
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

The hurting revenge

As the news of Jaydon's death had reached Gredar, the king and the queen planned on destroying Lohov within it's roots. Lesas tried to spice up the revenge and he wrote a letter to Lohov saying that they'll take their revenge as fast as possible.

Joseph knew that war would never be good so he decided to talk through it. He made a meeting to be held in the court room the very next day between Witches and Demons for the first time since the long past war.

At daylight,

Witches and Demons were gathered in the court room faced opposite together and Joseph decided to give out a peace offering.

Riahna knew the news all ahead and was regretted from coming into the court room as it might get dangerous.

"Demons and Witches have been enemies for about a one decade...."said Joseph.

"Joseph we don't want your stupid peace offering, We just wanna know why did you murder my kid, my son Jaydon?"asked Madrin(the king of Gredar)

"We didn't know it was your son. Your son seduced my daughter onto him."

"How dare you talk about my son like that!''

"I'll dare talk about it cause your son messed up her life."

Lesas entered into the scene with dark eyes and spelling manthra's.

"Your daughter loved your son and I'm the only one who knew that. I was in their minds the whole time.She loved and cared for him and as for him he treated her as a princess. It's all bullshit right?. Well I might as well end it."said Lesas and he drifted off swords straight over to Madrin's and Joseph's chest. They fell on the spot. Everyone in the podium stood up scared. Zack slowly moved away without him being seen and he ran over to get Riahna.

"RIAHNA ..... RIAHNA.... YOUR DAD..."He said while running. He crashed opened the door and they ran to the court room. Lesas made his way outside to invade Lohov once and for all.

Riahna got to the court room and she saw her mother crying with her Dad seated on her lap. She ran and tried to get him up for medicines.

"Quick help me get him up.."said Riahna while tears shredded off from her eyes.

"Riahna"called out Zack.

"No I can heal him If I just.."

"Riahna, He's Gone!"

Riahna cried as she hugged her Dad for one last time. She raised her eyes up and rage in her eyes she got up.

"Get my sword, We are gonna end this "said Riahna while wiping off her tears.

She rushed her way to the battle field were the demolishing demon started killing every civilian in his way.

"LESAS"screamed Riahna handing out the mighty sword of ancestors.

Lesas turned around with fire in his eyes and dark power coming out of the hands.

"Well well well if it isn't the princess of Lohov!Oh I almost forgot I killed your father huh. Ooh my heartfelt condolences my princess."

"You were the one for Jaydon's death and now my Dad, You plead no mercy."

She blasted off fire balls from her hand causing Lesas to hit the wall. He stood up again and rushed his way towards Riahna. It was a giant fight between the witch and the demon. Zack helped the civilians to move on to a more safer place while Riahna got her revenge.

Riahna couldn't stand his strength so she got frustrated every min she attacks him.Lesas decided to stop the fight with dark power just roaming around her and attacking her from behind. Riahna stood to the ground and she couldn't stand up. She was exhausted.

"You're making yourself die Riahna. Either you stop it or I will."

The moment he realised that she couldn't fight anymore he decided to destroy her once and for all.

Just then Witches and Demons surrounded him holding hands not thinking about their ancestral revenge. Zack came towards Riahna to make her participate in this beautiful scene.

In minutes Lesas was surrounded by a crowd full of Witches and Demons from little kids to old people.

"Oh so you all thought about getting together huh. All happy and all. This is bullshit and you can't even see it. HOW PITY OF YOU. So it's decided I'll perish you all."

The witches and the demon 's started chanting manthra's so powerful that surrounded Lesas with no way for him to escape.

The manthra's came stronger and atlast Lesas was caged and restricted to see daylight again.

It was such a beautiful moment were witches and demon's celebrated the win by hugging and kissing eachother. Some of them even found their soulmate in the crowd.

Happiness and celebration was out in the air.

Days later,

"I'm solemnly presenting the princess of Lohov,

R.... I.... H... N... A... J.... O... S..... E.... P... H"

Riahna walked towards the aile with crowd cheering up and the queen clapping.

She hugged Emma and walked into the podium for her great speech.

"Hi, I'm Riahna. One might say I'm the one who loved the Demon and yes that's me. My father has been with me for a very long time and I have studied a lot from him that fights or war may occur but at the end of the day we'll see light, The light of hope. And as for Jaydon yeah He's my boyfriend and will always will be.

For more of a decade Witches and Demons were declared enemies for life but look at now. Now onwards I'm very much obliged to say that Demons and Witches would live together till death parts us and I know this is the best decision that I've taken so far. There'll be never a Lohov or a Gredar from now on. So what now,


From that day onwards Grainen became a planet full of happiness and enjoyment while Lesas was caged in a defended castle way past in a village never to see daylight again but He'll be back with darkness and rage to clearly invade Grainen once and for all.