
Chapter 1

In the middle of a giant lecture hall at a prestigious University, where hundreds of students were currently embroiled in a battle against their midterm, the sound of cursing and screaming suddenly rang out.

"..THER FUCKER! Haa.. haa.. shit it hurts!! ... Wait ... it doesn't hurt?! Where am I?! ... Huh? .. This is... my university classroom from before the apocalypse.. Does that mean it actually worked?! Fuckin a it actually worked!!"

In the midst of the quiet hall, the sound of screaming echoed even louder than it normally would have, quickly drawing the attention of every single person in the lecture hall.

With all the students and the professor having been caught off guard by the sudden screams an eerie silence permeated the room.

Though it took them a few moments to collect himself, the professor inevitably pulled himself together and rose to his feet with disgust and anger evident in his expression.

Since it was quite obvious who the perpetrator was, the professor quickly approached the man who had so recklessly and vulgarly disrupted the test.

"Mr. Leo Fisher, how dare you interrupt this classroom! And with such vulgar obscenities to boot! I expected far more from the top performer in my class! What do you have to say for yourself?"

Leo, who was nonplussed with the professors anger, simply stood in the middle of the room, looking around, with a wide grin upon his face.

'I can't believe that shit actually fucking worked! I thought that old woman was batshit crazy when she told me that I could go back in time to before the apocalypse with that artifact! I mean.. who wouldn't think that she was speaking out her ass!?

Thank fuck I trusted my gut and gave her everything I owned in exchange for the artifact!'

Waiting for Leo to give him an explanation for the disruption, the professor became increasingly more angry the longer Leo remained silent. When it became apparent that Leo was just outright ignoring him and had no intentions of responding, the professor exploded.

"Leo! Give me an explanation this instant or exit this classroom and fail the test!"

Only at that moment did Leo actually take in the entirety of the situation he now found himself in.

Sure, he had noticed he was in the largest lecture hall of his old University with a simple glance, but he hadn't realized the finer details of the current moment or why the professor was so upset.

As he looked around the room and saw the large packets of paper and everyone staring at him with curiosity and barely concealed mockery did he finally realize exactly what day it was that he had reincarnated.

'Ah.. so tomorrow is the day. The message should be appearing shortly then.. If I remember correctly, the announcement came only an hour or two after this test was finished... Ah well, doesn't matter. All these people are fucked anyways. Time for me to make my exit from this cesspool of mediocrity and entitlement!'

So without so much as a word, Leo turned and started making his way down the crowded aisle and out to the steps so as to exit the lecture hall.

Realizing that Leo had no intention of explaining himself to the professor what the hell had just happened or why he was acting the way he was, the professor stamped down the urge to chase after him and give him an earful.

If the student didn't want to redeem himself, then as a professional the professor had no choice but to ignore the outburst and continue on with the rest of the class.

That was until the professor realized that Leo hadn't taken his backpack with him.

That gave him an excuse to call out to Leo once more, "Leo! If you are leaving, please take your belongings with you so that you do not have an excuse to return and disrupt my lecture hall yet again."

Leo paused his steps, and with what he thought was a suave display of badassery, turned to face the professor and said, "Don't worry. These lessons, those papers, and you people will be worth less than you can imagine in 24 hours. Keep the backpack, I won't need it. The world will be changing at midnight tonight, so you should all leave and prepare yourselves for what is to come."

Aside from the fact that his words made little to no sense at all and only seemed like the ramblings of a delusional mentally ill individual; the fact that they were coming from a man who was known to spend all his waking hours in the library studying, in his dorm gaming, or sitting alone in some dark corner doing god knows what, made it all the more difficult to take them seriously.

Some of the students didn't even hide their thoughts and began laughing loudly at Leo before they eventually began hurling insults at him.

"What the hell is that idiot saying?!"

"He has finally gone mad from spending all day in his dorm studying and touching himself!"

"Haha you're probably right! I mean look at this loser! No way he has any friends!"

"Eww he looked at me! Save me honey!"

"Hey, did you look at my girl?!"

Listening to the insults hurled at him by his classmates, Leo finally remembered something very important!

He was currently weak as fuck, uglier than the ugly duckling, and thought of as a creepy loner throughout campus!

It had been a long time since he so much as entertained a single memory of anything that had happened before the apocalypse that he had forgotten how incredibly pathetic he was back in the day!

'Well.. that was an oversight on my part... I guess this is why they say you should never suppress memories of your past and learn to live / grow from them... Meh doesn't matter. Lets just get out of this hellhole.'

"I stand by what I said. You will know shortly that the words I speak are nothing more than the truth!

This is my warning to you but if you do not wish to heed it then that is your choice.

I wish you all good luck and if any of you survive what is to come, just know that I will remember your words of mockery and disdain when you come begging me for help."

And with that, Leo exited the hall leaving behind a bewildered professor and a classroom full of students who thought him nothing short of having lost his mind.

Leo didn't afford them so much as a second thought though and immediately started to move with purpose.

He had already formulated a plan in his mind for what needed to be accomplished before midnight that night.

First stop: mom's house!

Unfortunately, since he was a freshman at the University, he was not allowed to have a vehicle on campus which meant he only had his bicycle for transportation.

So, despite how much he wanted to get things done quickly, he needed to get a reliable form of transportation first!

The most important aspect of his plan was to get everything done before the announcement came, because as soon as it did, all hell would break loose and it would be very difficult to travel anywhere in the city.

So with that in mind, Leo located 'his' bike, and immediately hopped on and rode in the direction of his mom's place.

The fact that someone was chasing after him, screaming nonstop about how he had stolen their bike, was inconsequential at the moment.

While Leo peddled as hard and fast as he could, he couldn't resist the inevitable fatigue that overwhelmed him after only a dozen or so minutes of riding.

'Holy shit! I knew I was weak but this is unreal... I wish I had a few months to train my body up before everything goes to shit...

Too late to worry about that though. It looks like yet again I'll have to rely on the system to mold my body...

I can't stop regardless of how tired I am though, because at this rate I'll never make it to the store before the announcement...'

Wheezing, sweating, and on the verge of collapse, Leo eventually arrived at his mom's house and stumbled through the front door.

Hearing the door open, subsequently followed by the sound of something crash in her entryway, Leo's mother rounded the corner with bat in hand ready to defend her property.

But when she saw a disheveled mess that resembled her son, she quickly placed the bat down and rushed to his side.

When Leo's mom reached him, she dropped to her knees, and reached out to grab him by the shoulders as if to raise him up.

Instead of lifting him off the ground and supporting him in his weakened state however, she started shaking him back and forth with more than just a little force while screaming at him, "What are you doing here you little shit!?"

'Ugh this shitty excuse of a mother....' Leo thought to himself before he passed out from the exhaustion and the traumatic shaking.

Welcome Welcome!

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