
Reverse apocalypse

The world was in chaos The things that only happened in fantasy Happened in real life The start of the apocalypse It was a virus that the human didn't expect The government shut down Rape, murder, and stealing were common There are some safe base But there are some toxic base Many of my loved ones died right in front of my eye Friend, family, and comrade This was all the fault of the apocalypse I who have lost everything Hang myself with a rope As the rope choke my neck The airflow can't get in I can't breathe It hurts I don't want it anymore No Just let it be The more I live in this world the more I suffer As the clock past I died But a light struck through my face Is this heaven? I open my eyes It wasn't the heaven But it was the sunlight that strikes through my face I stand up and look around I was in a familiar room No It was my room before the apocalypse I look at my cellphone to see the date It was a week before the disaster I was shock I slap my face But it was the truth I smile and laugh hard as I can God didn't abandon me This is a story where a boy who tries to save humanity failed, but now he can redo all the things he wanted, he became a playboy who plays around with many women he wanted to, he doesn't care about humanity anymore, he just wants to enjoy his life now

KLUX · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

3 days left

He was shocked to find out that he slept with Liza. He went to the kitchen to sit down and think more carefully about this. 

Like I said, he was a loner type, which means he doesn't have any girlfriends or lovers.

And his past life is the same because of how scared he was to love someone because of how the world works.

He didn't love anyone at that time.

As he thinks and thinks, he eventually finds out that he was very lonely, even in his past life.

He eventually made the huge decision that this time he would live he's life to the fullest.

As he was thinking about it, Liza came out of the room.

She also sat down near Arthur asking, "Has what happened last night bothered you?" she asked 

"No," Arthur stood up and held her hands, He looked at Liza.

"I... I want you to stay by my side." That thing came from his mouth; it was not a request; it was more like an order.

Liza was stunned and shocked, but she also replied, "I'll stay by your side," with a bright smile.

Although it's only 3 days before the apocalypse, he can't just say that there will be an apocalypse.

What if it didn't really happen?

This words came from his mind 

But it's ok; being ready is also good.

It's only 3 days before the apocalypse, so Arthur wants Liza to stay by his side.

Arthur just told Liza that they are going on a vacation to their town so that he can introduce her to his parents.

Liza agreed, so she went home and packed her stuff. They agreed to meet up at his house the next day.

Now that he has Liza, he now wants Chika. He does research on her and finds out that she is still a high school student.

She studies in the same city, and she doesn't remember any accidents in my past life, so making her feel that I'm trustworthy is hard.

Arthur think of a plan, he's plan was to save her from a robbery.

Arthur went to where she studied; he looked around, and it was pretty much a normal school.

The plan was simple: when the bell rang in the afternoon, the students got out of school.

I secretly followed her; it looks like she doesn't have any friends. Maybe because of how kind she is, the other girl gets annoyed with her.

In a pedestrian lane, the walk sign turned green, so she crossed the pedestrian lane.

as she walked towards the pedestrian lane that she was already in the middle of crossing.

A fast truck suddenly popped out of nowhere, it looks like the driver passed out

Both of them are shocked, and Arthur immediately runs towards Chika.

He pulled Chika's clothes towards him as hard as he could. 

He successfully did it, and the two of them were nervous that Chika almost got hit.

The two of them are heavily breathing, nervous about what happened. Arthur looks at Chika.

"Hah, seriously, how hard is it to make you mine?" 

Chika was embarrassed when she heard, "D-do you know me?" 

Although Chika now wears glasses like a nerd, in my past life she doesn't wear one. 

"Of course, The Beautiful and Kind Chika, I want to make you mine." 

As she again heard it a second time, she confirmed that what she heard was true: for the first time in her life, someone loves her. 

The truck crashed into one of the poles, but the driver was safe.

"Someone should come here sooner or later," he said, looking at Chika.

"How about we go to a restaurant and talk?" He asked Chika, and Chika was still curious about how he knew her, so she agreed.

They grabbed a taxi and went to a restaurant. The restaurant that they went to was expensive.

"Emm, mister, we should not go here," Chika said with a concern.

"Don't worry, don't worry," Arthur holds her hands and walks towards the restaurant.

He had already reserved tables for them, and while Chika was confused and didn't know what to do, she just went with the flow.

As they sat at their table, Chika was already nervous.

"Don't worry too much; I'm not going to eat you." They take the menu and order

Chika nervously ordered something while Arthur confidently ordered.

As they waited for their food, they talked. Chika asked how Arthur knew about her

Arthur can't just explain that he will know her in the future, so he came out with a lie.

She told her that he was just walking down a random street and saw her there; it was love at first sight.

"Love at first sight?" Me?" She was embarrassed. Arthur praised her for how beautiful she is.

How kind she is, how smart she is, etc.

When the food comes, they eat and talk; they talk about their lives.

Arthur just told her about his normal life, but Chika's wasn't. When her mother died, her father always got drunk, and because of that, they were now in debt.

She also has a part-time job so that she can at least pay some of the bills while I continue to listen to her.

It looks like she really hated his father; I offer her a deal.

"How about you work for me?" I'll pay all your debt, and you hated your father, right? How about leaving him already?" 

But Chika didn't agree, no matter how she hate her father, he is still her parent.

So after they eat, Arthur takes her to her house.

Their house was pretty normal, except for how dirty and tattered it is.

I want to make a proposal to her father, but when we got inside her house, there was a rich-looking man and his father sitting and talking.

"oh your finally here Chika, you see I lost to a  gamble. Luckily for this sir, he wants you, so I'll be selling you now, ok? Be a good girl and listen to your father." 

Chika was shock of how easily her father sell her, her angry pile up and start yelling at his father.

The rich looking man get out the house and said "talk about it first, I'll visit you next week" as he smiled and grinning 

"why? How can you sell your own daughter!? This is all your fault! Mother died because of you! You are useless!You never helped her when she was still alive!" 

As Chika shouted in anger 

"Don't talk to me like that, you little shithead! I'm your father! I know what's the best for you! And your bitch mother died because of her stupidity!" 

"I hate you! I wish I never became your daughter!"

Her father walked towards her angrily and slapped her face, but before he could do that, Arthur interference stopped her father's hand. 

"Who are you?" "Don't mingle with someone's family." 

Arthur smiled 

"Hello, I'm Arthur Your going to sell your daughter, right? How about I buy her?" 

Her father looked at him.

"you? Alright since you're acting like a hero, then how about you buy her for a million?" 

Her father laughed as he could pay that much but "alright deal."

Her father looked at him and said, "Are you stupid?" "How can a young man like you get that much money?" 

Arthur put his hand in his packet and picked up the stacked money.

He threw it in the air like it was just a piece of paper.

"We have a deal; I'll be taking your daughter, ok?" 

Her father agreed to take her daughter as he was just focused on collecting the money that was on the floor.

"why? "Why do you spend all that money for me?" 

Chika asked him, because she really doesn't know Arthur very much.

"I told you didn't I?" "I want you; can you stay by my side?" 

Arthur asked like it was just a normal question, but Chika thought it was a serious question.

Arthur already did many things to her, so she agreed to become his wife.

Arthur took her to a mall and let her buy any clothes she wanted to. Arthur also bought some clothes for Liza and himself.

After that, they went to his apartment and spent the night there.