

Incessantly knockings. The crude wooden door could barely hold it, as a heavy hand hit it over and over again.

"Who is it?" yelled a black-haired woman, dressed in a simple clothing.

"Miss Jasmin?" a voice came from behind the door. Jasmin's eyebrows frowned, as she didn't expect someone looking for her that late on the evening.

"My name is Gerard. I'm here to talk about a job," the man said, trying to ease up things. Of course, Gerard was not crazy enough to piss off Jasmin, or else he would be in trouble.

"May I ask what job?" she had barely returned home, so getting out once again in a job was not her plan at that moment. The only way things would change was if the payment was good enough.

"Can I go inside so we can talk better? I promise I will not bite," he said.

Jasmin thought for a moment before agreeing.

Gerard was a bearded middle-aged man. His clothes were well designed and one could tell from looking at them that they were expensive.

Both sat near the fireplace, running from the night's cold. Jasmin had no idea of who that man was, as they never saw each other, but the man seemed to know her. She didn't mind that. Jasmin was a well-known monster huntress, so it was quite common for people to know her.

"I'm here in the name of the Belian Magic Academy," Jasmin eyes went wide open. Everyone knew that the Belian Magic Academy was one of the most prestige academies in the country, so that man right there was someone important.

"There have been some strange attacks in our academy. Students showed up torn apart, quite gross if you ask me. Anyway, we are almost certain that no human would do that, so the only answer to this problem is that monsters are behind it. We thought that there's no better person to complete this task than you, Miss Jasmin," Gerard said.

"One more thing. The Belian Magic Academy is willing to pay you 10000 gold coins, and also give you the position of professor for two years."

The room went silent after that sentence. Jasmin could not believe that offer. The amount of gold coins was astonishing, coupled with the professor job that would surely pay well, made it seemed more like a dream.

"Excuse me. What did you say?" Jasmin asked Gerard one more time, just to make sure her ears weren't playing games with her.

"Exactly what you heard. I know the offer seemed too good to be true, but we are desperate. These events are hurting our students, and also the fame and prestige of your academy, so you can understand why we want this to end quickly. '

Gerard had a good point. The public would think twice before sending their kids to the academy, and that would be a great loss for everyone.

Jasmin thought for a moment. She wanted to get a vacation of some sort and enjoy her life a little bit, but that offer was too good to be putted aside, so in the end, she accepted it.

"When are we leaving?" Jasmin asked.

"Hahaha, I knew you would accept it. If you don't mind, can we leave it now?" Gerard laughed out loud, truly happy for finding someone good enough to put an end to that matter.

"Sure. Let me pack up. It won't take long."

And just like that, Jasmin adventure started. Little did she know that a time loop awaited her, alongside a web of events that she wouldn't be able to get out.

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