
Vs Levi Cifer

I made my way out of the VIP box the flew into the air and slowly made my way to my side of the huge stage. when I arrived I sat down, thats when I realized that I was still a tiger cub.

'oh well, ill just beat him as a cub and then maybe he will have nightmares of tiger after that. that would be kinda interesting.' thought

When Levi arrived I looked at him. I can see why he had alot of girls chasing after him. he had short black hair and bright blue eyes. In fact his eyes looked like they had electricity flowing through them. I guess he is a lightning mage then. he had a nice build, he also whore regular adventurers cloths but with a few metal plates attached. he had metal on his hands and a little up it arm. Im guessing they where for defense and attack sense he could put lightning in them to buff is attacks.

He saw me and you could he both the confusion and the anger.

"Hey judge why is there a cub on the stage, im supposed to fight a human right." Levi

"I am a human you numskull, I can see why asuna wanted me to put you in your place now." shiro

"Put me in my place, bold words coming from a cat. how is a cub supposed to beat me." Levi

"oh ill show you when the match starts, hey judge can we start already." shiro

My tiger form slowly started to grow until I was the size of a fully grown tiger.

"start" judge

I just sat back and waited for him to make a move. I didn't want to end this too quickly. He raised out his right hand and suddenly bright blue lightning started to buzz around his hands and make a spear. he then pulled it back and threw it at me with all his strength.

"Thunder Javelin" Levi

It traveled pretty fast and within 2 seconds it was in front of me. I raised my right tiger paw and smacked the spear out of my way, it the flew a few feet before dispersing.

Levi looked shocked that i could easily block his attack.

"Impossible, thats not possible. how did you do that. you must have cheated." Levi said with a face full of shock

"cheated, no. Its just the lightning element would never do anything to hurt a friend. you see humans think there at the top, that they can control anything, thats why there is a limit in magic that you reach and you can never overcome. thats where im different, i was raised with the elements and grew up with them being my friends and that is something you could never understand." shiro

Purple lightning started to buzz to life around my tiger body, All of it gathered on my paws and in my mouth. I suddenly vanished, when i showed back up i was five feet in front of level. the rest of the lightning from my feet then made its way to my mouth.

"sorry Levi but you were never going to win this tournament anyway, so be happy you that you lost by my hand." shiro

"Tiger's Breath" shiro

Then suddenly a huge beam of purple lightning flowed from my mouth and hit Levi knocking him all the way back to the wall before passing out.

"winner, Kaneshiro katsuki" judge

I walked back to the VIP box and when I arrived i changed back into a tiger cub then curled back into a ball on my chair.

"thanks shiro" asuna

"mhhmm" shiro mumbled before going back to sleep.

the rest of the tournament was pretty easy sense I didn't have to wake up. they all surrendered before I was woken up. I was named first place champion and my guild rank went up from silver to gold. they gave me 5 platinum coins, and they gave me an 8 star monster core of the thunder bird king. they said sense the thunder bird King's lightning is so strong that its a gold colored lightning that it could help me advance.

when I arrived back at the huge tree within the castle grounds I finally got something that made me excited.


[ Host has completed hidden mission - become the champion of the tournament - rewards, 500,000 system points, new Visible mission, 500 attribute points.]

'great i got a small power boost, some system points plus a missions i can accurately see for once.' thought shiro

"system put 265 attribute points on agility, 100 on defense and 135 on strength. then show me my status" shiro

Name: Kaneshiro Katsuki

Title: Elf Prince, Elemental Master.

Age: 15

Level: 45

Exp: 678/1450

HP: 3000/3000

STR: 635

DEF: 700

AGI: 1000

MANA: 73,000

LUCK: 100

SP: 2,500,250

AB: 0

SKILLS: No mana, Magical senses, Time body, Wind magic, Lightning magic, Fire magic, Water magic, Earth Magic, Ice magic, Lava magic, Darkness magic, Light magic, Rainbow magic, Strength magic, Metal magic, Illusion magic, Reality magic, Crush magic, Transformation magic, Druid magic, Holy magic, Dimensional magic, Void magic, Memory manipulation magic, Density magic, Cosmic magic, Crystallization magic, Hypnosis magic, Barrier magic, Plasma creation magic, Solar magic, Lunar magic, Sound magic, Gravity magic, spacial magic, Time magic, Healing magic, nullification magic, magic to seals, reflect, Combination, Mana scythe, Mana creation, Copy, Flash step, Phasing, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Language understanding, Enhanced agility, Enhanced strength, Enhanced defense, Aura vision, Life vision, Fear inducement, Astral imprisonment, Boundary manipulation, Super Regeneration.

"now system what is that mission about." shiro


[new mission]

[Travel to Flatras, the land of the elf's and Find the heavenly dragon of domination.

Time limit - 3 years Rewards - 10,000,000 system points, plus possibility to get the dragons heavenly divine magic and dragon constitution. ]

"system what is heavenly divine magic and dragon constitutions" shiro

[ Heavenly divine magic is the magic that the gods used to create this world, it is also known as origin magic because all other magic is created from it. with it you can go into space and create a new world or open a portal to a different world or dimension with other worlds.

Dragon constitution makes users body that of a dragon. you would still be in a human form but you could change into a dragon at anytime u wish, with enough practice you could stay in human form and grow wings or scales. your healing factor will multiply by many time, and you would gain the ability to control magic 5 times better then the elf's, you could master magic easier and use any magic you see others using.]

"ok so if the heavenly dragon of domination can use origin magic where all magic came from doesn't that mean my nullification can be nullified by the dragon too, plus any magic i can use it can use too, so if i have to fight it then this will be hard." shiro

[correct host, if you have to fight then it will be the hardest fight you have ever had, and there a 78% chance you could die, the other 22% is only if you can talk to it and maybe have her gain an interest in you to let you live and give you power.]

"so my chances are small but life without risks isn't very fun. ok ill do it, it will take some time to travel to the elf kingdom." shiro

"first i should go to bed then start my preparations tomorrow" shiro

I laid down within my hut high in the huge tree and fell asleep.