
Rewards System

Michael is a 25 year old gas station cashier, making just enough money to survive and pay his bills. He woke up one day back in time to his first day on the job, only this time he has a rewards system that gives him rewards for completing certain tasks. Follow along as he becomes one of the wealthiest beings in existence.

Brandon_Downtain · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

1. Rewards System Appears

Michael woke up with a splitting headache. He was confused as the last thing he remembers is being shot while at work.

Michael is a 35 year old male who works in a gas/petrol station as a cashier. He has been working this job for almost a year. The pay is lousy at only $10 USD per hour. He earns barely enough money every month to cover his bills and nothing more. The only reason he is even able to afford that is because he also gets a check from the Department of Veterans Affairs as a Disabled Veteran.

When he woke up he realized it was 10 years earlier when he was 25 again. He also heard his cell phone going off. He has an iPhone 11. He only upgraded to the 11 recently because his previous iPhone 7 stopped working.

He was going to ignore his phone except it kept ringing nonstop. When he sat up from bed to check it he saw a notification from an app that he

Didn't recognize. The app was simply called 'Rewards' and the notification read "welcome Michael to the Rewards system, please open the application for further information".

Michael opened the app and was first greeted by a blank white screen before it darkened to black and text appeared on the screen.

"Welcome, this a the rewards system, it will provide you with different rewards of varying value. As a beginners gift you may choose any 3 of the following to get started.

1) $15,000 USD.

2) permanent 2x cash back on any purchases which could bring value to you (as determined by this system)

3) company shares valued at $75,000 USD

4) a method to continuously increase your physical status.

5) low grade Construction card that can be used to build anything facility up to $1,500,000 in value.

6) random roulette draw.

Michael looked at these options and contemplated for a few moments before deciding on options 2, 4 and 5. He chose these as he believes that using option 2 he could purchase shares of companies using his own money and get cash back from that which would make options 1 and 3 pointless.

After making his decision the system prompted him again,


"Congratulations on accepting your beginners gift package, you have selected options 2, 4 and 5. Please continue to strive towards your goals."

He was not sure if this was even legitimate at this time but he also received another notification prompting him that his phone was downloading something.

When he checked the download it showed that it was the method to upgrade his physical status. He also noticed there was a new button in the rewards app on his phone that allowed him to use the construction card he chose. He clicked it and it pulled up a map of San Antonio and its surrounding areas.

He looked around the map and found a plot of land on the outskirts of San Antonio that was approximately 50 hectares (120 acres) in size. He selected it and then it prompted him to design the facility he wanted to build. It gave him options on the type of facility being office building, house, warehouse, etc.. he chose to have a house built so he could move out of the apartment he had been living in. He designed his dream home being approximately 5,000 square feet (465 square meters) and having 2 floors, one floor underground and another above ground. The unground area would have a hidden enterance that was only known to him. There would be a safe underground, his bedroom as well as an office space and a bathroom. He would have his kitchen, living room and another bathroom and bedroom upstairs above ground. He would have security cameras covering the entire exterior of the home as well as a state of the art alarm system. The overall value of the house with the land came to $1,450,000.

Once he did that he clicked submit in the app and out of no where a property deed and house deed appeared on his bed next to him. He looked at it and realized it was exactly for the house and land he chose. This made him realize this system was real.

Realizing this he decided that with his next pay check he would invest it into company stocks to see if his theory about receiving cashback for it was correct. After doing all of this is was still early in the morning so he decided to go back to sleep as he has to work the night shift today from 5pm to 1am.