
Resident Evil: Rebirth

Starr_Dakota · ภาพยนตร์
9 Chs

Prison Life

"This is log 177. Nick decided to go his own way to better avoid Umbrella and I'm starting wonder if even he's dead." Alice said as she sat on a log by the ocean before seeing someone run away from the area and she quickly gave chase, "Wait!"

It didn't take her long to find the person as she attacked Alice and was quickly knocked unconscious. She recognized the woman to be Claire and she had some sort of device on her chest. Alice took it of and tied up Claire to keep her from attacking again. A few hours later Alice noticed that Claire was waking up.

"Sorry about earlier but I had to get this off of you." Alice said as she showed Claire the device, "Do you know who I am? My name is Alice and we met back in the Nevada desert where you took a helicopter to get to a place called Arcadia that was free of infected. Well I'm going to take you to British Columbia with me in the morning so get some rest."

"That's the alarm!" Luther yelled as he and Nick jumped from their seats and sprinted for the roof and when they opened the door they saw a plane flying towards the prison, "I told you they'd come!"

"They're leaving?!" Bennett asked as the plane turned away from them, "Why are they leaving?!"

"They're looking for a place to land!" Angel yelled and everyone began getting things out of the way while he and Nick pulled the cables from the gravel. When the plane touched down the cables slowed its momentum before the concrete broke and it began to slid over the edge. Luther and Nick jumped for the tail and barely caught it in time and everyone helped them pull it back up. Nick began to laugh as Alice and Claire stepped out and the others gave him a weird look.

"Nice to see you to Nick." Alice said with a smile, "You always seem to be in the wrong place at the right time huh?"

"I see you two have already met." Luther said in confusion, "Nick you've been full of surprises since you joined us."

"You have no idea Luther." Nick said as he caught his breath, "At least I haven't crashed a plane yet."

"Yeah well you've crashed a few other things." Alice told him smugly and he just smirked and walked back inside.

"So how do you know Nick?" Luther asked as the began examining the plane, "He's never opened up to any of us since he managed to get past that horde down there."

"That's not surprising. We met back in Raccoon City and we always seem to run into each other." Alice told him as she spun the rotor, "She'll live."

"Isn't that the place where all of this supposedly started?" Luther asked as they walked inside, "Maybe you could shed some light on him for us."

"Well he's probably your best chance of survival. He might act cold but he is a good guy and someone you wouldn't want to fight." Alice explained, "But you already knew that didn't you."

"Seems you're probably not going to tell me anymore than he has. Why don't I show you around the place?" Luther asked as they began to walk the halls of the prison. He explained how they got there and showed her Chris. Once they got done they headed to the cafeteria to eat and she got to see Bennett's attitude firsthand.

"Bennett if you don't chill out I'm going to feed you to those things outside." Nick said as he walked to the table Alice and Luther were sitting, "I promise nobody is going to stop me."

"As much as I would love to see that I'd hate to give our guests outside indigestion." Luther said with a laugh and Alice shook her head at their antics before she began to eat. The next day showed Alice to the shower room and it didn't take Nick long to hear gunshots, sending him sprinting in. He saw the zombies laying on the ground next to a hole in the shower floor and he looked at Alice before going to get the others.

"So they can just come out from anywhere?!" Bennett yelled as Nick and Angel examined the hole with flashlights.

"I don't think so." Nick said as he took a torch and dropped it down the hole to see how deep it was, "I think we should let Chris out so he'll tell us how to escape here."

"No way!" Bennett yelled and Alice could tell Nick was getting irritated at him, "He might kill us all!"

"If we don't let him out then those things will kill us." Luther told him with a scowl, "Unless you'd rather take your chances?"

"Anyone else have an issue with that idea?" Angel asked and nobody said anything, "Alright."

"So you're ready to listen?" Chris asked as they unlocked his cage and Nick nodded, "Then let's go."

"Lead the way." Angel said as they followed Chris outside and Nick watched the gate carefully.

"Inside there is a U.P.V., an Urban Pacification Vehicle. The prison had it in case there was a huge riot." Chris explained, "Sixteen wheeler, water gun, steel plates and it can hold up to twenty people."

"It's jammed." Angel said with a sigh as he tried the lock.

"Once we get to the coast we're going to need a boat of some kind." Alice them as she saw Nick still staring at the gate.

"We're going to need a lot more firepower." Luther said as he follow Nick's eyes. Chris leaned against the wall and explained that there was an armory with more than enough guns for them.

"Everybody get a move on!" Nick said as a large monster slammed a large weapon against the gate. As the gate rattled again Chris and Alice ran inside while Angel went to find a plasma cutter. Luther slid an axe into the gate doors but the monster kept hitting it.

"Just shoot that motherfucker." Claire told Luther and Nick as the gate was hit again and they unloaded their guns into its head but it didn't even slow it down. Nick saw the bolts beginning to come out of the wall and yelled for them to get out of there. They ran for the roof only to see Bennett trying to steal the plane and they realized he had put a chain around the doors.

"Back up." Nick told them as he pulled his arm back and they quickly stepped back as he punched the doors off of their hinges. Bennett shot at them as Chris and Alice opened the side door and they took cover as he flew over the edge. Luther ran over as saw him recover the plane last second before they saw zombies ran onto the roof. They began to fight them off but Nick quickly realized it would be too much for them.

"Over there!" Nick yelled while pointing to the elevator and they quickly ran for it while Alice and Nick held the zombies back. Alice was suddenly sent flying into the elevator and Chris caught her.

"Nick!" Alice yelled but she got her answer as he looked over his shoulder with a smirk before throwing a bomb on top of the elevator, making its cables snap and sending it plummeting towards the water. He ran towards the edge of the roof and jumped off with zombies falling after him. He slowed his decent by putting his hand on the wall and winced as the rough surface tore through his skin. He landed on a zombie and Luther got to see why Alice warned him about Nick as he watched his hand regenerate quickly.

"Over here!" Luther yelled as he shot a zombie next to him and Nick picked the body up and charged through the zombies until he got close to the door. He slid under it just before it closed and put his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.

"Did you just jump off of the roof?" Alice asked him with a grin and he smirked at her. They quickly ran to the shower room and looked down the hole.

"Are you a bioweapon?" Chris asked while Nick in the eyes, "Because you don't look like on I've ever seen."

"You could call me a bioweapon hunter." Nick admitted as he kneeled next to the hole, "I'll go first if you don't trust me anymore."

"You saved our asses on the roof so I can't say I don't." Chris told him as he went first instead and Luther followed after him. That's when the monster from the gate slammed his weapon down on the guy they were trying to convince to go next. Before Nick could react it grabbed him by the face and threw him at the wall hard enough for blood to splatter. Alice had a look of pure hatred as she processed what had happened and immediately began shooting it.