
Rise of the Ice Empress [GL]

Yao Xiao, a prodigious disciple of the tranquil waterfall sect gets kicked for her dabbling in dual cultivation. When a sadistic cultivator beats her close to death, a mysterious force offers to save her life on one condition. That is.... ++++++++++ Updates every 3 days. The harem tag is not appearing on my tag list but I would like to inform you that the female mc will have a harem. Discord is here : https://discord.gg/53q5F9kC If you liked my work the please consider buying me a coffee at : https://ko-fi.com/bamboo_gossip

Bamboo_Gossip7 · แฟนตาซี
157 Chs

Another Xiao

'Tis a common rule that storage rings cannot hold within them entities with living qi. The design rejects other forms organism designated to be 'living'.

Then what of a being that can hide its qi to the point that it might as well be non-existant? Its newly blossomed will bestowed to it the privilege of consciousness, of life.

And it will be...nay, and she will he damned if she woulf let this knave touch her beloved that granted her the opportunity to live.

The moment Taolao's blade touched Liuming's finger, an ice blade ejected from the storage ring she wore and pierced his shoulder.

"GWAAAAAAAH!" Talao screamed in agony. An ice attack from such angle!? Impossible! Even more perplexing was the fact that the redhead used a qi element opposite to hers!

But the dreadful surprise that Liuming's storage ring had in store for Taolao was just about to be unveiled.

The usual glow of an object being released from a storage ring had been swapped with an icy mist, forming into the figure of a woman. A lavish red robe, one might consider the height of fashion in Jianghshan, in contrast to her usual white one. A figure Taolao despised, the figure of...

"Xiao! You came from the storage ring!? Your wickedness knows no bounds! What form of Demonic Technique is this!?"

'Query designated to be unimportant. Scanning not needed for his worth. Conclusion : Shut him up'

With one sway of her hand, this 'Xiao' lunged an ice spear at Taolao. Before the old fool could detect her qi, it had already gone through his liver, pinning him to the tree. A sordid decoration that she will soon tend to, right after she was done checking up on her beloved Liuming.

What was with the quality of the ice qi that kept him stuck to the tree!? It was far removed from the hateful ice that Xiao threatened him with in the restaurant! There is malice, yes, but toned to the point that Taolao does not feel bloodlust emanating from Xiao. And had she jumped several realms overnight for her ice to be this hard!? No matter how Taolao tried, the ice that kept him pinned were harder than diamonds!

Uninterested at the pitiful struggle of the old man, desperately trying to unlodge her spear, 'Xiao' approached the battered Liuming with gentle steps.

"You are..." Liuming found it unbelievable. How was this Training Mannequin, designed only to spar, knelt right in front of her!?

As her unlikely savior gently touched the bruise in her cheek, Liuming smiled. For even it she wasn't the real Xiao, this mannequin bore her image.

'Calculating the extent of damage done to Liuming. ALL must be returned tenfold...re-adjusting parameters for the old man, make it thirtyfold. Subject is now at ease, further establish assurance by saying comforting words.'

"You are now safe, object of my affection. Estimated time for me to clean up this trash will be no more than half an incense. Stay and we will soon have our moment, my beloved."

Liuming's smile faded, did the mannequin hold affection for her? Surely she just misheard!

She may look like Xiao but...she wasn't Xiao. They are in a harem, but they all agreed to it! This mannequin can't just barge into Liuming's life declaring her to be the Mannequin's beloved!

Right before Liuming could protest about this surprise relationship, an ice dome had been erected to protect Liuming from the doll's impending icy vengeance.

The mannequin walked towards Taolao, manifesting an ice sword in her right hand.

'Battle techniques of Zhen : 73% usable. Designating Xiao's as inferior and worthless. Sword Saint Mastery : Cleave the old man into several pieces, starting from his toes up to his torso. Scale of inlicted agony : 100%'

Panic struck Taolao as 'Xiao' approached him. Her eyes, devoid of any anger or emotion to that matter, giving 'Xiao' the aura of a cold-blooded murderer.

"Xiao, let's talk about this! I...I will stop my search for Fang Xuan, yes, let me go and this will he the last time you will ever see me!"

The tapping of Xiao's approaching footsteps was all the answer that Taoalo received.

Finally, Xiao was face to face with the old man stuck in the tree. The nonchalant look in Xiao's eyes gave rise to fear. It's like killing Alliance leaders like him was a hobby Xiao engaged every other day that she has now gotten bored of doing.

"I am begging you Xiao, my organization is vital in keeping harmony between the sects, you will regret it if you...GWAAAAAAH!"

An icy flash from 'Xiao's' blade and all ten of Taolao's toes were cut clean. The brutality of the act rebuffed by the perpetrator's stone-cold expression. No delight , only a directive that this man must be punished for daring to put his hands on Liuming.

No pleading will penetrate this mannequin's icy core.

His demise now certain, Taolao's tone took a different route, "You crazy bitch! I will unite ALL of Jiangshian against you, I'll make sure that your death will be more...GAAAAAAH!"

One wave of the mannequin's sword and Taolao emitted another bloodcurdling scream. His ankle severed in one swipe, making it firm that before the overwhelming power of this mannequin's cultivation, his threat had none to stand on.

"Please...Xiao...I have learned my lesson..."

From begging, to threats, and back to begging again. Taolao was more of a doll than the actual one, as this mannequin was able to peel his limbs in her leisure.


"Hey...Stop! Are you trying to kill him!" Liuming banged on her icy prison. She should be riveted that death is being served to Taolao but she cannot for the heart of her withstand the torture.

This gruesome sight engraved into the back of Liuming's mind, hammering into her the fact that this was truly not Xiao. It is a coldblooded killer wearing Xiao's skin.

The mannequin gripped her blade, an executioner taking her sweet time to pass the ultimate judgement.

Another slash.

Taolao's entire knee fell to join his limbs gathering below. The pain too excruciating that his consciousness is about to drift from the shock.

In a brutal arc, Xiao's sword jolted Taolao awake, his torso detached. Vestiges of his intestines hung like a macabre, meaty rope. His shriek was that of a man in his death throes. Enough to send shivers down the spine of his men frozen in place both from the terror, and this mannequin's power.

Half of a man now, all of his bravado was cut from Taolao. He will die. In a fashion most gruesome, like he was some meat carved up by this merciless butcher.

"You...you're a demon! You're a demon!"

What else would be capable of such brutality? Taoalo tried his best to unlodge the spear, the fear of death gripped his heart.

"Correcting the error in your description. I am a mannequin given life to stay forever by Liuming's side. Any that would impede this or cause harm will be subjected to eradication."

"What mannequin!? I am the one near death, but have you seem to be the one who has lost your mind, Xiao!"

"Further explanation now unnecessary. Die."

Flinching at the gruesome sight, Liuming hung her head at the sight of her mannequin beheading Taolao with her ice blade.

The men from the alliance all trembled as the mannequin turned her attention at them.

Of course, their leader was no match, the chance they had of besting this for was zero. To each their own, all of the men clad in black took to the opposite direction, running and jumping between trees. Even with the power she held, she cannot chase all of them at once.

'Calculating the most optimal way on how to deal with these insects. Solution found : Freeze all.'

The air around Xiao gathered a cold vortex. Leaves that sucked in were turned instantly into ice. Testament to the lethality of this mannequin's frost.

The mannequin raised its sword to the air sky, and with it, the vortex of ice arose to take on the form of Zhen's cultivation.

"Zhen's technique unlocked : Absolute Zero Dragon"

The majestic ice dragon hovered high above the forest. In its mouth channeled this massive amount of ice qi.

As the mannequin's blade pointed to the ground, the dragon unleashed a gargantuan ball of ice. The meteor made from pure ice crashed, unleashing this cataclysm that spread through the entire forest, blanketing it in frost.

With all the runaways taken care of, the mannequin walked towards Liuming and undid the ice dome.

By instinct, Liuming grabbed a spare sword from her storage ring, pointing it towards the mannequin.

The mannequin smiled in hopes of easing the tension between them. It was here that Liuming faltered, for this was not Xiao, this was a merciless mannequin that tortuered and killed someone in front of her...

...and yet her smile had Xiao's innocence.

"Stop...don't...don't come any closer!" Even Liuming's tone trembled from the confusion. And what the mannequin did next had Liuming gasping.

"Issuing declaration : Neither steel nor ice will hinder me from embracing you, my beloved."

Proving her extreme devotion for Liuming, the mannequin stabbed herself in Liuming's blade. There is pain, but the mannequin welcomed it for Liuming's sake. A blade wedged in what would have been her heart, the mannequin ended up embracing Liuming.

Another wave of confusion washed over Liuming. Perhaps she was just over reacting? The alliance had it coming. Could she put her trust in this mannequin and introduce her to the others?

"Ultimatum initializing : once Xiao is dead, you will be 100% mine."

Before Liuming could realize the terror of what the mannequin uttered, a chop on her neck with just the right amount of force knocked out Liuming, limping in the mannequin's arms.