
Rise of Calamitous Elf

Ava was an ordinary girl until she ended up dying in a miraculous accident, left drifting the void as a soul she was met with nothingness until some mystery being decided to intervene and grant her a second chance at life. Only this second chance did not involve her being reborn as human, instead she ended up as an elf and her rebirth involved being dragged into a world of fantastical beings, magic, immortals, magical beasts, and a world far greater than she could ever imagine. She will have to rise in power quickly, as she would soon found out this world is not for the weak. To defend her new life she will have to become a calamity herself, otherwise she will lose everything.

Ravios · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Chapter 41 - Alchemist (2)

Arriving in a large bedroom they found a sickly women laid down on a large bed.

She appeared decrepit and devoid of strength, seeming listless. However despite the mature women on the bed resembling a skeleton as she laid weakly, hidden within her eyes was great strength that refused to burn no matter how weak she looked to be.

Ava found herself present in the room with Xandas behind her looking down with concern.

Originally Xandas and Hertha seemed to think it was not right for a young child like Ava to see the state of her mother, however Arwen insisted she be present.

He fully intended to train her the ways of Alchemy upon witnessing her talent at learning herbology from him therefore he wanted her to get use to seeing such things, and to also see firsthand how miraculous the art of Alchemy is.

Arwen was that confident he can heal the woman no matter what state she was in as long as she was below the Monarch realm which is why he made such assurances.

The mature women seemed to notice the rooms occupants as she weakly looked at them, her voice sounded hoarse as if she had not drunk for weeks as she said, "My daughter… am I seeing things…"

Tears seemed to fill Hertha's eyes as she looked down upon her Mother as she replied, "They are real Mum, he is here to help you."

The mature women eyes opened slightly as she stared particular hard at Arwen who was the one Hertha gestured too as she said, "Oh… are you going to tell me I'm not sick too?"

Arwen gently smiled as he said, "No, in fact I know something is wrong."

With surprising strength the old woman suddenly said strongly, "Finally! Someone believes me, I'm not paranoid, I can feel something wrong with my body! I know it's true! I know!"

That sudden surge of strength evaporated quickly as it came as the old women seemed to sag back into bed after spouting those words with conviction.

Arwen simply placed his hand on the women's head seeming to perform some technique before he scrunched his eyebrows with anger upon realising what was wrong.

"Poison!" Arwen shouted.

The occupants in the room stared in shock at Arwen's proclamation especially since they only saw him place his hand on the women's head to identify the problem.

"But how? Those physician checked her blood and everything yet found nothing…" Hertha mumbled in denial at realising her Mother maybe not ill but was targeted all along.

"It's a malicious poison… very rare. Whoever did this had connections or had a lot of luck to acquire it and wanted it to remain hidden, it would be hard for me to find it if it wasn't for the disparity in our cultivation levels. Now luckily I have just the pill to expunge such a thing." Arwen said calmly before he grasped a pill from thin air, presenting it to the eyes of those present.

Ava upon seeing such a pill eyes gleamed. Immediately they all smelt a strong medical scent from the pill revealing the quality of the ingredients.

Hertha body stiffened upon realising the expense that Arwen was likely making for this as she said, "I don't think we can afford such a pill…"

Hertha said it with hesitance as it was something that could save her mothers life but in the end she did want to take something she cannot reasonably pay for.

Arwen just laughed as he said, "It's all fine. I would insist to provide it to you anyways, let's just say take it as a thanks for your kindness towards my apprentice. We Druids have a strong belief in Karma."

Arwen then gently placed the pill towards the mature women's mouth.

Hertha's mother seemed to maintain consciousness during the conversation but was unable to respond mostly since she was too weak.

Now though she seemed to come to life as she received the pill, feeling it dissolve in her mouth, she quickly gulped it down without hesitation as she suddenly felt a warm stream fill her body.

Suddenly she let loose a loud groan before she began trembling.

Hertha eyes filled with worry however that evaporated as the old women seemed to sit up and began vomiting large swaths of black blood.

Hertha remained concern though felt relief as the black blood clearly represented Arwen diagnosis was right. Luckily Arwen placed a bowel for the old women in front of her before hand, which she was able to hold onto as she expurged the poison.

Afterwards the mature women stopped, despite her body still remaining frail and weak, her eyes glittered a newfound light as she said, "I feel so much better! I feel like I want to move though child I'm so tired, I would like to thank you sir, but my body is still…"

The mature women then trembled as she felt herself forcing to keep her eyes open.

In the end she was still too weak after spending that much time on bed rest with the poison running through her body.

Arwen maintained his gentle smile as he replied, "It is fine rest now."

The mature women fell back asleep, despite the weakness in her body, she clearly looked more peaceful and full of vitality now that she slept.

Hertha looked at Arwen full of great fullness as she replied, "Thank you! Oh thank you, how can I repay you?"

Arwen just replied, "I'd enjoy another cup of tea. Though your Mother has now removed the poison, keep feeding her these pills for nourishment, it should speed up her regaining enough strength, then she should recover fine on her own naturally."

Hertha just nodded with great happiness, all whilst Ava stared at the scene with a newfound determination.

'So this is what it means to be a Druid.' She thought looking at the scene. It seemed this was all about chance, but she knew Arwen actively would look for situations like this. When they can help out a person in need like Hertha they would, it was not all about profit for a Druid, they naturally went about sharing acts of kindness.

Sometimes these acts would reap their own rewards. The amount of people a Druid help are countless, but maybe only a small amount would think about paying them back, though the gifts these people give are enough to sustain the Druids charity to many more.

It was a continuous cycle.

Ava found herself dreaming of becoming an alchemist. She knew from looking at the pill Arwen provided it was extraordinary, it must have required adept technique yet it was only a basic pill that can deal with a poison that none of most proficient Physicians around the City could detect. It made her mind full with the possibilities of what more an alchemist can do.

She found herself even more eager to arrive at Rarmose Academy as soon as possible.

'I need to ask Arwen about becoming an alchemist soon as I am able.' Ava thought as she found herself enjoying the joyous atmosphere of Arwen curing Hertha's mother.

Tomorrow she would be leaving for Kaldor.