
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

You V.S Yourself

Day 3:

"You ready?"asked Aldric.

"You never give out a proper introduction."

"What, I do give a proper introduction."

"You bought me to the middle of the forest without saying anything and now you're asking me if I'm ready. Yeah, that's a proper introduction(sarcastically )"

"Yeah, Can't you just guess?"

"Guess? You serious?"

"Ofcourse I'm serious. Come on, what's your first guess?"


"Come on spit it out. Give it your beat shot. Come on let me hear it."

"I don't know PLUCKING FRUITS??"

"I hate to break it you but you're the most terrible student that I have ever taught to."

"You haven't taught anything to anyone and I'm the first student that you ever had. I can't say a student but you know...."

"Oh, Come on. You know you're terrible at this."

"I hate you."

"Well then, that's it. I'll talk you to it."


"Do you know who your best component is?"

"I'm not answering that."

"Okay, I'll answer it myself. Your best component is yourself. So....."

"... "

"Would you mind giving me a drum roll?"

"I do mind.".

"I'll do it myself (drumroll)..... You are going to compete with..... You yourself."said Aldric as he presented F. R standing behind him with a dramatic drumroll.

"You want me to compete with my alternative self?"


"You should've just told me that."

"I could've but this is great is much great right?"

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Whatever, just go compete with her and let evaluate you.''

As he told her, Riahna walked towards her and it's time for fight right now,

After a hell of a lot of time,

"Why haven't you two stopped?"asked Aldric as the fight for long time really made him bored.

"You asked for this buddy."

"I didn't ask for this. I just wanted to see who'll win.But this is taking a lot of time. Just win, someone."

"The fight goes on as it will be. Winner will be decided when one of us loses. So wait for it. I'm not gonna let her win"

"Oh, God. What have I done?"

30 minutes later,

"You've been fighting for a total of 30 minutes. Aren't one of you tired?"

"I'm..... I'm... I'm fine."

"You're literally taking a heavy breath. Both of you are draining your power a lot. Just stop, Okay I confess, this was a bad idea. Now stop."

"I'm not.... gonna let her win!"

For a moment Aldric thought about the scene and had a feeling that something was going wrong.

"Wait a second...."said Aldric as he took a sword and tried to stab Riahna. As soon as he got near, she vanished right infront of his eyes. It was all an illusion. In the next second, he saw the both of them sitting there drinking beers nonstop.

"You tricked me?"

"We couldn't fight. We're best friends, doofus."

"Are you drinking beer?"

"Yep , it's real smooth. I usually doesn't drink beer but she gave it to me and it's AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE!!!"

"What is the point of all this."

"We just wanted to teach you a lesson.."

"And what is that?"

"If you were to fight with your alternative self. The fight would go over hours and days and no one would literally lose. The trick is to choose another companion and not you yourself."

"You wanted to teach me that lesson?"


"I can give you that though cause it's great but don't these stuff ever again to me. Do you understand?"

"I really don't."


"What a headache huh?"


"Someone's jealous that some kid taught them a lesson."

"Shut up.But I must say..... You're skills are amazing."

"Oh, sorry I must be deaf or something, did you just compliment me?"


"Ah, Admit it buddy."

"Your..... skills are.... amazing."

"That's my guy."

"Shut up, I'll get you next time."

Day 4: History class,

"Ragons can be very much dangerous and can kill you instantly if you don't do it correct. So you have to choose a great place for it to be done with."


"We'll start with a place to choose."

"What kind of a place?"

"We'll have to do it the place where all of this really originated from."

"And where is that?"

"The centre of the universe."

"The centre of the universe?"


"How do you expect me to go there?"

"Well you're a witch..."

"Would you stop bringing that up?"

"I'm telling what you really are, it's not some kind of joke or something."

"So what's in the centre of the universe?"

"Well,it's the place where it originated from right so you know it's cool to start from the real point."


"Come on you know it's cool."


"Hey, Riahna. Your friends are here."said Aaron as he called her out.Hearing this Riahna ran over to the main hall where they were and saw them standing there made her happy the at most.Without a second's lapse, she went on and hugged them all.

"I missed you."said Riahna.

"You okay?"asked Zack.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Oh It's so good to see you. How did you get here?"

"Well, the spaceship was broken and Adhil helped us to find Aaron and I hoped you'd be here. So here we are. So what did I miss."

"Okay, don't be excited or terrified hearing my plan okay?"

"Why would I be terrified?"

"You would cause it's complicated."

"How is it complicated?"

"Well you always tend to be so excited and clumsy at times so you know you might curse me for this."


"We're gonna make a Ragon for ourselves."

"The what now?"

"A Ragon. Okay here's the deal. Jake is Aldric's great great grandson as we thought and Aldrics from Earth, well was once a human and everything and became a superhuman cause of Operation 305,remember William Jones, the guy who literally tried to kill us. His plan started from early nineties or something and Aldric, you, Noah and Adhil are all one of their projects. You all had a chip inserted in your body when the drugs where injected and Aldric here tried to get it out by controlling your mind to take it out for yourself."