
Resident Reincarnator

For those that have been here before… And those that we have yet to see… Yada-yada. :) ~ This a ‘JUST’ a Resident Evil FF I’m writing for creative fun. it is also from the Cinematic universe and, NOT the Uh… other one…(?) or something…. Also maybe an AU…. maybe… :p

Snow_Lux · ภาพยนตร์
5 Chs

Chapter 2

After my chat with the Red-Queen, I headed over to take a shower and as I walked out, Alyssa was leaning on the wall as I entered the locker room. I met her gaze while her arms were crossed.

"Why did you do that?" She asked more to clear the air than to interrogate me. "She can just as easily go back on her word and kill us when we least expect it."

I walked over and removed the towel before opening a random locker and taking out a black trianing top and sliding up a pair of black skin-tight undershorts as I next began sliding into a navy-gray jumpsuit up to my waist before sliding it up and over my shoulders.

"If you really want to know; it was for survival-"


Holding her arm over my chest, not applying much pressure but still holding me in place, her eyes were observing every inch of my face as if trying to figure out a complicated puzzle.

"You do know that you just told that psychotic AI… that she will succeed in her plans in which case, you have forgotten, includes the extinction of all mankind." There was a bit of heat in her calm and deliberate tone. The lights flickered for a moment as the lockers around us began to rattle. "Tell me, what's your angle. Why tell her what will happen in the future?"

Seeing me look at her, I then sighed before she then let me go as the rumbling stopped and she drew a calm breath before resting her hands at her hips as she turned around to lean her back on the locker adjacent from mine.

"Well, I'm all ears, 'Alicia'." While I zipped up my jumpsuit over my chest, I then turned and grabbed a pair of boots as I set them down on the floor before putting them on and turning to Alyssa.

"I honestly can't see any other way of surviving in this slow-dying world." Filtering out my brown-golden hair, I didn't cut it like everyone else had but it was a statement that I didn't tell anyone about that I was still myself. "I don't see a future where we can live happily-ever-after. At least as long as Umbrella is around."

"What does that mean for 'you', exactly?" I then started walking out of the locker room when Alyssa then pulled her power and shut the door leading to the hallway. "I won't repeat myself."

With a sigh, I then turned around to look at her before talking.

"I'm a coward." I said it and she creased her brows while looking at me with… obvious sarcasm. "What?"

"Let's go." She tapped my arm as she passed me and I was confused before turning and following her out as I stood and turned again to follow her toward the direction of the gym. As we arrived in a large room with mats lining the floor, I noticed her take off her equipment and weapons before stepping onto the ring barefoot while still in her sexy black latex suit. "Come on, let's spar."

I rolled my eyes but seeing the sincerity on her face, I gulped down any opposition before taking off my boots and then climbing onto the ring barefoot as well.

"This isn't going to solve any-" I dodged a sudden jab to my face by tilting sideways and then dodging tow more quick jabs that were almost a burr but, I managed to get out of unscathed. "Hey, let me finish talking!"

"Shut up-" I then watched her surged toward me as I then blocked countless more very powerful strikes as we went back-and-forth. "-and like you said; Survive!"

She then leaped and spun her leg rapidly while I dropped to the ground and tried to sweep her off her leg she would use to land. But she instead brought down her heel over my head and I had to dodged backwards fluidly. As I was regaining my balance, I dodged another strike straight to my face and diverted it to the side as I then felt as if I was fully assimilating into my own body.

Learning her moves, I could sense, touch, feel and see it all. Her moves she will make, my own moves in correlation. Were we all originally like this? This is incredible.

"Focus!" I narrowly avoided getting my ribs broken as her leg abruptly swept to my side and I only had enough time to guard it with my elbow yet, the attack was fierce and carried a bit of weight. Sliding across the mat, I then only managed to pull her leg forward as she jumped and locked her other leg around my neck before she was now above me and I could see her eyes gleaming with such beauty and strength as her hands were settled around my head. "'Snap', you're dead."

She said as I watched her then flexibly backflip off my shoulders and land effortlessly onto the ground. She stood back up and held a very cocky smile on her face.

She really liked winning it seems.

"What was the purpose of all this?" I said while not ashamed I took the 'L' in this match. Since it was just a match.

"You still don't seem to get it." I only looked at her before she turn strolled over and just as I was putting up my guard, she suddenly surprised me with a hug. "You idiot, what I've been trying to say this whole time is; you're not alone."

I felt that. It hit really close to home as despite having been brought to this world, I still remembered I had lived another life. I must have had a family, friends and neighbors. I had a life…

… and I was now supposed to just abandon all of it. I thought no one would understand. I didn't even understand I needed this when my own arms wrapped very tightly around Alyssa's slender frame. Her scent of gunpowder and shampoo filled my nose.

I closed my eyes as I didn't realize I really needed this.

This, I knew what it was, what she was trying to get at.

A 'reality-check'. I had no purpose and in a world devoid of life, that was a dangerous thing even if I had been a carbon copy of someone else. It was unsettling and I was… jealous.

"I'm sorry." I said in a giant whisper but Alyssa still heard me as she brushed my head. "I thought… I thought I should hold it in and carry on alone. I don't-… I thought-"

"Shh." I stopped trying to explain myself as I then turned and found Mary at the doorway to the training room.

"Am I… uh, interrupting anything?" She said, holding a towel over her shoulder as she looked like she finished her shower shortly after me and Alyssa came to the training room. She was rocking a new button-shirt twice her size but it oddly suited her shirt frame. "Um, t-the hologram-girl… uh, she asked me to call you… both of you."

I blinked and turned to look at Alyssa as we separated and then got suited as we headed upwards since there were no cameras past the first floor. Chalk it up to the original Alice not trusting the Red-Queen, for good measure.

Heck, she even had secret tridents hidden away. Not even the original could spot them.

"You called for us, it better be important." I spoke with a more confident voice as I felt more comfortable in 'my' new body.

{"I have revived a distress signal from a registered Umbrella cell for an immediate EVAC."}

"Good riddance, but why bring it up?" I said firmly as it felt weird and oddly liberating I can brush off the lives of people working for an evil world organization that essentially killed off mankind and the planet.

{"… this one is… different… as they have have turned traitor toward Umbrella and stolen something valuable … "}

Red-Queen suddenly went silent as she then turned to me and spoke more firmly.

{"It is time-sensitive as the Spanish government and elites in Umbrella have sent out their best to hunt the traitor down."}

The holographic image on the projector then switched and showed a rather familiar face before I then felt a slight sting of pain from my head as I then felt as if a piece of my former memories were unlocked and I was able to identify the person on the run was a rather popular and iconic fictional character I suddenly gained the knowledge of remembering the second I saw their face.

"Wait, isn't that… Mokoto Kusanagi?" I was in utter disbelief but then noticed her hair was pale white and her eyes were dark red.

It just looks like her… but then why did I suddenly remember a fictional character?

"Out… of curiosity, what did she manage to steal for Umbrella?" I asked Red-Queen and she then waved her hand as another projector appeared showcasing an experimental military-grade invisibility suit that turns its wearier invisible to all forms of surveillance and cameras. "You've got to be kidding me."

I was in utter disbelief as… this was never mentioned in the original work. At least, not to my knowledge according tot he Resident Evil cinematic series. This…

… I think I might be in an AU or alternate universe that includes Resident Evil.

"F*cking hell." I sighed while taking a seat as I needed to sit down to process all this. But once I did, I turned to Red-Queen. "Send a message and guide her to safety. We'll pick her up and offer her sanctuary."

{"Understood."} She then disappeared as I then turned to see Alyssa looking at me as she must have noticed my reaction as well as my sudden drive towards saving that woman.

"You're with me right?" I asked and was happy she smiled and only nodded as I only then realized that similar to the original, I would be heading out following on my own path.
