
Chapter 4

"This guy over here is Emmet," said Alice while pointing at the hulking giant of a man

"Hey, buddy, nice to meet you! If I'm not wrong then your name is Alex" Said Emmet

"Nice to meet you too Emmet and yeah the name is Alex, everyone seems to know me already," said Alex why chuckling.

Alice then turned her finger toward the next person

"This is Jasper, he looks like he doesn't like being around others but that's not true, that's just his face," said Alice while hiding a snicker. (Snickers, you're not you when you're hungry.)

"Nice to meet you, Jasper," Said Alex while extending his hand toward Jasper

"Nice to meet you too Alex, I'm afraid my hands are a bit dirty so the handshake will have to wait" Said jasper while giving a light smile

'It's probably because he still can't control himself around blood but I'm a vampire and even if I have blood it's most definitely quite different from its human counterpart, I guess I will get to figure that out later thought Alex

Alice then went on to introduce Rosalie and Edward, that just glanced at him and then proceeded to ignore him.

"I'm sorry Alex, seems like they are quite grumpy today," Said Alice with an apologetic smile

"It's quite all right, I don't have to be everyone's cup of tea" replied Alex

"No, it's not you're fault at all, it's their fault for being unfriendly" cut in the last person on the table, Edythe.

"Ah, it's okay, your Edythe, right? We met in English class, also sorry about just up and leaving like that" said Alex while facing Edythe, who just 'coincidentally' was right in from of him.

"Yeah, my name's Edythe, It's no problem since you also looked unwell, hope you're doing better now" replied Edythe

"Yeah, I'm much better thanks for the concern," said Alex

Both Alex and Edythe were starting to get so into their conversation that they had not even noticed that everyone at the table was staring at them, quite intensely at that.

Emmet slammed his arm over Alex with a playful smirk on his face

"Getting cozy with my sister so quickly ey?" he said.

Snapping out of whatever that situation was, Alex, replied:

"Ah, I don't know what you mean Emmet, we were just finishing our introductions"

"Yeah, I'm sure that is exactly what you were doing," said Alice while giggling

"Hey, come on, it's not nice to pick on the new guy y'know" replied Alex like a kid caught with his hands inside the cookie jar.

While this was ongoing, the other people at the table seemed to be in a heated argument, at least if one had the supernatural senses required to even notice that it was happening and Alex had more than enough of them.

"Why are we talking to him in the first place, it is an idiotic decision," said Rosalie, her voice giving off her anger.

"Because I am almost certain that he is my mate" replied Edythe, her voice going into intervals that the human ear couldn't ever hope to hear.

"Even if he is your mate, what are you going to do? A relationship can't happen if one party gives everything while the other keeps secrets, and we all know that a human can't be allowed to know of our existence Edythe." Said Edward as he cut into the conversation

"Edward is correct Edythe, the only option is to turn him into one of us and I don't think you are dumb enough to want that now, are you? Taking away the very things that make him what he is, taking him away from his family, taking away his very humanity" said Rosalie

"This... I don't know, I need to think about it" said Edythe

"What is there to even think about," said Edward with a sneer.

"Shut your mouth Edward, I wasn't asking for your opinion" replied Edythe with an enraged voice.

Emmet, Alice, and Alex seemed to also finish the conversation that had somehow steered to them talking about video games and designer clothes?At this moment the bell decided to make its existence known thus the lunch break had already ended.

"It was nice knowing you all, see you later!" said Alex as he got up

"It sure was Alex, I gave you my number so if you ever want to go play some video games together just hit me up" replied Emmet

"Or just go shopping" cut in Alice

"I'll make sure to do so," said Alex with a smile.

Edward, Rosalie, and Edythe simply gave him a nod and Alex turned around and headed toward the Biology classroom.

After a few Hours

At the parking lot outside the school, stood Alex as he was waiting for his sister to come and give him a ride home.

All around him were sounds of laughter as the teens got out of the school building.

A few moments later, Alex could see Bella running towards him and almost tripping the whole way.

"Calm down, what's wrong?" asked Alex in concern

'It's Edward isn't it, why do the twilight movies even portray the situation as they did in the first place, now that I'm seeing it happen in the real world it is even more embarrassing to watch, if you couldn't stand her smell of blood why didn't you just get up and leave the classroom?' Alex thought.

Bella came closer to Alex and asked in a hushed whisper.

"Do I smell?"

"Smell, well you do smell of strawberry shampoo but I would say that's a nice smell to have," replied Alex.

"Why, did someone tell you that you smell like trash or something," he asked

"No, it's just this guy in Biology kept looking at me and holding his nose" Bella replied

"Who? do you see him anywhere here?" Alex asked, already knowing who the offender was.

Bella looked around discreetly and noticed Edward sitting next to the Silver Volvo, clearly waiting for the rest of his family

"It's that guy, next to the silver Volvo," she said in a whisper

At this moment the rest of the Cullens seemed to have arrived next to the Volvo as well as they all turned their heads a little toward Bella's location.

"Oh, that guy huh? Yeah he is quite a bit of a jerk as you know, I sat at their table this lunch and he didn't even talk to me as if thinking he is someone above me or something" said Alex trying to make Edward sound like some self-centered Buffon

'I already know that you're going to take my sister as your wife, so don't I deserve to get a bit of payback for the future' Thought Alex with his mind filled with possessive anger.

"Hmm, y'know what his name sounds like to me Bella?" Alex asked his sister

"What?" Bella questioned

"Edweird, since he is a creepy weirdo, and I demand that you stay away and change you're desk in whatever class you are with him" Said Alex with a smile on his face.

Hearing him Bella started giggling

Meanwhile on the other side of the parking lot, where the man in question was.

"Edwierd huh? it sure does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it Alice?" Asked Emmet with a smile splitting his face.

"It sure does" Alice replied, finally getting her bearings together after laughing for a minute.

Edward was giving off the nastiest glare he could.

A second later though, his face turned from a glare to a hint of surprise

"What!, I can't hear his thoughts as well"

This got the attention of the entire Cullens, all of them stopping what they were doing and turning towards Edward.

"What do you mean, we were at the same table during lunch, I'm sure you would have noticed then and said something," said Rosalie

Alice, Emmet, and Jasper nodded to the statement

"I was occupied" Edward answered with a glare back on his features

"Yeah, clearly by something important like staring at his sister like a creep" stated Edythe

Turning towards his sister, and looking ready to start another of their unending quarrels.

"Stop, we can just talk this out with Carlisle and Esme, I'm sure he knows something about humans with abilities," said Alice

The others nodded and Edward and Edythe turned away from each other got inside the Volvo and rode off to the mansion in the woods.


End of Chapter 4

I noticed that people prefer using "" these for talking and '' this for thoughts so I changed it.

I have so much more that I want to add to the story and plot but it is still the beginning so I couldn't do much when the characters still know nothing about the MC and still think that he is completely normal besides his mental shield.

if you have any suggestions then please leave a paragraph comment here and ill make sure to check it out.

I'm trying to get a chapter out every day but that might not be possible every time but I will be trying to, I can give a pretty good guarantee about at least 5 chapters a week though so stay tuned.

Looking for an Editor, Discord is ChronoTime#2887

Love from the Author--------------------------------
