
Arriving in the Capital

when I woke up the next morning i checked my system map to make sure the princess was still in the carriage and she was. there was nobody within the maps range either. I went a little bit into the forest and used earth magic to dig and hole then used water magic to make a bath.

After my bath i got dressed in a black shirt and a white jacket and some black pants. i didn't put my clock on or my mask tho.

"system status." shiro

Name: Kaneshiro Katsuki

Age: 15

Level: 30

Exp: 25/100

HP: 1450/1450

STR: 220

DEF: 310

AGI: 355

MANA: 50,000

LUCK: 100

SP: 50,000

AB: 200

SKILLS: No mana, Magical senses, Time body, Wind magic, Lightning magic, Fire magic, Water magic, Earth Magic, Ice magic, Darkness magic, Light magic, Rainbow magic, Strength magic, Metal magic, Illusion magic, Transformation magic, Druid magic, Holy magic, Dimensional magic, Void magic, Barrier magic, Solar magic, Lunar magic, Sound magic, Gravity magic, spacial magic, Time magic, Healing magic, nullification magic, magic to seals, reflect, Combination, mana scythe.

"system is there a skill i can buy like my mana scythe that creates things." shiro

[yes host, its called Mana creation. you can make anything you can imagine from mana but if u let go of it, it will vanish. it only needs mana and it does not continue sucking at your mana. it costs 50,000 system points.]

"ok system buy it."

[ Receiving ]

Received skill - Mana creation

"ok but system with mana creation if i make weapons dosent that just make my mana scythe skill obsolete." shiro asked confused.

[no host. weapons have ranks based on the quality of the weapon. common, uncommon, rare, legendary, and mythical. your mana scythe skill is a mythical grade weapon because you got it as a successful soul-binding with the system, but the mana creation skill creates anything below mythical grade. if you make clothes with it then you can make them with elemental mana to make them stronger, lighter, cooler or even harder.]

"ok thats cool" shiro

thats when I noticed it. i leveled up.

"system how did i level up five times." shiro

[Because host killed bandits, plus your exp gauge has started over because of time body. you just didn't notice me give you the notifications.]

"ok system put 45 attribute points on agility, 80 on strength, and 75 on defense then pull up the status window." shiro

Name: Kaneshiro Katsuki

Age: 15

Level: 30

Exp: 25/100

HP: 1450/1450

STR: 300

DEF: 385

AGI: 400

MANA: 50,000

LUCK: 100

SP: 50,000


SKILLS: No mana, Magical senses, Time body, Wind magic, Lightning magic, Fire magic, Water magic, Earth Magic, Ice magic, Darkness magic, Light magic, Rainbow magic, Strength magic, Metal magic, Illusion magic, Transformation magic, Druid magic, Holy magic, Dimensional magic, Void magic, Barrier magic, Solar magic, Lunar magic, Sound magic, Gravity magic, spacial magic, Time magic, Healing magic, nullification magic, magic to seals, reflect, Combination, Mana scythe, Mana creation.

I used the system function to make another ring and i engraved the no mana skill into it for a present. I also made a spacial ring for her, from what i know on this world only spacial mages can make them so there rare and cost alot. I used the mana creation to make a legendary black cloak with steal element and gravity element to make it stronger but lighter. then i used the same mask from yesterday then walked back to the carriage.

when i got back asuna was still sleeping so i just got on and started driving forward. after a few hours on the road asuna woke up and had me stop the cart so that she could join me.

"so your finally awake" shiro

"yeah, after you told me your are a prince yesterday i was so shocked it was hard to fall asleep." asuna

"yeah i guess i should have left that part out, but you seem trustworthy enough." shiro

"oh yeah before i forget i have a present for you becoming a mage." shiro

I handed her 2 rings.

" do the same thing as with the last rings." shiro

she cut her finger again then dripped it on the rings. they glowed black and silver. then she put them both on.

"so what do they do." asuna

"well you might be kinda shocked to hear it so lets start with the silver ring ok." shiro

"ok" asuna

"well sense im a spacial mage i can create that item, its rare in this world. its a spacial ring. it has a few kilometers space in there to store anything you want. just dont tell anyone you have it or they might kill for it." shiro

"wait a spacial ring those are extremely rare. the only one in our royal family that has one is my father the king." asuna

"yes they are rare, but thats because only spacial mages can create them and spacial mages are just as rare." shiro

"now the black ring, you must absolutely never tell anyone about it ok. if you did you would have countries trying to kill you for it ok." shiro

"ok but what does it do." asuna

"well you do know that to use magic or spells you need mana right, and when a mage runs out of mana you cant use anymore magic until it refills right." shiro

"yeah thats basic knowledge." asuna

"yeah well that black ring makes it so that all magic below the legendary rank costs no mana." shiro

"what, how could you give me something so valuable" asuna

"don't worry about it, only i and one other person can make them so. i bet nobody knows what it does." shiro

we continued traveling all day long. a little while after noon we arrived outside the city. it had two gates, and huge walls. the city itself was huge.

"so princess what gate do i go to." shiro

she pointed to the left one, i started the carriage to the left gate.

"the right gate is for the commoners, the left for nobles and anyone the king gifts a token to. after entering into the left gate there will be a road in the center, thats the one you follow, it leads straight to the castle." asuna.

"ok" shiro

we drove up to the left gate and was stopped by the guards.

"show us your token." guard

asuna pulled out her token and handed it to the guard. he looked it over then hand it back and bowed.

"welcome back princess" guard

he then turned to the other guards and told them to open the gate. we followed the center road all the way to the castle. i pulled in front of the castle then stopped. the front door opened and someone walked out.

"ah your back asuna, it good to see you." person

asuna turned to see the man.

"father !" asuna

it was a tall man with royal style clothing, eyebrow length hair thats dark blue and purple eyes and had a kings crown on.

Thats when it hit me. I was looking at the king.
