

Nero has lived in the Shuri Forest his entire life. Thanks to a bear with an unending appetite and a high profile assassin, he is kicked out of house and home. Unsure of what to do, he decides to pack up and become a Retainer, making him a wanted man. Now, with the Peace Corps hot on his heels , will he be able to complete his mission, or die trying?

88 Chs

What's Better Than Two? Oath Of Silence

"Since we left the Addidel House, you haven't done your usual morning routine."

"Yeah, I think that tall butler broke a couple of my ribs."

Frides shook his head. "You mean the butler that you killed."

"Hey you know what's better than one? " Nero waited then answered, "Two ."

Nero broke out into laughter, and Frides rolled his shoulders in frustration. "When are we going to get to this safe house?"

"I don't know. It's all in the letter." Nero reached in his bag and handed Frides the parchment.

"You still had it this whole time."

"I thought they might need it for proof." Frides just resigned himself and looked it over.

"Yes. We're going the right way. It's just at the Peace Corps Headquarters in New Oania. Not a problem."

"At the the Peace Corps Headquarters?!"

"Not there but in New Oania."

"Why would they put it there? What does this mean? A Riddle?"

"That's where they told me to meet them. I don't know." He shrugged.

Nero and Frides walked down the road until they ran into a split in the road. One way lead to New Oania where the Peace Corps Headquarters was and the other lead towards the Horseshoe Natural Spring Resort.


"I haven't even said anything yet." Nero contested.

"You knew this place was here the whole time didn't you?" Nero looked away and whistled. "I'm going to get you to New Oania and finally complete this mission."

"Come on all we do is walk all day, make camp, wake up with the sun, and repeat.My bones are starting to creak." Nero squats and his knees cracked.

"Yes and we've been making great time with no trouble. No burning buildings, no rushed escapes, and above all no killing. Just keep looking down when you see another traveler."

"Yeah, why do I have to do that?"

"Because when people see your face they want to punch it."

Nero puffed his lips. "That's not nice."

"Come on. You can come here on your own after we get to New Oania."

"Okay I was saving this for an emergency." Nero stood up straight and looked Frides right in his eyes. "If we go here I won't talk for a day."

"You know what's better than one?" Frides returned Neros serious stare."Two."

Nero takes a second and thinks it over. He extends his hand. "Okay, but we have to stay the night and you have to pay."

Frides takes his hand and they shake on it.


Thanks for reading!