
Bio (updates per ch)

Name: Tristan Liones

 - Adoptive Name: Tristan Swan

Biological Parents: Meliodas and Elizabeth Liones

Race: Nephalem

 - Bloodline(s): God, Demon (Meliodas), Demon God (Hanma)

Age: 17

Current Height: 6 foot 1 inches (or) 185cm

Mates: Alice Cullen and Merlin

~ Innate abilities ~

Infinity: Tristan's most powerful innate magical power that allows him to stop the time of his spells, causing them to last for eternity.

Full Counter: This ability allows Tristan to reflect magic attacks aimed at him, back at the enemy, but with much greater power; therefore, the stronger the opponent's powers are, the rebound becomes.

Ark: As a descendant of the Goddesses, Tristan is able to generate and manipulate "Divine Light" in the form of particles capable of disintegrating anything they touch, which is particularly effective in Demons and Vampires, but not Chaos Magic.

Power of Darkness: As a descendant of Demons, Tristan can manipulate Dark Magic.

Hellblaze: A mysterious ability that allows Tristan to tap into the Flames of Purgatory and project them into inextinguishable black flames. The technique also has the additional effect of nullifying an immortal's regeneration, as shown when he used it against Ban.

~ Immortality gained from Ban ~

Type 1 Immortality, Eternal Life: Characters gifted with this type of immortality cannot die from natural causes, such as old age or conventional illness, but can be killed by unnatural causes.

Type 3 Immortality, Immortality via regeneration: Characters with this type of immortality can simply regenerate from wounds that would normally be lethal, though its effectiveness depends on the degree of the regeneration.

~ Tristans artificial enhancements ~

Limitless Serum (Improved NZT-48 / Limitless pill):

 - Hypermind: Tristan possesses a high level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency. He can process massive amounts of information. He can process an otherwise improbable number of simultaneous calculations, identify all of the variables in any situation, and rapidly cross-correlate previously accessed information.

 - Perfect recall: Tristan can flawlessly remember and rapidly recall everything he has ever experienced, encountered, or learned in his lifetime without being overwhelmed. He needs only to read, hear, or see something once and he will never forget it. His brain and mind gained unlimited storage and analytical capacity.

 - Semi-instant learning: Tristan can gather and assimilate any kind of knowledge/skill and understand it fully and rapidly. He can read things at extremely high speeds while still retaining all of the information.

 - Semi-instant analysis: Tristan can subconsciously notice, process, and understand the details of any stimulus, no matter how small, as well as perceive and understand a large number of cause-and-effect relations. Thus deducing the path leading to any effects, allowing them to intuitively plan, analyze, and take action efficiently without trouble. He is capable of creating functionally flawless, elaborate plans. He can deduce the steps needed to succeed at any given task and execute them perfectly.

 - Omnilingualism: Tristan can rapidly gain fluency in most known forms of communication, often becoming fluent through newly available memories of prior exposures.

 - Superhuman Charisma: Tristan is an eloquent speaker, orator, and story-teller, as a side effect of the additional abilities afforded by the serum. He became infallibly persuasive and charismatic. He can usually deduce the ideal statements for most crowds. His uncanny charisma allows him to easily take leadership roles in any situation.

 - Superhuman dexterity: Tristan possesses perfect muscle control, he can perform any physical act without difficulty. He can perform dexterous tasks with no practice beforehand rapidly and flawlessly. He can copy any movement/action after seeing it performed once. 

 - Perfect multitasking: Tristan is able to perform multiple tasks at once. For example, he can solve a Rubik's Cube with one hand and draw a perfect copy of one of Leonardo Da Vinci's self-portraits with his other hand. Read through 100 pages of documents, mentally solve complex math problems, whilst speaking Farsi, all without any task distracting him from another. Tristan can do many things all at the same time efficiently and flawlessly.

 - Superhuman instincts: Tristan possesses a mind and instincts that process the world in the most advanced and efficient manner. He's able to find solutions to all kinds of problems that he may face, using both logical and illogical sense and strategies. He will make the right decision in most situations, multiplying his survivability and success rate, allowing him to often pull victory despite all odds.

 - Hypercompetence: Tristan can become proficient at many tasks/skills. He can handle situations and matters, regardless of the problem, situation, or conflict, and he will know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.
