
Requiem for Silver Blood

Nova, a young girl who was caught by the stories that she did not believe. Witches and new monsters that hold dominion over the night. Warborne was once known to be the old homeland of the most powerful witches in history and now it's her home. The names of all who were sacrificed on that bloody day are buried underneath this not-so-innocent town and Nova was the only one who could hear them scream. With the help of inhuman beings, Nova needs to navigate through her life as one of the missing pieces of the big puzzle that is this town.

AlexandraT · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Old House

Kalen is looking around and it was certain that he is making sure that no one is listening to them. It's dark and the only source of light are the two street lamps around the house and a few neon lights that are still flashing. Police and paramedics are still investigating what happened inside of the house.

Several of them are going out of the house and back again, some are writing notes in the folders they have with them, and others are trying to keep people as far away as possible from the house, which now become the center of attention. Most of the neighbors were elderly and they all wanted to know what happened.

Kalen leans against the old tree again and exhales. Putting her hands on her hips, Nova raises her eyebrows and shakes her head at him. She wants to know what this is all about and why the boy is acting so suspicious and innocent at the same time.

Nova assumes that he too is confused by the whole situation, but she doesn't trust her own judgment, she wants him to start talking and at least give her some explanation that would calm her down a bit. However, she did not hold out much hope.

"So?" Nova sniffs, wiping her swollen eyes.

"I didn't think this would happen so soon and I certainly didn't think those idiots would decide to attack them and leave a mess like this for everyone to see."

Kalen's head is turned away from Nova this whole time and it's clear that he doesn't understand what happened either, but it couldn't compare to what Nova is going through right now. Someone just attacked her grandparents.

"You know who did it. Spill it." Nova says in a sharp tone.

"Listen, all those stories she told you are not just fairy tales. The whole history of this city is hidden within them. This city has been cursed for several centuries and every year it gets worse, Believe me. I've seen what some of those bastards can do."

Kalen shakes his head and turns his golden eyes again to the girl who is trembling in front of him.

"You keep mentioning someone else. Who would do this?!"

"Someone who apparently thought that this was a nice way to leave a message," he says with a rather angry tone in his voice.

"I've had enough of this! You keep talking in riddles that only you understand. I don't know why I'm still here!" Nova turns briskly and tosses her ponytail back.

Right now, she isn't in the mood and she doesn't have the patience for someone to toy with her and think that this is some kind of fun.

Kalen is still leaning against the old tree, hands folded on his chest as he slowly lowers his head to the ground.

"This was planned and it's only going to get worse," he whispers.

Nova's throat tightened again and a chill runs down her spine. She stops but doesn't turn around. Thoughts escape her like mice fleeing an owl, she doesn't know what to think. Her palms are sweaty again and her eyes are wide open.

She hears his footsteps approach her, but she doesn't move, she just stands there and just stares at one street lamp in the distance where a few bugs are gathering.

"Nova-" Kalen says standing a few steps away from her.

"They wanted me to manipulate you and lead you to them. But watching you live your life, safe from all the crap of this town made me open my eyes. I'm not a good guy, I know that damn well, but trust me on this. I don't agree with what they're trying to do." Kalen whispers to her.

His gentle voice rings in her ears. Maybe he's only playing with her head, maybe it's just his twisted game to get her attention so she wouldn't talk to the police. There is something strange about him, but Nova doesn't know what. She slowly turns towards him. She doesn't believe him one bit. She doesn't want to talk to him.

She knows very well that he knows much more about this than anyone else and that's why she had to force herself to turn around again and look into his empty eyes.

He feels her every breath, her warmth that radiates from her, her gaze that absorbs him, and most importantly. Her beating heart.

Kalen smiles. However, it was not a happy smile, it's full of pain and regret. Maybe jealousy and nostalgia. He lost himself in her gaze for just a moment before taking a few steps back.

"Stop giving me such pathetic answers. My head is already bloated like a balloon and you're not helping it." she says before he could say anything else.

Kalen grits his teeth and approaches her again, but a little faster this time. He grabs her shoulders with both hands and stares at her.

"Don't you get it?! They won't stop here. They will go after your friends, your parents and then after you!" he raises his voice.

"Why the hell do you care. Why won't you tell me anything?!" Nova yells at him, trying to get out of his clutches.

However, Kalen doesn't let her go. He moves even closer to her. He is inches from her face. He looks into her eyes and Nova stops fighting him, stops moving and her voice goes quiet.

"Go home. I'll find you later." Kalen whispers, backing away from her.

Blank expression.

No thoughts.

A mind that doesn't have to think about anything.

Home. Yes. That's where Nova was headed.

She turns, without a word, and starts walking back down the cracked sidewalk from whence she came.

Kalen didn't look happy. This was not going according to his plan. But then he asks himself. What plan? He never has a plan. He always acts without thinking and this is how it usually turns out.

Mad and angry at himself, he also goes his own way, but in the opposite direction. He heads behind the house and passes some trees that grow behind the garden until he comes to a damp road. It's dimly lit and a few meters away stands a house.

Once upon a time, the house lived and breathed. It was full of sunlight, several generations lived in this house. Happy parents and their kids, multiple parties and celebrations took place in this big house but not anymore.

Currently, the house serves as Kalen's home. It's very old, but surprisingly in good condition. There is a ground floor and a second floor with several empty rooms. Massive trees are planted around the front yard and a small wooden staircase leads up to the main entrance. A little further on is a smaller pond, which in this light created a very romantic atmosphere. The happy days of this place are long gone. It's an old, long-forgotten, abandoned house.

Kalen grabs the doorknob and opens the door. He is greeted by a long hallway, which is gloomy, cold, and dark.

All was silent.

He slowly goes inside and heads towards the smaller light he sees at the end of the hall where the living room is. Kalen leans against the frame of the great arch that leads into the largest room of the house. The room is lit by a tall lamp in the corner.

Dark green curtains cover all the windows almost all the time, and in the middle of the room is a wide carpet that has several holes in it. On the walls hang portraits of long-forgotten people, in the corner are two modest armchairs that are set up to face a smaller fireplace in which several flames dance. Everything here looks sad and lonely but for some reason cozy.

"What are you doing here?" Kalen says, looking at the orange flame in the fireplace, clearly not the least bit surprised.

However, the room is empty. Kalen hears a small gush of wind behind him and in a few seconds sees a tall girl in front of him, who has her arms crossed on her chest and a big smile on her face.

Her thick blonde hair is pulled back into a messy bun that sits atop her head. She is wearing a black tank top and jeans, her silver eyes piercing Kalen. She is twirling a lock of her hair around her index finger and a smile was still dancing on her face.

"Aw come on Kalen. You're not happy to see your best buddy again?" The girl opens her arms and rushes towards Kalen.

He rolls his eyes and just stands there. A small smile appears on his face. The girl hugs him tightly and then quickly jumps back. She walks over to the fireplace and sits down in front of it. She pats the seat next to her to indicate that Kalen should sit down. He doesn't think much of it, he sits next to the girl with a sigh and looks at the fire again.

"I haven't seen you in years and when I finally find you, you already have a girl by your side." the girl says and chuckles.

Kalen turns to face her. He looks much calmer than when he was facing Nova earlier.

"Faye, were you spying on me?"

"Well, you weren't here and I could hear your thoughts fighting with themselves. I had to find out what my favorite friend was doing." she laughs and lies down on the cold carpet.

Faye spreads her arms and stares at the dark ceiling and the broken chandelier.

"I thought you finally got out of this shit hole. You kept saying how you were going to start a new life in the big city."

"I wanted to, I was this close and then I heard that Rosemary was back in town and my curiosity just wouldn't let me leave." Faye stretches.

"I had to know if it was really her or if someone was crazy enough to mess with me. But apparently, she is back."

"I'm not even surprised. She's always been so devoted to them, especially to her." Kalen shakes his head.

"What are we going to do with that girl anyway?" Faye asks.

She was referring to Nova, who somehow fit into all of this like the lost puzzle piece she was. Kalen just sighs, still looking at the bright orange light radiating from the flames.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to send her home unprotected or without an explanation about this whole situation?" she asks, sitting back up.

Kalen pauses and smiles. "I wouldn't do that, she is protected."

Nova arrives home. She is safe in her room. No knocking, just her and the night. From her window, though, you were able to notice someone standing on the sidewalk across from her house.

A smaller figure with their hands behind their back, staring intently at her window.

"Don't worry Nova, it'll be okay." Rosalie whispers to herself.

Hopefully you enjoyed the next part of my story! I wonder what will happen next!

AlexandraTcreators' thoughts