
The Tournament

The next morning I wake up early and teleport outside the capital.

"system show me my status" shiro

Name: Kaneshiro Katsuki

Title: Elf Prince, Elemental Master.

Age: 15

Level: 45

Exp: 368/1450

HP: 3000/3000

STR: 500

DEF: 600

AGI: 735

MANA: 71,000

LUCK: 100

SP: 2,000,250

AB: 0

SKILLS: No mana, Magical senses, Time body, Wind magic, Lightning magic, Fire magic, Water magic, Earth Magic, Ice magic, Lava magic, Darkness magic, Light magic, Rainbow magic, Strength magic, Metal magic, Illusion magic, Reality magic, Crush magic, Transformation magic, Druid magic, Holy magic, Dimensional magic, Void magic, Memory manipulation magic, Density magic, Cosmic magic, Crystallization magic, Hypnosis magic, Barrier magic, Plasma creation magic, Solar magic, Lunar magic, Sound magic, Gravity magic, spacial magic, Time magic, Healing magic, nullification magic, magic to seals, reflect, Combination, Mana scythe, Mana creation, Copy, Flash step, Phasing, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Language understanding, Enhanced agility, Enhanced strength, Enhanced defense, Aura vision, Life vision, Fear inducement, Astral imprisonment, Boundary manipulation, Super Regeneration.

"ok system with my current magic and skills can you show me all the combinations i can create." shiro

[ certainly host.

Fire magic + solar magic = enhanced fire magic (blue flames)

Fire magic + Ice magic = cold fire (white/blue)

Fire magic + Darkness magic = reaper fire (Black flame)

Reaper fire magic + solar magic = supernova fire (green flame with black fire within)

Lightning magic + Darkness magic = reaper lightning (Black lightning)

Light magic + Lunar magic = enhanced light magic

Cosmic magic + _______ magic = enhanced ________ magic

Sound manic + Hypnosis magic = Sirens song skill

Light magic + Holy magic + Lunar magic = angel magic

Void magic + spacial magic + dimensional magic = portal magic ]

"ok not bad" shiro

'ok so ive got an idea, if cosmic magic strengthens magic then if i use it on void magic with gravity magic i should be able to make and control a black hole. that might be cool.' thought shiro

I looked at the clock and it was almost time. so i teleport back to the castle and meet up with asuna and the king, and we travel to the arena. Im already signed up because this morning when the king heard i was going to take part he sent a servant to sign me up and he even said that he would come and watch.

when we arrived at the arena I went and took my participation card that shows im in the tournament then I went to the VIP section and sat next to asuna who was next to the king. the funny thing is, ive been staying in the tree thats in the castles grounds for over a month now and I still didn't know the kings name.

The arena had 19 small arenas around each other and 1 big arena in the center. 1v1 style. there where over 1000 contestants.

After about 15 minutes or so the tournament officially started. An old elder of the adventurers guild walked up to the middle stage and began to speak.

" Hello everyone, I would officially like to say that we are here today not to see who is the best but to show what our guild is capable of. you don't need to win, you only need to give it your all. that being said, for the top ten contestants they will each receive a promotion in guild rank and enough coins for a normal family to live comfortably for a few years. with all that said the tournament may now commence." elder

every match couldn't pass over 15 minutes, if it did then the judge would determine who won. to win you just had to knock your opponent either off the stage or unconscious. killing was not allowed. both warriors and mages where competing. after the first 30 minutes only about 40 contestants where knocked out so there was a long way to go. then I heard my name.


I made my out of the VIP section the flew into the air and slowly made my way over to stage 5. when I landed on my side of the arena I looked over and saw a man in silver armor. he was taller than be and looked pretty strong. he carried a huge shield in his left hand and a mace in his right. he had black hair and green eyes.

He looked over to me and I guess he saw a weak and frail man because what he said next made me frown underneath my mask.

"you should give up now, I dont want to hurt some weak mage." Randy

I just didn't speak, i didn't need to. I would let my magic talk for itself.

"huh, not even bothering to answer me back, your pretty arrogant. Ill just have to put you in your place." Randy

"start" judge

randy then raised his shield and started to charge at me. of course I wasn't about to let his comment slide. I raised my left hand and out of thin air a bow started to take shape. once it was complete with my right hand I made an arrow out of wind, then using my density magic i made the wind arrow more dense then added more wind, i did this process about 5 times but it didn't even take 20 seconds to form. I put the arrow in the bow and aimed then let go. once i let go it didn't even need 5 seconds before hitting randy's shield but instead of piercing the shield it hit it instead then vanished.

after my arrow vanished randy looked confused but suddenly there was a loud explosion and all the wind converged on his shield and blasted him from the stage. he flew over 2 other stages before hitting the wall at the edge of the arena the passing out.

"winner kaneshiro katsuki" judge

I then flew out of the stage and back to the VIP box.

"don't you think that was kinda mean, you could of just blew him out of the stage instead of blasting him into a wall." asuna asked kinda confused.

"maybe, but he kinda deserved it. I didn't like how he was looking down on me just because all he saw was someone that was weak. even the weak can beat the strong." shiro

"that was a splendid match shiro, good job. keep this up and you just might win." king

"just might win, does that mean there is someone just as strong as me in this tournament." shiro

"well i wouldn't say just as strong, but hes pretty strong. In fact hes another noble, hes been trying to get asuna's hand in marriage but she doesn't like him plus I don't like his personality. Im pretty sure he's just competing in this tournament to prove to asuna how strong he is in the first place." king

"does he not have anyone else to chase after." shiro

"well he has plenty of girls chasing after him but he seems to only like asuna." king

"yeah, hopefully you can put him in his place for me." asuna

"so you want me to kick his ass, have you tried just telling him you don't like him." shiro

"yes, but he won't listen. he always comes back and tries again. he used to corner me when i walked through town just to talk to me, but thanks to you teaching me to fly now i can just fly away. " asuna

"ok let me just think about it. so asuna can you wake me up when its my next match." shiro

"yeah why are you sleepy." asuna

"yeah kinda." shiro

I then used transformation magic and changed into a white tiger cub the laid down in the chair.

when i did this to fall asleep easier asuna saw this and had stars in her eyes, while the king looked at me interested.

the rest of my matches ended with my opponent surrendering before the match even began so i didn't even need to get out on to the stage, I had a really nice nap the whole time. then it happened.


They wanted me on the big stage in the middle with the man who likes asuna. I guess its time to put him in his place.
