determine if you were going to lose or win. These reasons were enough for me to get into chess and that was one of best decisions I ever made because I wasn't just good at the game no, I was great at it to the point where I was in the top 50 in the world of chess, which in turn caused me to earn about $120 000 at the age of 10.

After 3 years of competing i finally got a chance to play a game with a chess world champion and I decimated him, but after the game he could not believe that he was defeated by a child, so he demanded a rematch which I agreed to, only the decimate him under 5 minutes this time around. This caused the chess world champion to admit defeat and give up his title after being defeated not once but twice by a child, but I declined the title because I didn't want to defend something every year just for other people's entertainment, this caused the world champion to became ecstatic but maybe because the judges saw how I easily defeated the world champion, I got more money then he did that day.

This caused my fame which was already high with people calling me the "chess prodigy" to sour up to Hollywood level and was only solidified when a chess playing AI company approached me about playing a game with their AI system. I happily agreed with their proposal, even if I knew they were only using me as a publicity stunt for their products because of how large scale their advertisement was for the this match which must have put a big hole in their economics cause the following month after I defeated them, they filed for bankruptcy.

By the age of 14 I was a millionaire who could earn hundreds of thousands of dollars just from appearances in events. This in turn made my parents get out of their financial situation and they did not need to work another day in their life's. It gave me joy and a bit of pride when I saw the smiles on theirs faces.

However my happy days were going to end just as they had began as my parents had an accident in the car that I bought for them just a few days ago. Tears fall from my eyes while I tried to keep a straight face as I watched their caskets lowered into the earth. It was too much for me because these people accepted me as one of their own when my biological parents left me to die in a dustbin when I was just a baby, and treated me like I was their own son without even telling me about my origin, which am very grateful for.

After months of mourning I started to go back to school because one of my parents last wishs was for me to live a normal life. I went to high school because I was 15 at the time and a 15 year old in grade 5 was not normal. The procedure of me entering the school was easy because my reputation spoke for itself (and being a millionaire contributed too😏)

After a few weeks I really wanted to leave school because it was too boring, I literally knew everything in every subject of every grade to the point where I would teach a class when a teacher was absent. However I had to stay so I could honour my parents last wish, even if I wanted leave.

So I live my school life to the fullest potential it could give me which was mundane at best but I did make a friends with a girl named Allanna who seemed to be from a foreign country, who kept on following me around like a stalker with her dog which was an Alaskan klee kai called Rayna, until I confronted her and then realized that she was just too shy to introduce herself properly so she just watched me from a far distance, which was weird but I still made friends with her because she usually seemed alone in school. We were so close that she would usually come to my house when things were hectic in her house, I never really asked what was going on at home but I was always there for her.

You must be wondering why didn't I get more friends?, well it turns out that am not only a genius and a millionaire but am also handsome, which made it really hard to make male friends unless they were not afraid of their girlfriends being stolen in front of them. The females was because of Allanna insulted and demoralizing them before they could even speak to me, which I did not mind because three was a crowd if you didn't count Rayna.

So that was my "normal life" but every now and then a so-called chess world champion would ask for a game, which I would agree upon only on one condition and that was for them to beat me in a RTS video game of my choosing which was something Allanna introduced to me when she saw how bored I was, however I was first on the fence about it but after a couple of games I fell in love with it, that I wanted to defeat every one who had played the games before from Vitubers to Zeamers which made the video game genre raise in popularity because of my competitiveness.

After years of defeating people who claimed to be the best in their respective games, I finally retired and went to University to get a degree in teaching. Allanna on the other hand had been acting very weird with her crying in public and calling me a cheater when we never even dated in the first place, and to make things worse she used threaten every girl I made contact with with knife to stay away from me.

This was the last straw, so I cut ties with her and completely stopped talking with her but every time we saw each other, I would feel unsafe as she stared at me with hollow eyes, however I tried to ignore it as I carried on with my day.(big mistake 🤦‍♂️)

After 4 months I heard a knock on the door of my dorm room which I had to myself, so I went to check it out only to find Allanna with a black hoodie on and her hair slightly hiding her beautiful face. Seeing her like this confused me but before I could say anything I was knocked out by a heavy object.

~{WARNING the next scene may be offensive, please skip if you are weak hearted} ~

As I regained consciousness i could feel somebody riding my little brother vigorously, as I tried to get up I was held in place by handcuffs on my arms and feet. This would have made alot of man very happy but for a virgin like me this was very traumatic as I watched blood fall down from my penis, she was a virgin as well.

So why would she go out of her way to do this? It really didn't make any sense, so I tried to stop her.

"Allanna stop!"

"Oh you are finally awake my love I thought you would never wake up, this makes things much more easier."Allanna said as her face was full of pleasure while increasing her speed.

"No stop.. I said stop!"

But my pleas went to deaf ears as she kept on going, when I thought my dick was about to break until she finally cummed.

" You... were... amazing but we are not done yet." she said with a bit of fatigue as she carried on, causing me to stop having any hope of her stopping.

This carried on for another 20 minutes until I started to feel something coming up, causing me little brother to harden up and feeling this Allanna went even faster, until I cummed into her womb,thats when she finally stop however she didn't get off me but had a knife in her hands a she look at me with loving eyes that made feel unsafe again.

"You definitely deserve to be my husband, and we shall be together for all eternity, never to live each other and never to hurt each other ever again my love. Zal mar wu huma zogo feta lumba qeih juyj olps." She said as she punctured my heart with her knife while saying some sort of ritual.

And then I died...


A/N: The first chapter of many to come
