
Return To be Invincible Lord

This story focuses on Luo Fan. who will become an invincible person in a few chapters and continue living

TianzunOz · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter 7 / Sun Rong

After Luo Fan knew everything I realized that I was still unable to use this power to the fullest. Actually its meaning is He doesn't like to use it.

When he used it, Luofan felt that he was infinite, no, like he was everything. but not a living thing

It was the feeling of being like a piece of wood. but knows everything

Really, it wouldn't be strange. Because Luo Fan's current power is limited to the domain, using his power is not mentally able to control the knowledge gained from outside.

Luo Fan decided that this skill was too powerful. and none of this should exist.

And the most annoying part is gained knowledge It came into his mind without limit all the time, without rest.

In matters that you don't want to know, you can know. Luo Fan then tried to find a way to control the knowledge gained. And the effort was not wasted. Luo Fan immediately found a way. with the knowledge that knows everything It would not be strange to find something immediately.


[Invincible System]

[Host has acquired a special skill, Infinite Sage.]

This skill allows the host to freely control the knowledge gained.

In the old days, one had to work hard to reach the rank of emperor. It takes a lot of effort every day with every breath.

but this feeling of effortlessness feel really weird

Luo Fan lightly laughed. and told Ning'er who was still puzzled by the words cultivating the gods in his body.

"Divine cultivation in the body is suitable for two body types."

"1. Divine Body 2. The body above the gods

Ning'er was also curious. and ask honestly with disbelief

"Do I have a divine body, son?"

Luo Fan lightly laughed. from what he saw this body is ancient body of chaos

The highest among the bodies to appear anywhere. This body is a tough body. because it is usually born with the body of those who live like beasts. live with determination and extremely diligent But in the end, no one was ever able to awaken the body.

Luo Fan laughed lightly and thought that without him, this body would never shine in the cultivation world.


Ning'er was also curious. If not, then that means...

"Yes, your body is Ancient Chaos Physique

Ancient Chaos Body she doesn't know at all But from what I heard, it should be the ultimate body.

"It is the strongest body one can have. Ancient Chaos Physique It is a body that allows one with a physical body to control the energy of initial chaos."

Ning'er listened attentively with fiery eyes.

"The Power of Chaos Begins Or is it the power that can control every talent you've ever seen? In other words, if you've seen anyone's talent? You can have it."

"For example, if you ever see someone with a Dao sword body You will also have the ability of the Dao sword body."

Ning'er heard this and was shocked. It's so powerful that it's absurd.

"But your body hasn't woken up yet, so it's useless."

Ning'er listened with eyes full of determination and a fire that would burn everything.

"Come on, since you belong to me. You must not be worthless."

"Starting by awakening the body with the Divine Cultivation. Because Deity is the primordial divine power of Chaos Cultivation."

Luo Fan explained things, and finally, 3 hours later, Ning'er was able to cultivate. and Luo Fan said

"In just three days, you should be at the Immortal level."

Hearing this, Ning'er almost collapsed and thought to himself, what is your standard son?

After finishing Ning'er, Luo Fan walked towards the toothpick, no, Sun Wukong's staff.

This pole had so much power that it should be suitable for Xiao Ning'er to use. Luo Fan thought to himself. but saw that it would be impossible Because this weapon had a blood contract with the Sun family.

and destiny would bring the people of the Sun family to it.

So this was a good way to bring Sun Rong here.

Luo Fan grabbed the stick on the magic staff. while there are traces of resistance But it changed from the wolf. Instantly became a docile house dog.

Luo Fan laughed a little and anticipated this outcome. Because right now, he was in his Invincible Domain.

Luo Fan decided to use a method to play with fate. The power of destiny if controlled can make every event happen

If Sun Wukong was still alive he can bring But he knew that WuKong was no longer alive, no, still alive but in the form of a spirit sealed in a magic wand.

When a magic weapon wielder dies And there is a bond that binds souls to be sealed in the form of souls.

Therefore, Sun Wukong's resurrection was possible. But he wasn't sure. Even he knows how to do it. And has the ability to control with 100% accuracy, but he doesn't know how to succeed. Because many techniques require personal understanding. not knowing it

Luo Fan thought wearily. and decided to take Sun Rong first Because he has to do a mission to defeat [Unlimited Aura]

Luo Fan just flicked his hand. Destiny circulated as the vicissitudes of space, Sun Rong's figure slowly appeared from the void. Starting out as a bright light and becoming a human being.

Sun Rong had a very beautiful face. She has brown hair, blue eyes and a seductive look.

Luo Fan looked at him with extremely indifferent eyes. as if above everything

"Who are you?"

Surprisingly, it was Sun Rong who initiated the conversation. At this moment, she noticed The magic stick in Luo Fan's hands was shocked. This weapon was so crazy. and would not let anyone but her carry it. If it weren't for the Immortal Continent not being able to withstand the power of the staff, it wouldn't have fallen into this continent.

What was even more shocking was Luo Fan. How did you bring her?

"I'm Luo Fan, I have a question."

[Discovery system, you have encountered a great ancient bloodline.]

[Host receives a servant, Monkey King.]

Hearing this, Luo Fan couldn't help but strain. Because this system had given so much to the point that it felt like the world was too simple.