
What Should I Say?

Having spent over a week living with Jim, Astril had somewhat warmed up to him, they had the occasional friendly chat over meals. The child still wouldn't say a word but didn't act terrified anymore.

Jim noticed something a bit off though.

[Name: Astril]

[Species: Immortal Silver Fox]

[Qi: 138/138]

[Strength: 2]

[Dexterity: 3]

[Vitality: 2]

[Agility: 2]

[Magic: 0]

[Spirit: 3]

[Status: Missing Limb, Taming 12%]

The taming status had him worried, 'These two aren't pets, right? Right!?'

[Name: Libta]

[Species: Immortal Silver Fox]

[Qi: 1/1]

[Strength: 1]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Vitality: 2]

[Agility: 1]

[Magic: 0]

[Spirit: 1]

[Status: Taming 87%]

He had noticed the child was more affectionate towards him despite still not uttering a single word. Both of them had long since cleaned up, their skin was revealed to be a had milky white and the dirty grey hair and fur became a beautiful glowing silver. Their unhealthy skinny appearances had been filled out.

Jim had been experimenting with the Farming Assist function, it seemed to have no problem with whatever plant he gave it, he had a massive pile of Magic Carrots and Heavenly Ling Flowers built up now. He felt more resources was a good thing though and started planning which otherworldly flora to start growing next.

"Hah..." Having just emerged from using Serene Mind, he felt himself break through to Middle Spirit Warrior. Being in the third realm of cultivation felt empowering, actions that used to be a labor to perform now felt so easy that he wondered if his body was placed on auto-pilot.

The cooldown to return home had finished, there was just one problem...the two girls. 'Should I tell them the truth? Will they even believe I'm from another world?'. He didn't have some great relationship with them, they weren't family, Astril wasn't his lover, he didn't even know their pasts. But at the same time, leaving a small child and disabled woman alone in the middle of the woods felt cruel and heartless. Thus, he procrastinated.

Astril hobbled outside using the crutch he made for her, Libta followed soon after. Astril looked like she was about to say something when suddenly a pressure weighed down on all three of them.

'What? Not again! Wait, this isn't the same.' Jim felt himself able to withstand the pressure this time, it was immeasurably weaker than the two heart demons he had faced before. An old man with a greying beard smoothly descended from the sky, his red skin and single horn in the middle of his forehead instantly tipped Jim off to the man's race.

"Greetings Junior, I see you have recovered my property, hand them over and no harm shall come to you." Jim felt the pressure intensify somewhat, it was still bearable. 'Appraisal'

[Name: Yitsu Kabla]

[Species: Bahn Tai Single Horn]

[Cultivation Realm: Peak Golden Core]

[Qi: 3,072,183/3,586,982]

[Strength: 5,000]

[Dexterity: 5,000]

[Vitality: 5,000]

[Agility: 5,000]

[Magic: 0]

[Spirit: 18k]

'Not good!', Jim decided to stall for time as he figured out the full situation.

Jim: "Property? May I ask what you mean?"

Yitsu: "Oh, you thought they were unclaimed? I assure you I paid quite a handsome price for these two rare delicacies."

The man's eyes when staring at the girls was not that of lust, it was hunger. Jim's blood ran cold at this sight, for him who had frequently dreamt of contacting alien races deep in outer space after numerous scifi movie and tv marathons, this looked like cannibalism despite being of different species.

Yitsu: "Hmm, seems one of them is damaged, you took a bite? I will have to make you pay for that, let's remove your arms."

An anger started building up within Jim, 'This guy comes over talking about eating some girls and even wants to tear off my arms?'

Jim: "Fuck Off!" he shot forward with Surging Thunder Steps and Great Dark Fist.

Yitsu: "Hmph, two cultivation realms below me and you dare act arrogant!?"

Yitsu's right palm darted forward at Jim's chest with terrifying speed, Jim activated Focus and Body Movement to follow it exactly and slammed his fist into the open palm. Numerous lacerations opened along Jim's arm, blood was spurting out profusely, his chest was on fire from the impact. Yitsu was worse off, most of the flesh on his arm was destroyed, the bone shattered, he started coughing up blood while staring at the tattered remains of his arm.

"Elder Kabla!" Jim felt numerous people approaching, 'This is bad!', taking advantage of Yitsu's shock, he used Body Movement and Surging Thunder Steps to move backwards. Seeing Jim grab Astril and Libta, Yitsu howled, "You still plan to escape!? Die!" A terrifying force swept forward, then front wall of the cabin was smashed inward, but the bloody mess Yitsu was expecting to see wasn't there. "What!? Spread Out! Find Them!" The stunned men who had just arrived quickly nodded and began their search.

Breathing heavily, Jim collapsed on the floor of his room. Astril and Libta were standing there shivering in terror. 'Um...what should I say in this situation?'
