
Chapter 2-The Baby Supply Store

In her past life, Xiaolin never figured out who the father of her son is, but she didn't want to take any chances, so she promised herself since she was given a second chance, she wouldn't get close to any men, for fear of having her son taken away from her. She also made sure to stay away from her greedy sister. A few days past and Lan Xiaolin was discharged from the hospital with her son. Her family wasn't too affluent, but they had a few houses here and there to spare. Xiaolin had three houses in all, counting the penthouse apartment her sister gave her that she stayed in when she was still carrying Xincheng. She chose not to go back to the apartment because then her sister would come knocking on her door threatening her to give the baby up. 'Why is she making such a big fuss about it, its not even reasonable. I don't understand how I got tricked by her last time. She is too childish and arrogant to even lay hands on my flesh and blood.' Xiaolin smirked. When she got out of the hospital, she looked around and spotted a taxi. Walking straight to a taxi parked on the side of the road she opened the door and hopped in. The driver turned and saw that a beautiful woman with a perfect face, though a little thicker in her stomach got in his car with a baby and some supplies the hospital provided her with. She leaned forward into the drivers seat asking where the nearest baby supply store is, and after confirming the location and bill they made their way to the supplies shop in five to six minutes. Xiaolin came out of the taxi with the stroller a kind old woman gave her. She put the other supplies she had in the seating area of the stroller and used a baby carrier to carry the sleeping, tiny, Lan Xincheng into the store. After a few minutes of looking around the store, she decided to get a few boxes of diapers, some clothes, and a crib. Since she would be breastfeeding for the first few months, she wouldn't need the formula, so she decided to finish up. While on her way to the cashier, she suddenly heard someone screaming her name. It was her sister, her annoying, arrogant, spoiled sister.

Actually I underestimated how much time I had on my hands yesterday, and thought I wouldn't be making too many chapters, buuuuttt I will be trying to make a chapter a day for the next week and a half. After that, I won't be able to make too many. Soooorrryyy....... but enjoy the next week and a half. Thx again for reading my story and supporting me. Byeeeeeeee

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