
Power of Two Realms

Lucas laid on the bed and slept like a log that night unaware of the unaware of the events unfolding elsewhere due to his awakening.

--Fallen Empire of Ovrosta--

The empire of Ovrosta was once the second largest and most powerful empire on the continent falling short only to the Holy Empire of Hadriel. When the current demonic invasion started Ovrosta was the primary force that held the demons back providing the smaller kingdoms and empires with magic equipment and mages to help them at the front lines. For an unknown reason the Holy Empire was unable to respond for some time leaving the burden solely on Ovrosta and the other smaller empires to hold the demons back. By the time the Holy Empire finally responded Ovrosta had already fallen due to an infiltration from several succubus that had survived the destruction of the Venom Plains.

Now there was another sitting on the imperial throne, Demon Emperor Belroth. As Belroth was giving orders to the same six generals from years ago a messenger barged into room and knelt on the ground proclaiming he had an important message. Normally such impudence would result in immediate execution which was just about to happen if a general did not hold Belroth back, Seeing this the messenger shivered in fear.

"I'm sorry my lord please spare this foolish and ignorant one!"

Belroth roared in anger.

"Enough with your begging! Tell me what was so important for you to risk execution!"

The messenger broke out into a cold sweat as he collected his thoughts.

"M-my lord the ones you sent to investigate the Kingdom of Dawn claim to have found information related to the fallen general Gaolun, the rest of the information is in this letter."

The messenger carefully took out a letter and held it out shakily as the emperor approached. Hearing what the messenger said Belroth walked over hurriedly and snatched the letter away while signaling for the messenger to leave. Seeing this the messenger heaved a sigh of relief before hastily exiting the room. Since Gaolun had died all those years ago Belroth had not been able to find a worthy strategic replacement for him, the only reason the demons were actually able to even make it as far as they had was due to Gaolun's previous preparations. Yet when it came to the Holy Empire they were at a complete deadlock, this fact had truly enraged the emperor. He had thought many times over that if he knew what Gaolun had been planning he could have easily crushed the Holy Empire by now.

'Finally! Although I never would have expected for news to come now of all times it's still fantastic. Perhaps it may even allow me to see piece together what exactly he was planning and how it led to his death, which could keep me from making a similar mistake.'

Thinking this Gaolun opened the letter impatiently desperately wanting to read it's contents, but once he did he just ended up with more questions than answers.

'He gave his life just to seal someone? The reason we were never able to find clues was because of the runes set up that absorbed the magic waves inside that prevented any magic traces from being detected on the outside. Who could of been so powerful that he felt the need to seal at all costs without telling anyone? No the fact that he didn't tell anyone should mean that he expected to come back without harm, did someone interfere? From what's written here the sealing should've been successful in the end anyway. It also appears the only reason we found anything now was because of the fact that someone broke in the altar and freed whoever was sealed there.'

As the emperor was looking over the letter with a stern expression lost in thought the demon generals were looking at him with puzzled expressions. They thought there couldn't be any information worth even sparing a thought about considering how long ago he died. Feeling their collective gaze the emperor finally spoke up.

"Haophuso, Koldu, Okral, Sunoz, and Gosand continue your current assignments, Krodden stay here I have a more important mission for you."

The five generals bowed and left while Krodden stayed kneeling awaiting his orders.

--Kingdom of Dawn Outskirts, Abandon Village--

Lucas woke up feeling refreshed and determined to start his training, he quickly took a much needed bath before putting on a clean pair of clothes Barthiz had found and washed the night before. Lucas left his room and was hit by the delicious smell of sausage causing him to rush to the kitchen with his mouth watering. When he got to the kitchen he saw Barthiz had just finished cooking and was setting plates at the table as Artemis sat there meditating until a plate was set in front of him. Over breakfast Artemis began speaking of the training.

"Lucas the first thing you must do is absolutely forget everything you've been taught up til now! I can sense the mediocre magic knight training you've been put through, this is without a doubt the wrong path for you!"

Lucas sat there stunned for a moment, if he was to completely disregard his current training what power did he have? Not only that but he had even been told in the past that despite his demon bloodline he seemed to have talent in the area of the magic knight, they commonly stated that they didn't understand how such a disgusting existence as himself could have any talent whatsoever. Sensing Lucas's doubt Artemis began to explain.

"While you've likely been told you are talented in the past, that is only because the ones training you were ignorant and knew nothing of your true potential. Listen to me Lucas the three realms Heaven, Overworld, and Hell should be considered absolutely separate even if they are connected. Each realm has it's own laws with the Overworld being the only place where they can interact. For example, we demons can use our cultivation here and the angels and gods can use their divine spells here but we can not use our cultivation in heaven and they can not use their divine powers in hell.

There is only one exception to this rule, the humans. They can use their magic spells in all three realms but of course there is a catch, they have no knowledge of how to cross between realms and neither us nor heaven will ever be willing to give it to them. You are another exception though as the way to cross through is in your very bloodline, you only need to amass enough power. You're a long way from that power though so let me get back to my original point. Since you are human and demon you have the potential to reach the pinnacle in both our cultivation that will strengthen your body and infuse you with demonic power and magic which will further increase your external control over your surroundings. Do you know what will happen once you reach the pinnacle in both paths?"

Lucas held his chin pondering the information he was being given while slowly shaking his head curious of the answer. Seeing this Artemis smiled before speaking again.

"If you reach the pinnacle of both paths you will be able to converge them into one creating an entirely new level of power surpassing the pinnacle of all three realms because while others have the power of a single realm behind them you will have two!"

Thank you for reading and giving my story a chance! Please comment if you see any mistakes I missed while editing, it is very much appreciated.

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