
1. How did we get here..?

Monsters—I can't say I harbor any strong feelings toward them. It's not that I hate them, but I can't claim to be particularly fond of them either. There's something unsettling about the idea of owning them; after all, they were once people too. It just doesn't sit right with me... But wait, hold on a second—can anyone explain why there are three skeleton monsters, shock collars and all, kneeling right in front of me?

I turned my gaze toward Brian, who has been a steadfast aid, a loyal butler, and a true friend. I was hoping he could shed some light on this rather perplexing situation. You see, I seem to have developed a peculiar case of memory problems. Brian's patient sigh indicated that I might have spaced out at the most inconvenient moment again. "My lady, now isn't the time to get lost in thought. Your new, um, servants are patiently waiting for your instructions," he said, his attention returning to the skeleton monsters.

Servants? Wait a minute—when did we acquire new servants? Hang on, does he mean they're like... slaves? Monster slaves? The notion seemed impossible; after all, I wouldn't—couldn't—engage in such a morally questionable practice. But then, as the fog of my memory began to clear, it hit me—oh, right. I remember now, with a sigh of exasperation. Of course, how could I have forgotten something so significant? Maybe it's time to rewind the clock about a month ago and fill in the blanks...


Mornings—those splendid times of day when my alarm shatters my peaceful sleep, traffic commences its orchestra, and the occasional distant gunshot provides that familiar urban symphony. Ah, yes, the bags under my eyes, ever-present like badges of honor, remind me that my body truly adores these early awakenings...

Knock, knock, knock. "My lady, it's time to rise and shine." I could practically predict the sound of Brian's voice by now, accompanied by his relentlessly punctual morning routine.

"My lady?" The door creaked open, a gateway to the inevitable disruption of my slumber.

"Ten more minutes, Brian," I mumbled, attempting to fend off the world's insistence on my immediate participation in it.

"No, my lady, you're already twenty minutes behind schedule," he declared, a harbinger of doom.

And then it happened—the curtains parted, and an unforgiving cascade of morning sunlight invaded my sanctum. "Damn it," I hissed, groping for any remaining shreds of darkness that could shield me. Naturally, my blanket offered no protection; it had betrayed me by following the laws of physics and gravity.

"Good morning to you as well, Brian," I managed to grumble, my voice laced with a hint of sarcasm.

A soft chuckle emerged from him as he responded, a melody of amusement in the early hours.

I glanced over at my trusty alarm clock, which displayed a glaring 6:57 AM. A triumphant grin crossed my face—hey, it almost made it to 7:00 AM. For context, I had initially set the alarm for the more reasonable hour of 6:30 AM.

"You should freshen up; breakfast is prepared, and your outfit for the day awaits," Brian's voice interjected, effectively quelling my inner victory dance.

Wait, did he just mention breakfast? Well, hot diggity dog! What would I do without my dedicated butler, the wizard of culinary delights? Truth be told, I managed pretty well on my own before Brian came into the picture. Well, maybe not "well," but I was surviving, more or less. Ah, those memories of Grandma fussing about my solo living arrangements flashed by. I may have been a grown-up, but she insisted on treating me like a sprouting sapling. Hmph, I'm not exactly a baby anymore, am I, Grandma?

"My lady?" Brian's voice broke into my reverie, and I realized that my face must have been sporting a pout that would make a five-year-old envious.

I shook off my playful annoyance and offered Brian a sheepish smile. "Sorry, got lost in my own little world there."

He raised an eyebrow, amusement twinkling in his eyes, the corner of his lips twitching in response. "A world that seems to involve a struggle with alarm clocks and invisible victory dances?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. "You caught me. Now, if you'd kindly allow me to prepare myself for this brave new day, oh noble servant of the household?"

He gave a mock bow, his professionalism feigning a theatrical flourish. "Of course, my lady. Your realm awaits."

As I headed towards the bathroom, his voice trailed after me. "And remember, pouting only gets you so far in the world of grown-ups."

"Who says I want to be a grown-up?" I mumbled, smirking to myself. Yet somehow, Brian's ever-watchful presence made the journey of adulthood a little more manageable.

After a refreshing bath and the donning of a presentable outfit, I descended the stairs to find breakfast spread out before me, a delightful tableau of flavors and aromas. As always, Brian's culinary prowess seemed like nothing short of magic. Every bite was a testament to his culinary wizardry, a symphony of tastes that could brighten even the gloomiest morning.

Ah, that's right, today wasn't just another ordinary day. It suddenly hit me like a bolt of lightning—I had something important scheduled. A job interview, to be precise! How could I have momentarily forgotten such a significant event?

"Job interviews," I muttered to myself, a mixture of realization and mild panic coursing through me. Yes, today was the day I was supposed to attend a job interview. I glanced at the clock, and my heart rate kicked up a notch.

"Brian!" I exclaimed, urgency in my tone as I turned to him. "I'm going to be late!"

His calm demeanor barely flickered as he raised an eyebrow, his response equally composed. "My lady, you still have a few minutes. And might I add that hurrying through your breakfast won't do justice to the delectable feast before you."

I mustered a sheepish grin, realizing that while my mind might have been scattered, Brian remained the beacon of reason in my life. "You're right, as always. But still, I shouldn't keep my potential future employer waiting."

With a nod of agreement, I delved back into my breakfast, savoring each bite without compromising the taste for speed. It was Brian's little rituals and unwavering support that reminded me that while life could be chaotic and unpredictable, there were constants I could count on.

After relishing our delightful breakfast—yes, 'we,' referring to both Brian and me—our morning routine took a unique turn. Brian was more than a mere butler; we shared the same living space, and he was as much a part of my daily life as anyone could be. It made sense, considering we were the sole inhabitants of the house. While my initial intention was to opt for an apartment, my wise grandma had different ideas, and I ended up here.

As we wrapped up the meal, Brian promptly locked up the house, and I caught sight of Fox through the window. Ah, Fox, the unsung hero of my inner calm and tranquility. I don't think I've properly introduced him yet, have I? Allow me to remedy that. Fox is my white-furred husky—a majestic creature who exudes a sense of serene loyalty. He was a birthday gift from Grandma, given under the pretense of combating my supposed "loneliness." Despite my initial hesitation, I've come to realize that Fox is a treasure, offering companionship that I hadn't even realized I needed.

With Fox safeguarding the home, we headed out, a duo on a mission. Brian took his place behind the wheel, and I settled into the passenger seat. The engine hummed to life, and we embarked on the journey that would define the rest of the day.
