
Longevity pill

"Is that...is that really longevity pill?" The desperate emperor couldn't control his body moving towards the pill.

Then his guards came in front of him and said, "your majesty, be careful, that must be a trick. Not even fragrance pill association made a longevity pill until now; they are pulling your leg."

Yuki looked at the emperor with a smug and arrogantly said, "it's fine, I don't mind being accused but sadly we won't have our beloved emperor for long, I wonder which prince will take the crown."

"You are good at mind tricks." Akira complimented her.

"I learned it recently," said Yuki despite knowing that everyone heard them.

"Look, your majesty, they are tricking you," said the guard.

"If you don't believe me, then try it," said Yuki.

"I will let a servant try it," said the guard.
