
Requiem: When They Fall

In the tranquil town of Kamihara, Akira Shu carries the weight of a sorrow-laden past. Haunted by the disappearance of his beloved sister, Eiko, who was claimed by a mysterious dungeon, Akira's life takes a somber turn. The looming dungeons, portals to a realm of monsters and mysteries, cast a shadow over the town. As Akira grapples with his grief, he finds himself drawn to one particular dungeon, standing on the precipice of the unknown. With determination and a vow to uncover the truth, Akira embarks on a journey that will lead him to confront not only the enigmatic dungeons but also the deepest recesses of his own sorrow. "Requiem: When They Fall" is a tale of loss, resilience, and the unwavering bonds that transcend time and space. As Akira steps into the shadows, he seeks to rewrite the requiem of his life, to find solace, redemption, and answers amidst the mysteries that dwell within the dungeons.

sushifishpirate · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Forging bonds: The legend of Kuji

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows as Pioni and Maki bid farewell to the familiar halls of the hospital. Huji and the Nurse offered warm goodbyes, their eyes reflecting pride and hope. Stepping out into the lively town market, the world seemed to buzz with energy.

Maki's stomach voiced its own demands, prompting Pioni to chuckle. They soon found themselves drawn to a stall adorned with skewered, mouthwatering meat. The savory aroma beckoned, and without hesitation, they indulged, savoring each flavorful bite. A nearby bakery, its shelves adorned with an array of sweets, beckoned to Maki. Bursting with enthusiasm, she procured two cupcakes, one for herself and one for Pioni.

With satisfied appetites, the duo resumed their quest for the renowned blacksmith, Kuji. Following the guidance of friendly townsfolk, they navigated through the winding streets, anticipation building with each step. Finally, they arrived at the threshold of Kuji's Blacksmith, where the pulsing heat spoke of the fervent activity within.

A figure, weathered yet sturdy, approached them, exuding an aura of authority. Pioni introduced himself and Maki, and the blacksmith, Kuji, regarded them with keen interest. He invited them into a chamber, where three well-worn chairs awaited.

Seated, Kuji inquired about the purpose of their visit. Pioni's words held an air of determination as he explained their intent - a "Custom Order," an opulent endeavor typically reserved for nobility. The exorbitant cost underscored its rarity, often reaching into the thousands of gold coins. Kuji hesitated, reluctant to embark on such a venture with unknown adventurers, but Pioni's resolute action spoke louder than words. With a weighty sack of gold tossed onto the table, Kuji's disbelief gave way to resolve.

Kuji called out for someone, In response a young figure named Ian entered swiftly, attentive to Kuji's command. Pioni described the sword he envisioned, its blade adorned with the Fire Ball spell, while Maki articulated her desire for a witch's staff, four meters in length, with enhanced casting capabilities. Ian listened intently, making meticulous notes as the details flowed.

As Ian departed to begin the intricate process of documenting their custom order, a weighty silence settled in the room. Pioni turned his gaze towards Kuji, his eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

"Your forge is renowned throughout the land," Pioni began, breaking the stillness. "Legends of Kuji's craftsmanship reach even the farthest corners. It's an honor to be here."

Kuji met Pioni's gaze, a glint of pride in his weathered eyes. "Crafting is not merely about shaping metal," he mused, his voice carrying the resonance of years spent at the anvil. "It's about infusing purpose, about understanding the soul of the wielder and the heart of the weapon. Each piece tells a story, etched in every line and curve."

Maki, listening intently, nodded in agreement. "It's a rare gift, to breathe life into steel and wood."

Kuji smiled, the lines on his face deepening with the expression. "Aye, that it is. But it requires more than skill alone. It takes an understanding of the elements, a connection to the very essence of the materials."

Pioni leaned forward, his eyes bright with the fervor of a true enthusiast. "Tell us, Master Kuji, how did you come to master this art? What drove you to become the legend you are?"

Kuji's gaze seemed to travel back through the years, to a time long before the bustling forge and the weight of his renown. "It was a journey of years, filled with trials and discoveries. Each piece I crafted was a step on the path towards understanding. And every mistake, a lesson etched in fire and sweat."

Maki couldn't help but be drawn into Kuji's narrative. "Were there moments when you thought of giving up?"

Kuji's eyes twinkled with a hint of reminiscence. "Oh, many a time. The forge can be a harsh mistress. But every time doubt whispered, the ringing of hammer on anvil called me back."

Pioni's gaze was unwavering. "And now, you're sought by nobles and adventurers alike. Your work is spoken of in the highest halls."

Kuji's expression turned thoughtful. "Aye, the road has led me here. But it's not the grandeur that fuels my fire, it's the craft itself, the knowledge that every piece I create has a destiny yet to be written."

The conversation flowed on, a river of shared passion for the art of creation. As the words wove between them, a bond of mutual respect and understanding formed, connecting the seasoned master with the eager seekers of his craft. In that room, amid the echoes of clinking metal and the dance of sparks, a camaraderie was forged as enduring as the weapons that would soon take shape in Kuji's skilled hands.

The hours slipped by, unnoticed, as stories and experiences flowed between them. Kuji spoke of the intricacies of forging, of the secrets hidden within the metals, and the ancient techniques passed down through generations. Pioni and Maki, in turn, shared their own tales of battles fought and victories won, of the camaraderie forged in the crucible of adventure.

Outside the forge, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the town into a serene twilight. The distant clang of hammers against anvils provided a rhythmic backdrop to their conversation.

As the night settled in, Kuji's eyes sparkled with a newfound light. "You two have a fire within, a passion for the craft that I've rarely seen," he remarked, a tone of genuine admiration in his voice.

Maki's eyes shone with gratitude. "It's an honor to share this moment with you, Master Kuji. Your wisdom is a gift."

Pioni nodded in agreement. "Indeed, we are humbled by your generosity in sharing your knowledge with us."

Kuji's gaze shifted between them, a silent understanding passing between them. "Perhaps," he began, "there is something more I can offer."

The air seemed to hold its breath as Kuji rose from his chair, his movements deliberate. He disappeared into the depths of the forge, returning moments later with a small, ornate box.

With a ceremonious air, he opened the box to reveal two gleaming pendants, each bearing a delicate emblem.

"These were crafted by my own hands," Kuji explained, his voice carrying a weight of significance. "They hold a fragment of my spirit, a token of the bond we've forged tonight."

Pioni and Maki accepted the pendants, their fingers tracing the fine craftsmanship. Gratitude swelled within them, a deep appreciation for the moment and the mentorship they'd stumbled upon.

As they fastened the pendants around their necks, a sense of purpose settled within them. They were no longer just adventurers seeking weapons; they were now bound by something far more profound - a shared love for the art of creation, and the legacy it carried.

With a final exchange of heartfelt words, Pioni and Maki took their leave of the forge, their steps light with newfound purpose. The night air felt cooler against their skin, carrying with it the whispers of a promising future.

As they looked ahead, their hearts brimmed with the knowledge that the weapons they sought were not only crafted from metal and wood, but from the enduring connection they had formed with Kuji, the legendary blacksmith.

Under the watchful gaze of the moon, they ventured forth, their spirits ablaze with the anticipation of wielding not only finely honed weapons, but the wisdom and legacy of a master craftsman.

As they stepped out into the cool night air, a sense of purpose surged within them. The pendants hung against their chests, tangible reminders of the bond they had formed with Kuji, the legendary blacksmith. They knew that their journey was now infused with deeper meaning, that they were not only seeking weapons, but also carrying forward a tradition of artistry and craftsmanship.

With a final exchange of heartfelt gratitude, Pioni and Maki left the forge behind, the echoes of clinking metal fading into the distance. The winding streets of the town seemed to welcome them, as if whispering tales of the adventures yet to come.

In the days that followed, the memory of their encounter with Kuji remained etched in their hearts. The anticipation for their custom weapons grew, not only as instruments of power, but as symbols of their shared passion for the art of creation.

And so, as the sun rose on a new day, Pioni and Maki pressed onward, eager to see their visions brought to life in the skilled hands of the renowned blacksmith. For they knew that what awaited them was not only the fulfillment of a custom order, but the continuation of a legacy that spanned generations.

With each step, Pioni and Maki could feel the weight of their purpose, the promise of the legendary weapons they were about to wield. The path ahead seemed to stretch with possibilities, and their hearts beat in time with the rhythm of their shared destiny.

Arriving once more at the threshold of Kuji's Blacksmith, they were greeted by the familiar wave of heat and the symphony of clanging metal. Kuji's presence was a reassuring anchor in the midst of the bustling forge.

As they entered, Kuji turned from his work, his eyes brightening at the sight of his esteemed guests. There was a mutual understanding that transcended words. The custom order was not merely a transaction; it was a collaboration of souls bound by the love for the craft.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Kuji directed their attention to the workbench, where two covered objects awaited their unveiling. The air seemed to hum with anticipation as Pioni and Maki carefully lifted the cloths, revealing the fruits of Kuji and Ian's labor.

Pioni's eyes widened in awe as he beheld the gleaming Diamond Longsword, its blade imbued with the fiery enchantment. It was a masterpiece, a marriage of art and function. As he held it aloft, he could feel the latent power coursing through it, a promise of battles yet to be fought.

Maki, too, felt a surge of emotion as she looked upon her staff, its wood bearing the ancient inscriptions. It was more than a weapon; it was an extension of herself, a conduit for the flames that danced within her. As she took it in her hands, a sense of unity washed over her, as though the staff and her very being were in perfect harmony.

Turning to Kuji, their expressions spoke volumes, gratitude and admiration woven into their gazes. Words were unnecessary; the weapons themselves were a testament to the skill and passion that had birthed them.

Under the watchful gaze of the moon and the shimmering canopy of stars, Pioni swung his Diamond Longsword, summoning forth a blazing fireball that streaked through the night, illuminating the darkness with its fiery brilliance. Maki followed suit, her staff twirling in graceful arcs as she chanted incantations, conjuring flames that danced and leaped at her command.

Their weapons responded with a familiarity that bordered on instinct. It was as though sword and staff had always belonged to them, as though they were extensions of their very beings. The air crackled with energy, and with each strike, they felt the resonance of their newfound power.

In that sacred moment, amidst the whispers of the night, Pioni and Maki knew that they were ready for the challenges that awaited them. Their weapons were not only tools of destruction but vessels of their resolve, forged with passion and purpose. They were bound by destiny to leave their mark on the world, and with Kuji's creations in their hands, they would do so with unrivaled fervor and strength.

With a final exchange of farewells and well-wishes, Pioni and Maki left the forge, their new companions in hand. The weight of their weapons was a comforting presence against their sides, a reminder of the journey they had undertaken and the legacy they now carried.

As they stepped into the world beyond, the moon hung high, casting its silvery glow over their path. The night held a sense of magic, and they walked forward, hearts brimming with purpose. They sought out a secluded training ground, a place where they could test the mettle of their newly acquired weapons.