
Rise of Calamitous Elf

Ava was an ordinary girl until she ended up dying in a miraculous accident, left drifting the void as a soul she was met with nothingness until some mystery being decided to intervene and grant her a second chance at life. Only this second chance did not involve her being reborn as human, instead she ended up as an elf and her rebirth involved being dragged into a world of fantastical beings, magic, immortals, magical beasts, and a world far greater than she could ever imagine. She will have to rise in power quickly, as she would soon found out this world is not for the weak. To defend her new life she will have to become a calamity herself, otherwise she will lose everything.

Ravios · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Chapter 52 - Unlikely Alliance

Breaking through the reinforced doors Farrox was soon interrupted by a clamour of movement making him ready himself for battle.

However he quickly realised who the rabble was which instantly made him adopt an irritated expression.

The passengers of the ship have been hiding behind the reinforced doors to the lower decks since the battle began, some of them were already alerted by the loud noise caused by Farrox entrance and were approaching the Snakekin angrily with haughty expressions.

"Do you know who I am? If you don't take me to the destination promised I will…" A blonde upright human noble was unable to finish his sentence as his head left his body the second he threatened Farrox.

"Irritating humans, move out of the way or I will slaughter you all, move now. I have no time for this!" Farrox shouted with a bloodthirsty glint in his eyes scaring away all the fancily dressed fools who approached him.

He couldn't be bothered to waste his time chopping down these rich fools, although it was a pastime he felt enjoyment in, he was in no mood to do so when the chance of his prize slipping through his grasp was present.

He held no trust for that Gravenport old fox, the man reminded him too much of his kin, he wouldn't be surprised if he was already planning to slip away from the beginning whilst he does all the hard work.

Farrox knew all of men would likely end up tricked if he were to sent them here to get the job done, only he could trust himself for such a task.

Shame he had to kill the old bastard though, his perfect devious nature would make any Snake-kin hatch mother proud to tears.

Although he considered the Gravenports complete simpletons, he can admit the old human was tolerable to him, maybe enough for him to even consider making an ally if it didn't involve such a valuable specimen.

Anyways now the irritating passengers realised he was not to be trifled with, Farrox continued moving deeper into the ship until he was met by another reinforced door, this one seeming even more sealed than the previous.

"Looks like I found you…" Farrox smiled as his he forked his tongue.

He could already taste the presence of the delicious scent of a High Elf.

It was filled with power sending waves of excitement through him.

Elves were highly magical in nature making them a delicacy for Magical Beasts, Snake-kin partly shared their Magical Beasts nature and were a predatory race in general, eating humans was especially common, Elves were considered more delicious though and Farrox enjoyed savouring the hearts.

At that moment despite appearing as a humanoid species Farrox mouth began to elongate wide as drool dripped out of his mouth.

"Got to hold back… you got to hold, hahahaha, letting free really does this too me, spent too much time around these damn humans, the crew is slightly better containing many non-humans but even the beast-kin have been domesticated by the humans so called 'laws and rights', what rights does food have?" Farrox grumbled dissatisfied.

He didn't even pause as he continued, one punch smashed the door and the barricades behind it.

Farrox already saw the men responsible for blocking the entrance and they seemed to recognise who he was instantly.

One of them put his hands up hurriedly looking at how hostile he appeared.

"Wait we're on the same sid…" Farrox didn't even let the man speak he already let loose on the Gravenport goons.

"At least these lot can provide a good exercise before the finale… maybe even a little snack? Otherwise I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back when I see such a perfect delectable…" Farrox found himself once again drooling as the thought of tearing into High Elf flesh filled him with desire.

Farrox could no longer hold back as his eyes glazed red just like his serpent.

Forming such a close bond in blood and soul had consequences, even Druids would not be as heavily influenced by the magical beast bloodline contained within them as it was just the will of the blood trying to influence their thoughts, however a Snake-kin would fully accept a magical beasts mind interconnecting with their own, it would change anyone's nature fundamentally never mind an already predatory race like the Snake-kin.

Farrox lost himself to his bloodlust as he tore through the goons one by one.

Even Farrox could not resist the bloodlust ingrained in the River Serpent psyche that pushed into his mind from the bond, however at least he had a group to vent on delivered to him.

The battle with the Druid has stimulated the Serpent to the maximum causing even him to be heavily influenced.

"What are you doing, we had a deal!" A man screamed as Farrox blood red eyes didn't even blink as he continued towards the cowering man.

"Food tastes better with fear." Farrox smiled as blood dripped out of his mouth, at that moment his mouth fully elongated as it stretched over the mans screaming head with a smack his jaws closed ending the screaming as the corridor suddenly turn still.

An assortment of human remains littered the floor, as bits and pieces of different body parts were scattered about creating a scene of carnage.

Loud gulping sounds occurred as Farrox neck stretched unnaturally wide as the shape of the mans face was shown in his neck muscles as he continued gulping causing it to move down and down until it disappeared completely.

"That hit the spot, now I think the Elf is just around the corner right? I think that's what the other guy said before I ripped his arm off…" Farrox said with a light smile.

At that moment Farrox noticed the complete silence.

"Looks like the battle ahead has resolved. Hmm?" Farrox noticed from the beginning the presence of another battle.

It could only mean that one of the High Elf protectors was engaging with these men, but likely not a particular strong one considering he was held back by these weaklings.

Suddenly Farrox felt another wave of intense thoughts hit his mind as the thoughts of his Rivers Serpents hunger for the Druid echoed through his mind and body.

"Damn Serpent becoming too strong, the elders couldn't be right could they?" Farrox thought for the first time doubting himself.

The elders warned him that he was not mentally strong enough to handle stronger magical beasts, it was one of the reasons he ended up with a River Serpent and got mocked, that he who came from a noble bloodline with great talent, who always excelled too only be deemed as being too mentally weak?

It was why he sneakily selected a River Serpent with dormant Flood Dragon ancestry, it was minor, an insignificant amount of dragon blood but enough to heavily mutate the River Serpent bloodline if awoken to the point it will allow it to break its bloodline shackles and provide him a magical beast every bit as strong as the one that should have been HIS!

"No… NO!" Farrox shouted at the wall, he can handle this, it's just heightened instincts to have a taste of some of that succulent High Elf flesh…

At that moment Farrox did not care he just had to continue, he had to compete his goal to prove his elders wrong.

Rounding the corner he soon found something unexpected awaiting him.

"What?" Farrox mumbled in disbelief.

Before him stood the strange scene of the Gravenport senior with a few of his men left alongside a bloodied but determined looking elf.

Ardon Gravenport just smirked at him and said, "What? I couldn't make an alliance knowing you're going to slaughter us all, I won't sit back and do fuck all but let you give me an easy death. I know your strength treacherous Snake, even combined we have little hope, but I ain't lowering my chance of survival to make this shit easier for you…"

Xandas himself was reluctant but had to agree with the gang bosses logic, they were fighting hard, he had already taken down a good number of his goons but at that moment they were disturbed by the loud noises of the slaughter of Ardon's men.

Xandas knew someone capable of one-sidedly butchering those men like this far outmatched him, he only lasted this long so far by using the tight, close quartered environment of the cabin room to reduce the effectiveness of the goons numbers, the corridor was far more spacious and the monster in front of him had taken down over a dozen capable men without as much a scratch on him.

Therefore when Ardon hurriedly compromised telling him this was their only hope of survival, he knew his only choice was to accept his offer, if he hesitated and the thing responsible if he let that thing get ahold of his daughter, then he'd fail himself and the promise he made to his wife in those final moments.

However contrary to their expectations the Snake-kin looked positively bemused by their alliance, in fact it was straight up grinning.

Xandas already felt his hairs stand up on its edge as he saw the things eyes roved over him.

He had never previously met a Snake-kin before however he knew they were apart of the Beast-kin making them considered an intelligent race, but the thing before him does not seem to resemble anything with humanity inside it.

Its eyes seemed to roam them like a predator, blood dripped from its mouth and fangs as it lazily stretched open its mouth showing its large teeth to the group of shivering goons.

The only people present who looked Farrox in the eye was Ardon and Xandas who both looked at others in grim realisation.

'We're totally screwed aren't we?' Their expressions seem to indicate, yet they showed no signs of backing down as they held their weapons with the steadiness of a statue.

"How how interesting, but alas this changes nothing, and you know what, usually I may try to even turn you on that little Elf there by suggesting I'd let you go if you give me his head… however haha I honestly do care what you do, I'm just going to feast on you like I…" Farrox said his smile growing wider and wider.

At this point one of the goons could not hold his nerve anymore and screamed suddenly charging at the Snake-kin.

Farrox lazily caught the goons weapon with his bare hand, before punching a hole through his chest with the other in one smooth movement.

Shaking the man off his arm with a hint of disgust.

"With an Elf around he stinks like shit… how could I have ate that crap?" Farrox said his gaze growing crazier by the second, his words growing incoherent.

Ardon already grew suspicious as he murmured, "Damn Snake is growing a mental demon, he's losing his mind to his Magical Beast, this is what happens when a Snake-kin bonds to a beast with a will stronger than them, damn idiot must have thought entering a bond with a beast holding a dragon bloodline even if it's weak is that simple…" Ardon cursed in annoyance.

He heard rumours the boss of Azure-serpents was a Snake-kin, however word of it was fairly recent and was never confirmed, yet he felt there was a good chance it was true.

Therefore he knew the risks beforehand but how could he have known that damn Snake would lose his mind?

At that moment Ardon shouted, "Everyone attack at one, he's becoming berserk it's our only chance."

Xandas was already on the move with Ardon as they both attacked the beast as one.

The remaining goons also tried to intercept the Snake-kin, they knew it was not a chance in hell to bypass him by now, he wanted blood and was here for it.

Farrox barely moved he was too busy shaking his arm as his thoughts became messy, only with the hectic thoughts of his Serpent battering into his mind and that damn stinky human blood.

However at that moment he felt the air move, "Huh?"

Farrox said as he felt five blades smack into his flesh, three of them bounced off harmlessly, not even strong enough to leave the slightest scratch, as a Tier 9 warrior his flesh was already thick and powerful.

Yet two of them were targeted at his weak points and were hit with great precision, skill.

He felt a slight pain he felt the presence of two wounds opening up.

"Wounded?" Farrox said with wonder, Ardon and Xandas just looked in shock and helplessness as the their two full powered blows merely left two small scratches against the neck and abdomen on the Snake-kin.

In fact Xandas was already impressive to leave a tiny wound, even if its extremely insignificant, there was already a great tier separation between them and Farrox was no ordinary ninth Tier warrior.

"Wounded…" this time Farrox said it with even more venom as his mind went chaotic.

Ardon Gravenport and Xandas instincts screamed at them to dodge which they did.

The three remaining goons however were not so lucky as the Snake-kin moved in a whirlwind as three newly heads were soon separated from their bodies.

With the last of his men dead Ardon grew to the grim realisation of his failure this time.

However at the point of his death, the fate he has been avoiding over and over, betraying, killing, doing everything he could to survive, at the final point where he was finally meeting his end, he found it so easy to just accept it.

"Looks like I'll be joining you after all…" Ardon mumbled as he thought to his family that had long met their end at the guillotine block.

'I should have died with you…' Ardon smiled as he stared into the eyes of the raging Snake-kin.

There was hardly anything left in his gaze at this point, no mercy to be seen.

He felt so empty in the end, was turning his heart so black worth it, at the end he finally realised he cared far more for that misfit of a family than he thought, he was fine to die here, he accepted it was time to go.

That was Ardon Gravenports last thoughts as Farrox arm ripped right through his chest tearing out his still beating heart.

Arton felt his vision go black as his life faded completely.

Witnessing a warrior stronger than himself die so easily Xandas felt a deep pit of despair.

He held a faint hope when the sneaky warrior offered an allegiance to defeat the Snake-kin but now he realised they never stood a hope in hell from the beginning.

"I'm sorry I failed you… I'm sorry…" Xandas muttered helplessly but still gripped his blade strongly. He was a warrior, he would never die on his knees without putting up a good fight.

Farrox seemed to notice as those crazy blood red eyes of his turned intelligent for a moment.

"Proud are you? Think you're better than me?" Farrox insecurities shown instantly, his hated of Elves came from their unity, the community they held, his family were as treacherous to their own as others, he had never known love and was cold-blooded for it.

Although his mind was screaming for him to KILL, he held it back as he wanted to draw this one out for him.

Moving to Xandas he simply caught the Elves sword hand as he made a well executed swing for him.

With a simple effortlessly movement a loud crack was held as Xandas hand was now bent backwards.

"Ahhh!" Xandas groaned loudly in pain for a moment before he gritted his teeth and didn't make a further sound, instead he used his lunged a sneakily targeted short-sword strike with the other hand as the Snake-kin reacted to his pained shout in satisfaction.

Unfortunately he failed to land yet again as the Snake-kins body curved in an unnatural way causing the blow to miss, before he easily caught his other hand taking no effort to snap that one either.

Farrox grinned finding the sounds of bones snapping music to his ears as he said, "You won't be leaving any more wounds little Elf…"

Farrox was already irritated at the first one that had long since closed over and healed, it was tiny and minuscule but still damaged his pride as a Snake-kin elite warrior.

Due to his crazed state the Snake-kin failed to use any magic at all from the beginning to end of the confrontation, yet now he had a spell in mind.

"Water Whip." Farrox mumbled as he poured a fairly good deal of power into it, he wanted to humiliate him.

Sending down a harsh whip Xandas slumped to the ground letting out a whimper, Xandas gritted his teeth in pain as he refused to submissively shout out to the stupid snake.

"You will beg for mercy…" Farrox shouted filled with the need to torment the Elf, however at this moment a sharp soft cry sounded out.

"STOP! Don't hurt him, you can take me just leave him alone!" A small figure started running out as a little elf who slightly bore resemblance to the one he was pummelling came out.

"Ahhh… so the guest of honour has finally arrived." Farrox smiled gently for the first time, he pushed back fiercely against the dangerous thoughts screeching in his mind as he fought back the bestial urges of his serpent.

"No Ava don't… why didn't you stay hidden? Run now don't worry about me…" Xandas pleaded the little Elf making Farrox released a sadistic grin at the realisation.

"Oh how adorable… all this weakness for a tiny clutchling." Farrox said with complete disdain.

Shake-kin would never be so weak, so soft, however he finally found something that will make the Elf cave.

Approaching the Little Elf he hoisted her up, placing a hand on her throat as he gripped it slightly.

"So delicate…" Farrox suddenly said before the urge to consume filled him.

His mind suddenly felt so lost, why don't I give into the hunger?

His past intentions soon faded away, the act of tormenting Xandas has now disappeared completely, only the warm, powerful blood that pumped through the small creatures veins filled him with desire.

"Take me, NO NOT HER!" The screams of a voice sounded out but he completely ignored it, his mouth opened wide to consume.