
Chapter 7: Home sweet Home

I am so happy that I decided to cover my body and backpack with bio-electrical aura because you would not believe the amount of flies that were about to land on my face or in mouth. Thank god, they got fried the moment they came a few centimeters near me.

It was really distracting especially with my X-ray and the zooming in feature of my eyes. The first 30 minutes dodging flies and random branches, I may have the body and mind of superman, I still have the instincts of a human, well that's another thing I need to work on. When I realized that the flies get fried when they get near my aura, I didn't even flinch.

So after running for more than an 1 hour straight at the quasi-speed of sound.

I slowed down while sweating like I took a dip in a swimming pool.

It was the first time that I ever ran that fast for a continuous hour and a half.

It was also the first time I actually sweat since I got superman powers.

I ran to a stop as I walked into the entry of the Brazilian rain forest, now everyone must be thinking that I must have hacked into a satellite or some sort of new application of x-ray vision right?!

I am currently one of the most powerful creatures in earth and so with that much power in my hands.

So I am using a map with the classic original Indiana Jones outfit. That was a true masterpiece of a movie, truly.

If your gonna ask me where I got it, then I will never admit to stealing it from a museum dedicated to his every movie.

I walked inside the forest and saw hundreds of types of animals in almost every corner, but there was this one place in the very center of the forest. It had way less animals, but those animals seem to be stronger than the regular animal or that's What I think because there are only five or take 4 to 5 animals there.

I would reach the center in like 20 minutes, so with a last bit of will, I ran to the center at the speed of sound. I counted this as the start of my training as I was going to maneuver through the forest without getting hit with branches, it was hard the first couple of minutes; but I gotT

So the hang of it quickly and was able to move through forest without getting hit whacked with a branch every single seconds.

I still did horribly, but It was still my first day and I had ten years before the plot to begin.

I reached the the center of the forest and it had a breathtaking view with a nice sparkling blue pond of water. There were a cubs playing in the water with the five animals I had sensed earlier, they seemed to the peak of their own species.

The snake was as long as a school bus and was as thick as the forearm of a gorilla. I have no doubt that it could easily crush entire bodies 5 regular humans at the same time into meat paste. It was seemed to a giant version of the rough scaled bush viper, which is also my favorite species of a snake, it's their beautiful slit eyes with color of poison that just seems to draw a person; and when they go to admire it; well let's just say that the phrase "Night, Night Bitch" is very common with these snakes.

The Bear looked to be over 4,000 pounds with arms and legs that looked like giant tree trunks. It could smash entire stainless steel pillars like paper. Let's not even talk about his body, they looked like someone stuffed 3,000 pounds of pure muscle with zero fat; because that's exactly what it is. A giant of just pure hulking muscle, it seems to be a grizzly bear that mutated to 3x to 5x stronger than its inferior counterparts. So if even Mike Tyson were come before this dude, let's just he would get KO-Ed with a punch from this thing.

If any girl looked at the Lizard, let's just say that she would literally have a heart attack. It was 9 feet long and was about 18 inches wide. It had giant claws of death and I have no doubts that it would go through the human body like wet paper. It's species was known as the Galapagos land iguana, which brings me to question how is it here? Normally their species have a small layer of scales that actually gave these species the nickname of dragons. There was nothing small about these scales, they shined like armor and its teeth were razor sharp. It's long tongue with a tinge of inhuman blue. All that combined made a nightmare that no one would want to see. This was a true carnivore ready to rip apart anything in its way.

This seems to be one of the leaders of the group. The bird, wasn't even a bird. It was a Hawk that a wingspan of 8 feet and I don't even know how they folded in right, But when I saw it body I knew; it had its chest naturally puffed out, almost like a bow that's been pulled to the point, it's turned into a sideways U. It was huge and was as big as a car. The claws on its feet were huge and they could rip apart a regular bear with them. It's beak was a soft golden color instead of its usual yellow beak. It was curved downwards at the end and it had point that looked as sharp and pointy as the top of sharpened sword. It was a truly a bird that deserves its majesty.

Now here comes who I think is the leader of the group, or I believe is the leader with the eagle.

It was a gorilla and I am not talking about 5 foot gorilla that has lots of muscles and no brains. I am talking about a 12 feet tall King Kong with arms and legs as big as boulders. It had black fur with a hidden ferocity hidden in his eyes. This seems to be the king of the animals because it had a single thing that every other animal other than the eagle didn't have it was control. The other animals no matter how they were trying to control it in front of the cubs; they still had a little blood lust. This gorilla had a tight grip on his bloodlust, but he unleash it on the world in a second.

This is how you can between masters and grandmasters, There are thousands of martial masters in earth; but there are only tens of grandmasters.

To become a martial masters you have to go through hundreds of battlefields and have the prowess to be truly powerful in battle, to the point that you are considered to be on the levels of a military weapons asset. But those battles leave imprints on you. The very stench of blood will suffuse to your body, depending on the intensity; someone could actually go crazy from looking your eyes. So each time you kill; it becomes more and more apparent, each kill become a temptation.

Doesn't this remind you of a certain someone, that's right Batman. He chose to master over 127 martial art styles to their peak, but in the beginning of his career; he killed and broke thousands of bodies, each kill becoming a part of his aura. It became so noticeable that people actually went to mental asylums just looking into his eyes, he became the very notion of fear in DC. But When he joined the league, that changed because he softened and refused to kill or be brutal. Killing became a temptation that he couldn't fall into again and his aura changed. He was still feared but it wasn't the same, criminals understood that and they grew bolder. He refused to accept the guilt, the kills and the bodies he broke; and that stopped him from becoming a true grandmaster.

To become a Grandmaster, you have to go through thousands of battles; each refining your chosen styles to the very limit. Your kills and bloodlust, instead of covering you like a cloak of blood and battle. It goes deep inside your bones and blood fusing with your very flesh. This would make you blend in with the world; people would look at you just like a normal person. To each and every grandmaster, killing is a tool that they will never hesitate to use. Because of this each and every strike of a grandmaster would carry the United power of their whole body.

A grandmaster only moves to kill or destroy; unless they are teaching a student

A true grandmaster also unlocks a intent, an example would be sword intent.

Batman failed to understand the mentality and failed the formation of his intent. Except for that he definitely filled out all of the other requirements.

There are many different types of intent, but combat intent are the most powerful, and the emotional intents are the most deadly intents. An intent is formed through how you desire to affect reality, or the weapons that you use to affect reality.

All combat intents, go beyond mere muscle memory.

For example, Sword intent does not rely on the muscle memory that you get from the hundreds of times you swung a sword. It draws on the thousands of battles you have been in, with each strike carrying your full power in the most optimal situation with the least effort.

Now this gorilla can only be considered a half-grandmaster because it has no intent. You can tell when someone has intent by the feel you get of the person.

If a person has sword intent, depending on how good the grandmaster is; it can range from feeling like standing on invisible pins and needles or to the point where you get daydreams of getting cut in half from an invisible sword. Of course grandmasters can control this.

Emotional intents are the real mental hitters.

For example Batman's intent would be fear. The reason is that the whole reason he became the Batman was to make Gotham fear him, so that no one would have the guts to do anything considered evil. Honestly if Batman actually formed his intent, well let's just say that Gotham would have been cleaned in a month.

He would have become 3 to 5 times more powerful, each strike of his would cause his enemy to see his worse nightmare. Also considering how much despair and fear Gotham produces, Batman would get much much more powerful. His intent would feed on the fear of Gotham and it's honestly scary on how powerful he would become.

The animals finally sensed I was there and obviously The Gorilla and the Eagle sensed me first.

The snake and Lizard sensed me because of my heat signature and I could tell that they were very wary from me. Every single animal except the bear realized this. Snakes senses their prey by sticking out their tongues and picking up the preys chemical information. It could tell I am not a average human also they are cold blooded, so it can sense heat along with the Lizard. They can probably feel the solar rays coursing through my body, I am like the literal sun in front of them.

The cubs saw me too, and ran out of the pond behind their parents.

I tried to make it seem that I meant no threat to them. I held my hands in the air showed them my vitals and took of my back pack and stepped away from it. There couldn't do anything to me hurt me anyway and I knew that this was needed to show I meant no threat, every animal understood this, but the bear.


It roared with real power and it rang all around the forest. The very ground shook when it stopped standing and dropped his bear hands on the ground

It ran on all fours toward me and I sighed

The animals looked at me with surprise as I wasn't peeing my pants yet. Or at least that's what I think they were thinking.

I looked at the bear charging at me with the speed of a car and the force of a train.

Well, it asked for it; I guess I might as well go

