
Rhyfel Chronicles - Flash Casters

Rhyfel means war. His teacher prophecy chosen him as the protagonist of this story. How is magic of his calliber can possibly defeat Empress Evie.

Stivanstin · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1.

" Well done my boy, you improved once again. " Astel sounded proud.

" ...but will it be enough?"

Teacher Milarose stepped forward.

" You underestimate yourself Rhy, you can now defend well against the 3 of us."

" She's right son, take the compliment." Uncle Cal was quick to defend her statement.

Cal was right, they all were. Since graduation, I became incomparably more powerful, I can now combine 2 even 3 flash spells into one, losing none of their effects.

" Guardians often attack in numbers, I need to do more." It's all I could say. It's what I felt, the bastards never fought fair, this was an unfair world.

" You will, the cockroachs already fear your power and one day we get them all, don't forget the last 4 years and all you accomplished." It felt good hearing those words, my uncle always picked me up when when needed.

True in four years working together with the Order of Light allowed me to hone my skills , gain a reputation. We been fighting with all we have, but for each guardian we take off the map, two more seemingly take their place.

We were at the Orders headquarters, more than 30 people stopped by daily and its residents included families and their friends from school.

" Milo asked to meet you, he said he got information on upcoming attacks."

" I see I'm heading out then." I told teacher Astel. " Send word to him, we meet at the edge of the forest."

"Take Tristan and Annie with you."

" You worry to much Cal...."

I was already out.

" Hopefully I'll keep get to.."

In the kitchen I found them, huddled together.

We were classmates in school, not ever close I don't think I even talked to them, they were just the idiot couple, after graduation, after Grace's prophecy faith brought me to them. I was surprised, but also happy to see familiar faces, considering I arrived 16, my life in pieces.

In fact I wouldn't even know about the order if not for Tristan. His dad and mom were already members. Founding it out that some of the teachers from Mishra Academy were in on it was a shocking revelation. They also helped me reunite with my uncle Cal, I didn't even now I head.

"Hey bud, how was training?"

Tristan asked me when I walked in.

" Uneventful. I'm heading out to meet Milo, wanna come with?"

I didn't need them, it was routine meeting. Milo was a spy, a valuable one who worked as middle management in the Magistrate. He provided useful information he overheard from his superiors and soldiers whom never noticed his presence.

In my mind, he was incredibly brave and someone I genuinely respected. The Magistrate fought the same fight we did, but turned petty when the Order gained the support of the people. We actually catch guardians.

I only asked those two because I didn't wanna hear it from Cal.

" Of course we go, give me a minute to grab a nice coat."

Annie ran up the stairs past Tristans mom.

" Rhyfel sweetheart I need your approval of these upcoming missions."

" Mellita I can't make those decisions Teacher Milarose still here I believe."

Tristan and his mothers eye rolls were identical, they knew it was an open secret that he was their unofficial leader, he took on that role long ago without even realizing it.

Teacher Milarose was barely here, she was the Headmaster of Mishra we went, her duties kept her away for weeks at times.

" Yes yes but please in case she busy...You boys want some tea? "

She pushed the papers in my hands and turned around without an answer.

I was about to tell her I didn't have the time, but I heard foot steps behind me. Thinking it was Annie I was ready to head out, I didn't want Milo to wait for us long, considering he might already be there.

It wasn't Annie but Tristan elder sister Hanna. She took a quick look around, walked straight to me... and kissed me with passion she always did.

"I looked for you at training, Cal told me you head out to meet Milo. Isn't it late for meetings?" She was always worried, her entire family part of the Order it became harder each day the more attacks happened.

" My love it's only 8pm, and it's still light outside " I played with her blonde hair now reaching her waist. I can't believe when I met her it was so short it only just reached her shoulder.

Her smiles were everything, we got together 2 years ago. She was 4 years older and out of my inability to see her going on missions, she started learning healing to put my mind at ease and her parents. I can't fight if I don't know she safe, after all the headquarters were the safest place on this planet. Only the founders allowed and were to even capable sharing the location, new members had to be approved by the majority.

" Get off his back Sisi, don't forget there's a fine line between a girlfriend and mother." Tristan was just as shocked as I was when we finally get together. He understood though, and gave his blessing.

She wasn't amused.

" What's wrong with your face, you smiling idiot? Didn't I tell you to do it less, we don't want Annie to see it right?" She knew they been together 6 years already. There no breaking up those 2.

He did had a creepy smile, he was one of those that looked 100x times better stone faced. Annie like it though so that what truly mattered.

"... How dare yo.."

" Enough already you two, your father is home soon, that reminds me Rhyfel do you want Xander to go with you?" Mellita got ahead of lengthy fight and offered the help of her husband. Xander also worked at the Magistrate, being in the Order was great but it didn't come with a paycheck.

What's wrong with these people? I should've just teleport there and be done with it already. I shoot a look at Hanna, I hope she knows that her pampering lead to this sad state of affairs.

" No no, um... your son and Annie will do."

" I'm going with you lot, I need to talk to Milo about something."

Walking up from the basement was Astel.

I just nodded in acknowledgment, I felt anything said could prolonge this standstill.

" I'm going ahead, finish whatever this is and join me." With that he stepped outside and teleported away.

I had like a 10 min head start, where the hell is Annie? This is always happening.

My shirt was grabbed and I turned back to Hanna.

" Be careful please and don't fight...but if you must, then win and return to me." She said that each time I left for a mission.

She saw how easy is to lose an arm or a leg during combat with the guardians, how easy is to walk out that door and never see the people she care about ever again.

I hated seeing her scared, but I also understood, myself went insane with worry everytime she left the house for something, and it was never even combat related.

I might had superficial reasons to get stronger when I first arrived like pride, and frustration,hatred...but overtime it changed to prove that those who died for me since the prophecy, would be able to find peace and of course her mere existence.

Needless to say I never thought I had a chance with her, I arrived a snot nosed 16 year old with nothing but unearned confidence and hatred in my heart.

She just turned 20, beautiful and bright she could've had anyone, most girls her age are married but her family never pushed her, and let her chose.

She chose me.

Playing with her golden hair, she smelled like medicinal flowers and something sweet like mellon. I never promised her anything, I could die out there anyday even if I did become stronger if I were to face her, I'd still have to run. So I only said what I always did.

" I love you." and I kissed her gently.

"I'm here, sorry sorry all." Annie returned with a camouflage coat.

"Finally I was tired to see them making out. Dude that's my sister you know?" Tristan asked me somewhat teasing.

" She's my forever someone, and I'm forced to watch you and Miss Solider when we on missions and I never complained, not even in those nights when..."

"DUDEEEE..." he got up so fast he knocked the hot tea her mother just gave him spilling it on the table.

"Let's stop talking like that, I believe Astel went ahead and said to follow him." Annie saying that was the last drop, I'll will go alone next time.

" You're right, thanks Annie."

After planting a quick kiss on her lips I let Hanna go and stepped outside.

We didn't waste time and teleported to the meeting place, the edge of the forrest 20 clicks north out from the capital of Matra.

Something was wrong, they were supposed to be greeted by both Milo and Astel but they were nowhere to be found. Signs of battle were evident all around. I lifted my right and chanted few words in the old tongue, a light blue almost transparent shield like a second layer of skin covered the 3 of us head to toe.

"It's feels cold.." said Tristan trying to poke at his own chest.

" It's incredible.." Annie just loved anything blue.

After a series of looks, they seemed more alert and the air around them felt heavy with magic. We heard the sound of faint yelling, and flashes of light in the distance about 500ft away from us. We ran as fast as we could.