
Episode 1

Humanity has been gradually transported to otherworld by a bored god to compete against other races and monster.

In the otherworld those who arrived first learned skill first and were overly active but the strange looking monster made it a horrific place.It was a world of violence and lawless.

The male lead jing chen travels to five years in the past to stop the great war between monster and human.jing chen has only five years to become stronger.The skill learned by jing chen and his strength are all gone.

Suddenly, the sky was breaking in to pieces. people shouted what is that?

An administrator came from the hole and introduced himself to others.Adminstrstor said I will help you with quick proceedings.

Jing chen think those fake bastards, the quick proceedings they speak off is to involve everyone to fight and beat themselves up.

One of the people shouted "otherworld "what is that?Administrator angrily cut of the head of that person.

Some people screamed out and run away but was killed by the Administrator.

Administrator said infinite freedom is given to everyone in this place.In other word,this place has no moral,ethics,laws and justice.

Administrator said that all the physical limitations that are weighing you down will disappear like a hero in movie.Adminstrator said this is the chance to make everything you imagined come true is not that awesome ?

People was surprised to hear this.Adminstrator said those who are still alive will work hard now.people move their head.

Administrator took out an item called rune.Adminstrator said you can obtain rune by killing anything that is alive. People was surprised to hear this.

Administrator said who want to try this?people was scared to try this one to themselves.

Jing chen put his hand up.jing chen said I will try this rune.Adminstrator said now put your hand on rune.

Something like light appeared on trying the rune.Adminstrator said scientifically, your muscle had a limit weight of 117.1 kg but now It has been increased and you muscle had a limit weight of 123.23 kg .

Administrator said that It is not the reaction I was expecting. Jing chen think it is boring to hear the same thing again when I already know it.

Administrator said anyway the rune have different effect depending on their type ,they are full of different abilities that cannot be explained by science.

Runes have different abilities and also are of the different colours. Administrator said if you touch your right ear then you can see your status window.Adminstrator said the start will be a little unfair unlike the place where you lived before but I will give you something that will make you happy.

Suddenly some weapons appear at the hand of people.Adminstrator said when I leave the tutorials will begin so, do your best everyone.

Jing chen strength has been increased by 1.

People shouted what is a "tutorial".

Suddenly monster were started to appear.people run away to live for their life but some people find the safe place located at the wall which can contain only 40 member.

When people saw that when one person get in to safe place the number above was started to decrease .people started to panic.

Jing chen think how pathetic...all one hundred of us just need to get it together and fight, we may sustain some energy in the process but their will be some fewer casualties.

Jing chen think when I first arrived here roughly 50 people were left out of all the people who couldn't get to safe place but only 15 of them survived.

For jing chen it is a different story this time but firstly he need to clear this area and move to the next stage.

Jing chen started to kill all the goblin by himself.jing chen think it is a bit uncomfortable as this is my body from five years ago ,but I am pretty lucky.suddenly status window popped up ,the status window let jing chen see that his dexterity level was gone up by 1.

Jing chen think that dexterity doesn't just increase speed but it also increase reacting reaction and sense.

suddenly a goblin attack jing chen from his behind but jing chen survive due to his sense and kill the goblin by himself.

Again,jing chen started to kill all the goblin by himself.jing chen finishes all the goblin with just a dagger.

One of the people said fuck damn it I don't even know anymore and started to fight against the goblin.

Haha! said by the god.

Jing chen think usually there is no need to rush like this in the beginning but there is no time to dample right now.

If you count the whole world there would be an immeasurable amount of power.

jing chen think that the first year that come here for the following can be protected I tutorial area but once the three months time period where you are protected by the tutorial area are finished then you will be thrown in to a fight with second year and third year.

One of the people said unbelievable, he fought this many goblins by himself.jing chen think a chance to get stronger even if it is just a little, you made the right choice by sending me to the past lucas,.

Suddenly, Administrator appeared.Adminstrator said you did pretty good job over here and you must have worked hard the amount of participants left is decent too.

All the people expressed their anger on the goblins.

Administrator said you have to keep this up going onward. Administrator said I have also different job ay other place so good luck.

Jing chen think it is not bad compared to before.jing chen touch his right ear the status window popped out .jing chen saw that his stats are increasing with decent points.

Jing chen think if it is this much,it is good enough to gain from a tutorial.
