
Rewrite of Tale Of Xeos Yoshimori.

A boy who was tortured was able to escape from his fate and ended up being taken in by a certain soul obsessed Goddess. What will happen now that the boy finally has a home to call his own.

Xeos_Yoshimori · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 8

(Although im gonna be following canon, the time the events take place will be expanded. For example, lets say that monsterphilia happens after a month of bell joining hestia right. Well i might make it last a couple of months before it happens. It will happen but just not at the original time it was supposed to.)

The only reason why Ryuu decided to say Xeos was because she could tell he was important if Ottar was watching him before and the fact she wanted to question about his assassination attempt on her.

She managed to make it to the Hostess and carried Xeos into the establishment and placed him onto the floor since the hostess was closed for the night. She explained the situation to mama and the others and they went on guard while watching him and in case someone comes back after him.

Ryuu took some of his blood for a sample and see what kind of poison he has. She left while the others decided to treat him and trying to patch him up. Syr was looking extremely worried and scared because she knew her mistress Freya deeply cared about this boy and was not looking forward to report to her but she had to.

She told the others she has some business to attend to and left shortly after to report to Freya.

The others managed to stop the bleeding and decided to watch over him for now since there is nothing they can do now. They patched him up the best they can and was waiting for Ryuu to return.

An Hour has passed and Ryuu walked in with a grim face and they could tell that the news she was gonna deliver was bad. Ryuu reported what she learned and that was that they have never seen this kind of poison and that the best way to treat him is to keep his body as stable as possible and hope he is strong enough to survive the poison.

They just shrugged and decided to watch over him for now. They don't trust him but at the same time they aren't heartless so they'll keep watch but and make sure he's stable but that's it.

Meanwhile, everyone felt an immense pressure from someone slightly releasing their arcanum for a split second and it was gone. It was too quick for anyone to recognized it except for Mama Mia as she was familiar with this pressure.

Freya just like Syr predicted was beyond pissed. Her face was cold as stone and she had this murderous and malicious aura around her letting anyone who feels it that the goddess of beauty was no more and was replaced with the goddess of war.

Freya's eye pierced through all her familia and order them to look for anyone related to Evilus and report back to her with any info they can get. She even told them to torture them if they refused to give the info they need.

Her familia spread out and did what she said since none of them want to face her wrath should they disobey. Freya though pissed managed to slightly calmed down and decided to head to the hostess to check on to her be considered (Adopted Son).

A week has passed and no one was able to get any info on Evilus and they searched most of Orario and even bribed some people to get any kind of info. They only managed to get that there was a new group playing around in the shadows and making moves.

Even though a week has passed, Xeos showed no sign of waking up anytime soon. He was in a coma and was being taking care of by Freya and was resting in her room and taking care of him. His body seemed to be getting healthier and that was the only good sign they had.

What they didn't know was that Xeos's body has finally absorbed the poison and was changing his body to counter it and thus making his body permanently making him immune to poison. It's taking a huge toll on his body though and hence why he hasn't woken up yet an might not for some more time.

The change is very slow but it is also making his body slightly stronger as well. Not anything over the top but none the less making it stronger and more durable. Since this particular poison was weakening his body for a while, it is now strengthen it as the body absorbs it.

A couple of more days pass and Xeos finally showed some sign of waking up. It took an hour and half before he was finally able to open his eyes and take in his surroundings.

He was in a familiar place at least so he managed to calm down slightly. He heard a sound of a door opening and slightly but barely moved his head towards the sound. He saw his goddess had walked in with a sad face and didn't know why he felt strange seeing her like that. He unconsciously tried to speak but only managed to cough which drew the goddess's attention immediately.

Freya rushed over without any intention of hesitating and was beside him in seconds and patting his back to help him. She was overwhelmed and they spoke about what happened and what to do now.

Xeos decided to get some more sleep and rest since his body was still tired. After resting for Two more days, Xeos was finally able to get up and move around properly and noticed he felt stronger than ever. Nothing major but the rush of it was exciting.

He heard from Freya about how Ryuu had saved him and although he didn't want to. He thought he said at least say sorry and what not.

He left the babel and started to head towards the hostess of fertility that his goddess showed him the directions.

Around Thirty minutes later, he finally managed to reach his destination and was now outside of the place. He decided to swallow his pride and went inside. He looked around and saw his target Ryuu and decided to head straight towards her.

The other waitresses and even Mama Mia saw him and were keeping a very strict eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything funny. He walked right up to Ryuu who finally noticed him and couldn't help widening her eyes slightly. He handed her a piece of paper and left the establishment and went to a certain area.

Ryuu upon recieving the letter looked towards mama mia and saw her nod her head so she decided to read what the paper said. "Meet me at the fountain near the market and come alone. This is not a trap or anything but i just wanted to talk to you privately. If it's to tall an order you can bring one more person if you have to but that's it."

Ryuu after finishing reading it handed it to Mia who read it as well and couldn't help but frown. "It sounds to fishy to me but it's up to you what you wanna do. Just do it after your shift ends" she said.

Ryuu nodded her head and decided to meet him alone as per his request and started to finish up her chores and serving customers. She couldn't stop thinking about the letter and what his angle was but she knew thinking about it won't change anything at all.

So she stopped and just continued to work until the time they are supposed to meet comes.