
New World

When I opened my eyes,

Everything was blurry and I was in pain.

"Damn it, where am I?"

My head hurt so much.

I felt dizzy.

I tried to move my hands, but what I saw was strange. My hands had become very small as if I were a baby.

What is this madness? Why did my hands become this size?

And my chest was very warm as if there was something radiating heat inside it.

At that moment, I didn't realize what had happened to me, so I tried to stand up. I couldn't, so I tried to speak, but instead, I screamed like a child.

My voice was like that of a newborn baby.

In that moment of fear, a beautiful woman appeared. She had short black hair and bright eyes. She was not tall or short, and her body was gentle, with a medium-sized chest, but her beauty was distinctive.

She looked at me with a wide, happy smile. Why is the crazy woman smiling? But her eyes were filled with compassion, and she was speaking a foreign language.

And the strange thing was that I understood everything she said.

She was saying, "My dear baby, why are you crying?"

And she carried me in her arms.

At that moment, a man with a big beard came. He was a handsome man with black hair, tall, with a small nose and black eyes. He came to me quickly too.

He smiled and hugged the beautiful woman and kissed me and said to me,

"Why are you crying, boy? You made your mother worry about you."

A woman came from behind. She had cat ears and was wearing maid clothes. She was smiling too.

I don't know why they are so happy in this strange way!

wait a moment ?! 

Is this a cat ear?!

I have finally gone completely crazy.

Is what I am seeing now true?

Wait for a... moment

Is this tail?

When I saw this, I was amazed.

But I tried to calm down, and strangely, I quickly became calm.

I concluded one of three things:

Either I am a crazy psychopath, and all this is an illusion that my mind weaves with complete professionalism.


I am under the influence of a strange drug used by one of my enemies against me.


I am really in another world.

But I don't care, and there is nothing I can do.

The man in front of me is my father, and the woman carrying me is my mother.

Did fate give me another chance in life? At that moment, I remembered what happened a moment ago in the darkness.

Was this real? Did I really go to another world? How did this happen?

When I looked at my parents again, I found something above them. When I looked closer, it was the word


I thought about the word, and it slowly faded away.

A large sign appeared next to my mother, with the following written on it:

Name: Rehab

Feels: great love for you

What is this sign? Why do I suddenly feel like I'm in a game? What is this madness?

Who is the son of a b*tch who is doing this to me? I will kill you in the worst possible way.

I looked at my father and decided to try. I thought of the word


The sign above my father disappeared, and a new one appeared in its place.

Name: Amir

Occupation: Mayor of the town

Feels: love and hope towards you

"I love to use my mind, but I don't like to rape it.

I am now using all of its capabilities to understand what is happening.

But there is no logic, I am dead, and I remember the feeling of death. It is painful, but it is not the right time to tell you how painful it is, because you will experience it. Everyone will experience it one day.

Suddenly, a stupid sign appeared in front of me:

Special Abilities





I was amazed by these things, but my shock was not complete until what happened, and the word "explanation" appeared, and at the beginning of each word, the explanation came next to it."

Status: You can use this ability to see the state of the people around you and their feelings towards you. You can also raise the level of this ability to see it in more detail.

Characteristics: You can use this ability to see your own characteristics.

Skills: You can use this ability to see your skills and raise their level.

Store: You can use this ability to buy what you want from the store.

When I saw the explanation of these abilities, I understood what they do. So I decided to do an experiment.

Therefore, I thought of the word "characteristics".

A sign appeared to me with the following text:

Name: Joker

Level: 0

Occupation: None

Health: 100/100

Strength: 1

Intelligence: 50

Stamina: 1

Luck: 30

Charisma: 20

Magic: 0

By increasing the level, you can raise your abilities.

What is all this now? I feel like I'm really in a game. Is this other world a game or something?

But at that moment, I felt a very beautiful feeling. My mother was holding me tightly in her arms.

I felt a great sense of security and love that I had never felt in my entire life. This was the first time in my whole life that I felt loved and that there was someone who really loved me.

I really don't want anything else, so I no longer care about anything.

I now have a loving mother and a good father who treats me well. I feel like I'm in heaven.

In that moment, I decided to live a simple life, far away from problems. I wanted to be an ordinary person, but I didn't know that fate had other plans.
