
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Cavern Opens

Albert gathered his cosmo; enhancing his body; he uses his cosmo to form another lightning spear, then charged towards Orion.

Orion smiled at Albert's actions then also charged forward, his cosmo raging out like a tsunami. Both men jump into the air, their weapons clashing creating waves of pressure. Albert thrusts his spear towards Orion's heart with rapid thrust.

Orion dodges and parries most of the attacks; while some got through his defense making cuts on his shirt. Albert stops thrusting his spear; then does a cosmo enhanced Axe Kick down on Orion's head.

Orion holds his axes crossed above his head blocking the incoming strike. The strike connects with his axe's; the force of the strike is great sending Orion plummeting to the ground.

Cosmo gathers around Albert floating in the air; he begins to create multiple spears around himself, before sending them hurling towards Orion.

"Lightning Encasement!"

The spears strike into the ground, creating a hexagonal formation around Orion; Albert raises his arms in the air. The spears begin to emit heavy bolts of lightning, before the lightning arcs towards each other connecting them together; after the spears are connected together they send 6 beams of lightning towards Orion.

"This puny box won't be able to hold me!" Orion roars out as his cosmo gathers.

"Blood Barrier!"

Cosmo scorches out from the ground around Orion; cosmo red as blood gathers up around him forming a bubble. The beams of lightning impact with the newly erected shield; the clash of cosmo holding each other in place.

"You would foolish to think I am done, Orion!"

"Thor's Judgement!"

Albert gathers a large amount of cosmo around his lightning spear; it begins to grow as large as a tree trunk. He grabs the enlarged spear then plummets down towards Orion and his Blood Barrier; like a star falling towards the earth his body picks up speed, arcs of lightning sparking off of his body.

In the surroundings, Ryuji stands on a tree watching the intense battle before himself. The amount of energy these 2 men are able to dish out astonishes Ryuji,

"The power these 2 men possess is incredible, the might of Albert's strike is about as strong as a full force Silver Death slash from Teila'ro."

Albert and his spear finally clash with Orion's barrier; the ground around them begins to crack and plummet downward. One large crack runs toward the mountainside; it shakes the side of the mountain, but it doesn't do anything more than that.

As the barrier and the spear clash with one another, cracks begin to form on the barrier. Sensing the destruction of his barrier; Orion gather's cosmo towards his Axe.

"Bloody Swipe!"

Orion's axe begins to glow red with blood leaking off of it. He swipes his axe horizontally, creating a large slash of blood cosmo. Orion releases the barrier, jumping out of the way of the incoming strike; while sending off his own attack towards the falling Albert.

"I won't let you get away, you will pay for your crimes infidel."

Albert kicks off of his spear jumping towards Orion. The spear and the blood swipe collide together, exploding creating a big crater in the ground. Albert catches up to Orion then engages him in hand to hand combat.

As the 2 men fight their companions begin to walk towards one another. Both sides cosmo clashing into one another.

"It's been a while since our axe's tasted the blood of the Knights of Eailnoth; I do hope your blood will satiate my weapon." Says the smiling Crimson Squad member with a hooked axe in his hands.

The noble woman in Albert's group walks forward, her cosmo peaceful like the calm before the storm.

"Murderer today is the day you and your evil group shall fall; my blade shall sear through your evil ways!"

"I Hilda, swear by my honor as a knight to bring justice for the lives lost!"

Hilda grabs the sword on her back; placing it in front of herself. She gathers her cosmo; waves of red cosmo explode around her, burning the ground around. The sword begins to glow as all the cosmo gets sucked into it creating an inferno of blazing flames upon the sword.

Hilda lowers her sword and stares at the foe in front of her. The men behind her also gather their cosmo towards their blades and gather up behind her.

The Crimson Squad members grab their axes, and begin to walk towards Hilda's group.

"The intensity of your cosmo's are amazing, but let's see how good your combat skills are! I Ragnar of the Crimson Squad shall put your life and skills to the axe!"

Ragnar charges forward; cosmo gathering towards his feet. He then jumps into the air, encasing his axe in a blood red cosmo.

"Bloody Drop!"

Ragnar's axe begins to glow with dark red engravings. He begins to fall towards Hilda, red cosmo surrounding him. Before he hits the ground; he slams his axe into the ground.


A large explosion of red cosmo rushes out forward towards Hilda.

Seeing the attacks coming; Hilda slams her sword into the ground pushing her cosmo into the ground.

"Flame Wall!"

Flames begin to rise from the ground circling around her group. The blast of blood cosmo slams into the fire wall. The flames and blood begin to battle for dominance; however the flames start to burn away the blood.

Hilda grabs her sword out of the ground.

"Show them no mercy, CHARGE!"

Her men rush forward surrounding Ragnar and his comrade. They begin to attack in a formation; keeping the 2 men locked in place.

"Neil you handle these weaklings, I'll kill the woman."

"Bloody Water!"

Blood drops on the floor under Ragnar; he begins to fall into the blood vanishing from the encirclement. He then appears outside the burning blood by Hilda.

"My axes will enjoy your fiery blood, woman."

Both Hilda and Ragnar charge forward and clash in an explosion of cosmo. They disappear from sight, clashing in the air at crazy speeds.

As the three groups fight, the armor under the mountain begins to react from the multiple clashes of cosmo. The armor explodes out with an oppressive cosmo; the mountain around begins to shake.

Everyone sensing the changes in the mountain stop their battles and observe the mountain. Cracks begin to form on the outer wall of the mountain

A large chunk in the mountain begins to crack before it collapses creating a giant hole in the ground. A long dark cavern can be seen in the hole; many shadowy figures can be seen swaying in the darkness.

The armor stops releasing cosmo, then drops back down into the coffin.