

[System Alert Lab Containment Breach Detected Complete Lock Down Commencing.]

Returning to the Lab Val and Mara were greeted with yet another high level alert, one that spoke of a breach, did someone enter while they were fighting for the past 5 days? How could anyone enter the lab under such close watch, feeling that something was not right they made their way to the control room of the lab.

"I'll scan the system to see were the breach is then we can go check it out, what every came in is gonna be met with a fierce beat down let's go Val!"

"Right, Right lead the way remember this lab is full of a lot of breakable things don't flare up!" Valara teased.


In the depths deep beneath the lab is a youth sitting on his elongated tail that spreads throughout the sealed room. Within the dark room with no lights his two eyes shine, one a crimson blood red staring at the sealed door while the other shines a light green both burning through the darkness of the room.

Liquid fills the floor of the vessel, the wires meant to monitor him still attached as he sits waiting for the two fools make their way to him. shrouded in darkness he waits for his freedom, as breaking out would only damage the lab. Knowing that they will free him, he chooses to sit and wait.

Three days of waiting is now all that stand in his way from roaming about the world, with no one to ever again restrain him and so he waits.



Walking up to the old Bisar General is one of his aids saluting after passing him a report.

"Dismissed Make sure no one comes to bother me even if it is Vargas that came to met me personally, make him wait for as long as you can! Now go."

"Yes General"

Reading the report brought to him, Gal starts to laugh his plans can now start, the report shows all data about the still sleeping Guardians within each lab on planet Teress. Showing that only two Guardians have been awoken, the next one being ten years at the most from waking up.

Five being the shortest, the report also shows heavy damage in the lab the Guardians currently live inside. Some of it being repaired by them and the systems showing little to no loss of life was caused by the damage due to the lab collapsing in those areas.

"Good rest well young Guardians sleep through your end, waking up now will only cause you endless pain so sleep as I remove you from this world. Gal said as he moved over to his chair in the center of the bridge.

"Distance the fleet from planet Teress. Once the Planetary Cannon lines up the Planet and the Void Gate fire. I'll take the shields down just make sure once we fire we are able to warp away , they already suspect we are plotting against the Guardians so it's best we leave before they are given time to act against us." Gal said looking at his soldiers controlling the cannon.

"Yes General it shall be done!" shouted a young officer, leading another 4 Bisar officers out of the room.

"Good." Looking out at the distant planet Gal starts to laugh.

"Watch as your Masters die, with our weapons reaching this realm of power why rely on monsters to protect us,you should have let them die killing each together. Once we fire the laser at the Void Gate you will be overrun, by the Creed waiting within the void as they descend upon planet Teress finishing off what the Cannon could not. Farewell Vargas loyalist dog, rest well with the Guardians inside the Creed!"


"Val why are you naked." Shaking her head Mara leads the way to the Breach detected by the system.

"The suit is just retracted inside my skin so relax, not like it hides much anyway. Keep moving I want to get back into the training room as soon as possible.

Ten thousand years I don't believe that crap, why scout this early if the main force is so far behind. I don't like this, so we should hurry and keep fighting each other till they come." Valara said clenching her small fist.

After reaching the area the system showed them on the map, they began to look around at the many barriers set up around the damaged containment vessel. Walking up to the Giant sealed double doors, both girls know that whatever was or is behind this was either a weapon used for the most dire of times or secret information not within their memories.

The barriers seemed to part when they came close, making them think this was indeed something they had to inspect.

"Child before you go any closer, tell me what lies before you? Is he still there or has he destroyed the seals and escaped!?" Sophia's panicked voice is then heard Coming from Mara's wrist bracelet. Causing both girls to stop right in front of the Seal on the final Door.

"Let me out already dammit!" Echoed out of the containment vessel shocking both girls.

"Who is that!?" Both girls asked each other and the Generals who were monitoring them off planet.

Vargas speaking up through the wrist bracelet spoke out first. "That.. he too is a Guardian letting him out is up to you both we have no say in the matter." after saying so both Vargas and Sophia cut the feed.

"Shit I think this is bad Mara step back I am going to open it" Val walked up to the seal an began the process releasing the locks to the barriers sealing the doors.

"Val you sure about this, what i-."

"Relax the seals are weak if he wanted out he could have just destroyed this whole area, the reason he stayed inside is to not kill the others who are sleeping nearby. because of that I am letting him out."

"Alright. I'll let the Generals know then"

As soon as Val unlocked the seals the chains and barriers began to break and shatter one by one dropping to the ground causing small craters, showing the might of their strength.

Even before the Gate started to open to reveal the entire inner chamber, they could both see a male youth similar to Val 'nude' for all to see sitting on his massive tail that coiled around him like a large serpent. His two eyes shining through the darkness within the room one blazing through the dark with golden luminescence the other a deep crimson blood colored red.

"Finally I waited 3 days for you to finish the fodder outside, any later and you both would join our kin in death. But it seems I'll be able to save the two of you and those in this lab."

Dashnell speaks to the two panicked girls as his words cause them to feel despair. They both stare into his eyes in disbelief only to see that both of them are now emerald green just like Valara's.

As he walks past the two girls Valara moves to stop him.

"What do you mean they will die? Explain!! Stop walking away from me dammit!" Val screamed pulling her lance out bring it to his neck.

Her Green eyes filled with tears, as she sees the lives of countless Guardians dying to the poison yet not a single one stopped until they finished their work to insure their descendants survived.

Turning to the girl who's rage filled eyes are filled with tears Dashnell smiles.

"I see you don't have the ability to see into the future yet, pity. Alright I'll tell you two minutes from now the Bisar fleet fires their new found weapon at this planet destroying 60% of it, drilling a hole into it but that's just minor, the real target is the Void Gate. Once it fires the path that those 3 warships took is going to open. And in five years the Creed will engulf the rest of this planet destroying everything the cannon missed."
