
Gossip can also increase fame 1

"Ling Yang, I heard you and Xiang Feifei are dating."

"Ling Yang, please tell me, how did you successfully win the school belle's heart?"

"Ling Yang, you are awesome! How did you do that? Could you please tell me?"


The moment Ling Yang entered the classroom, a group of boys came up and surrounded him, all talking at once.

"What's going on?" Ling Yang was taken aback. He then realized many people saw Xiang Feifei talking to him in the canteen and that's not surprising that his classmates knew it.

"Come on! We are not dating! Xiang Feifei and I are normal friends." Ling Yang explained.

"Normal friends? You are talking nonsense! Everyone knows Xiang Feifei is a cool beauty. If you were not close friends, she wouldn't have take the initiative to talk to you." A boy stated seriously.

A handsome boy sat on his chair, surrounded by three other boys.

One of the three boys taunted, "What is he proud of? Xiang Feifei only talked to him."

"Well, Ling Yang is much more arrogant recently," Another boy standing there said.

The rest one gave a contemptuous glance at Ling Yang being surrounded by a group of boys, and talked to the handsome boy, "He is so cocky lately. Mr. Zhang, shall we teach him a lesson?"

The handsome boy was called Zhang Tianran. He was born in a rich family. He was also a straight A student and always among Top 3 in the class in every test. Therefore, he was popular in Class 9. Most girls were attracted to him.

Zhang Tianran was very picky about his girlfriend. He had been chasing after Su Xiaoyou for a long time. Su Xiaoyou was also a school belle, equally famous with Xiang Feifei.

Xiang Feifei was a student of music art and proficient in zither; while Su Xiaoyou excelled at literature. Su Xiaoyou began to write novels, proses and poems since a junior student. Her works had been published in newspapers and magazines at municipal and provincial levels. She wrote a novel - Adolescents Are Always Brimming with Romantic Feelings, and sold millions of books. The number was not less than that of popular novelist.

Therefore, Xiang Feifei was called the Goddess of Music, while Su Xiaoyou was the Goddess of Literature.

Different from Xiang Feifei's cold character, Su Xiaoyou was soft and kind. But Su Xiaoyou's admirers were less than those of Xiang Feifei. Most people would feel ashamed of themselves when facing Su Xiaoyou. However, Zhang Tianran was not one of them. He had been chasing after Su Xiaoyou since his freshman year in senior high, but Su Xiaoyou refused him every time.

Though Zhang Tianran was targeted at Su Xiaoyou, he also had some feelings for Xiang Feifei. He felt quite uncomfortable when hearing Ling Yang and Xiang Feifei were dating.

"How should we teach Ling Yang a lesson?" Zhang Tianran asked the three boys around him.

"We can hire the gangsters to beat him and record the whole process." One of them suggested.

Zhang Tianran shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work. Ling Yang is skilled in kung fu. You guys don't know that Xue Yuancheng once hired six gangsters to teach Ling Yang a lesson, but Ling Yang knocked them out."

Another won offered after thinking for a little while, "We can put a wallet in his drawer, and discover it in front of everyone."

Zhang Tianran shook his head again, "No one would believe that."

"Ah, I have an idea!" The third boy gave a vicious smile and whispered something in Zhang Tianran's ear.

After hearing the idea, Zhang Tianran cast the boy a scornful glance, "This idea is so disgusting, but I think it will work. You shall do it!"

The boy gave a bitter smile.

"If all goes well, I will invite you to the Paris's Spring," Zhang Tianran added.
