
Shit.... yay...shit!

* I don't own Pokemon

'Oh is this a dream? Am I lucid dreaming? It's been a while since I last had one. Lets start with a bunch of titties!!!! ....Well shit guess I'm dead. At least this is better than coughing my lungs out. I mean I was expecting nothingness but damn this is depressing. Really just darkness? Can't even feel my own skin, but still have consciousness. This is bullshit. '

**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBmgAp_PlgI (I don't own this music) (play for better experience)

'Wait, why is this theme coming on? Oh! Gengar and nidoran, the firered opening!!! I guess this really is a dream, I just suck at controlling it. It's been a while since I've played through it with college and stuff. Anyways lets start playing, I wonder if I subconsciously remember every line, event, pokemon on each routes in this dream!!! Ok just select start aaand new game. Good thing there was no old save file or I don't know how I would have gone about deleting it being in a dream and all.'

** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfq6l4Y7R8Y (I don't own this music)

"Hello there! Glad to meet you. Welcome to the world of Pokemon.", Professor Oak said. 'Cool Professor Oak is actually talking like in the anime. Great job brain!'

"My name is Oak. People affectionately refer to me as the Pokemon Professor. This world is inhabited far and wide by creatures called Pokemon." A female nidoran came out of the pokeball he had. " For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others use them for battling. As for myself, I study Pokemon as a profession." He returns the nidoran. "But first, tell me a little about yourself. Now tell me. Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?" The options for boy are girl are shown. 'Boy of course. Damn brain why even bother keeping that part in the dream. K we picked boy. Wait a minute that does not look like Red or even Ash at all. He looks more like a 10 year old than the old sprite did. He has messy black hair which I guess is correct? Man what are those!!! He can definitely not run in those shitty tan shoes. Is that his toe? Ok jeans look a bit torn up towards the bottom and holes in them. Where would my brain get that from. All mine don't have holes in them like they did in my emo middle school days. Ok regular white t-shirt with a bunch of dirt and shit on it, at this point acceptable. Holy shit why is his face so fucked up like Mike Tyson just got finished using it as a punching bag.'

"Let's begin with your name. What is it?" The screen to enter the name in came up. 'Ok G, r... wait!!! Why did it start way with A!? No not l(lowercase L).' e. 'Fuck this I'm done.' x.

"Right your name is Alex.?"

'No!!!' Yes was chosen. 'Fuck!'

Oaks starts talking with a voice that is changing to be that of a robot. "The world of Pokemon awaits you. Combining souls progress 0%." ' What just happ... aaaaaahhhh!!!!' Everything turned white.


Damn my body aches. ... Where the fuck am I? I was surrounded by trees. I should be in the hosp.... o fuck my head!!! What the fuck are all these memories. I'm not an orphan. I'm not 10 years old, and I'm definitely not in a world of Pokemon. This must be a part of the same dream. I turned my head towards a noise I heard, and standing in the bush was a brown bird. "AAAHHHH!!!!!" "Pidgey!!". The fucking thing pecked me cause I screamed then flew to a tree branch. Wait! Did I just feel pain? In a dream? Is that a Pidgey? Let me check something with it. "Hey Pidgey.... I was wondering if you can peck me again." The Pidgey look at me like I was an idiot with its head tilted to the side. It then flew towards me and pecked the side of my head. "OWWWWW!! I never said to peck me hard!!" The Pidgey rolled its eyes and flew away. "I'm not dreaming!!!! I'm actually in the world of Pokemon. O yeah those memories. I need to sift through them to figure out where I am and what to do next." I took a couple of minutes to get my bearings. Well this kid named Alex just got beat up by a bunch of classmates. I guess they took it a bit to far and now here I am. He was going to the Viridian gym to get a Pokemon. They actually let 10 year olds travel across the country alone! Ok so I need get there fast, or I will be late. I started walking towards the gym since I am sore.

Wait since I've been put in this body do I have like a cool system!!! "System! System Open! Status! Open system!" I guess I don't get a system. Well at least this won't be boring since I don't get to skate by with cheats. Ok maybe a system that revolves around sexy time would have been nice. Who am I kidding, I need it!!! I'm not staying virgin till death again!! And no one will take me seriously since I'm only 10 years old. I'm not a pedo! This is going to suck. Basically another 8 years of no sex. I mean, what adult woman is going to fuck a 10 year old, that also wants to fuck her. Like there might be some of those single teachers then would, but damn they are not good looking.

Ok there is the gym. Hopefully I can still get a Pokemon. I hope that douchbag Giovanni actually gives us decent Pokemon even though he is probably going to have his grunts steal afterwards anyways. I know I'm not going to get a Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur since this isn't Professor Oak or any major scientist. Hopefully I get a Nidoran or a Rhyhorn. They are basically the only other Pokemon besides Dratini that can truly be as powerful or more powerful than the starters. I'm standing infront of the door. Here goes nothing.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I'm a new author? Can you call me that? Anyways I was wondering how y'all liked my 1st chapter. Maybe tell me anything I need to improve on like how I used POVs or how I transition from thoughts to speech and such. Also leave suggestions for Pokemon you would like to see play some role in the story. I have my own plans for the story, but I am willing to hear you guys out. I got this 1st arc( can you call it that?) planned out. Just some minor details like what exactly occurs on the road. Battles that take place. Like idk if I should include samurai. Its kinda pointless but its like the thing everyone does so do I keep that going? Let me know.

shockwave12128creators' thoughts