
Chapter 233. Using the Siren Stone

The Jue Apes were almost as large as humans. They had hunchbacks. Dark blue fur covered their bodies, while long hair dangled from their heads. Their eyes were red. Those eyes were staring menacingly at Wu Di and Wu Chun. There were three of them. They just stood and watched.

"These apes are lower superior beasts, right…?" Wu Di asked. "The two of us should be able to take them if there are just three."

"Don't expect me to help you, bastard," Wu Chun said.

"Are you stupid or what? Can't you see their eyes are mostly on you?" Wu Di said. "I bet they are imagining all kinds of nasty stuff they want to do to you. Are you flattered? I bet no man ever looks at you that way."

"You bastard…!!"

Wu Chun didn't have an attractive face or body, but she was still angry if someone pointed it out. She was about to thrust her sword in Wu Di's direction in anger when they heard a rustling sound from above.