
Reincarnation, System and New World

The chapters will be between 2000 and 3000 words.


"Aggh, didn't I die?" After I got up I noticed that I was not in a hospital or at home in Sweden, but in a completely dilapidated apartment.

Thinking a little, only 2 things can happen, I was kidnapped or reincarnated or some similar shit.

Kidnapping is difficult, my entire house was surrounded by top-quality bodyguards, and no one has enough power to kidnap me.

Then only reincarnation remains...

'Okay, I can worry about my abduction... or my previous life later.'

Thinking of this, I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the nearest door, when I opened the door, I suddenly smelled something I am quite familiar with, CRACK.

Frustrated, by the sudden smell of crack shit, I went to the living room where the smell came from to see who it was.

There was a guy with blond hair, light white skin, tattoos all over his right arm, and a blackout on his left, with a glass pipe, hitting that shit hard.

Hearing me burst into the room, he reflexively picked up his gun and pointed it at me.

Instantly, I raised my arms, but seeing well who it was, the guy under the gun.


"Fuck! Don't scare me, you piece of shit." The blond man let out a big puff of smoke, and then continued. "Man, I found you lying in your room, you have to have a little more control with that white shit."

"Yes, yes, don't" I replied, not trying to sound suspicious, as I don't have any such recollections. Seeing that he went on with his business, I went back to my room again.

Sitting up in bed, I start looking for a cell phone, or a computer, to see where the fuck I am, or at least some general information.

[System Synchronization with Host 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]

"... Now I'm sure... Transmigrate into this guy!"

[Hello Host, my name is System and my job is to make you one of the greatest musicians in the entire universe.]

[Any questions?]

'Can you tell me where I am and the body I'm in?'

[Host, you are in a parallel universe similar to that of your past life but the only difference is that the planet is about 10 times larger and you are in the year 2004 and the technology at this time is very advanced, to the point that all people think that in 2030 they will be living on other planets.]

[As for the person you are in, his name is Gael Noir, he has no relatives because they were all murdered, you have no money at all, because he spent it on cocaine and marijuana, from so much substance he died of a cocaine overdose.]

[But the worst is yet to come, because in you have almost no friends, other than the crack addict you just saw, you're also a gang member, and you still look the same as when you were 18.]

'So I no longer have the rough look of a grown man, and at least here I have a friend.'

'Ok, I clearly understand my situation now, can you give me more information about the entertainment industry to know what I'm getting into?'

[The entertainment industry in this parallel universe is different from yours, the industry here is very popular, but most hip hop, trap, rap songs do not exist.]

[Also, host, if you want to publish your songs, there is a gigantic planet-spanning website called SuckTube where people can listen, download, chat, support, subscribe, like, share music and videos, it's used by over 12 billion people, an improved YouTube.]

'Thanks, System'

[Before leaving, the host can pick up your welcome pack]

*call sound*

'I'll open it after taking this call'


"Hello, how can I help you?" I replied in a slightly sleepy voice.

"Gael, son of a bitch, don't tell me you spent the fundraising money on that cheap shit you consume." The guy on the other side replied in a grumpy voice.

"Haha, of course not, Mr" I replied in a calm voice.

"You're better off, I want the money today, if I don't get a notification from the 7000CMD to my account today, you will have serious problems." The man on the other side growled.

"Sure, right now I'm on something, later I'll send you the money, see you." I replied, while already thinking about ways to earn that money that this bastard spent on cocaine.

"I understand, then we talk later, goodbye" The man replied, while my finger was already going to end the call.



"How do I make that money now, shit."

'Okay, let's think later. System, please open the package'

[Initial Package Open]

[The host has 3 new skills and two gifts]

[Athletic body: Your body doesn't degrade, you're always going to be fit, no matter what substances you consume.]

(sorry, it's broken, but hey, I'm the author isn't it?)

[Emotional voice: Your voice conveys the emotions you want to convey, whether it's happiness, sadness, or anger.]

[Language Compression: You can learn any language the first time you hear it.]

[100.000 CMD]

[Memories of the previous body]

(*CMD: is the money that is used on the new planet, there is no other currency*)

'They're really good skills, is there a way to get more skills or things like money?'

[The host, you can get money, songs, skills in the store or rewards that the system gives, the store works with your fame (FP), which has a change of 10:1 per fame point.]

[Another thing I forgot, Host, you can say "Status", and a tab will open with your skills, and things about you.]

'That's pretty comfortable'

After talking to the system, I sent the money to the guy I owed him to, by the way, his name was Carlo Gambino, then I showered, put on comfortable clothes and trended a joint.



Name: Gael Black

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Money: 93,000

Popularity: 0


Lyrics: 30/100 [You're Shit]

Voice: 45/100 [How well]

Production: 55/100 [You've produced something in your life]




'I have to go over all the memories of this body'

So I'm in country D, a country full of corruption, poverty is all over this country, gangs extort, kill, to eat and the high command doesn't care, it's more like a prison for shitty people.

'When I make money, I'll have to leave this garbage dump'

I was born in country D, my parents were murdered when I was 10, from there I started stealing, and at 13 I joined an organization called "Crown Saints", CS, for short. Those 5 years in the gang, I became a drug addict, I met a crack addict named Oliver Taylor.

One night when I was 16 years old, an enemy gang attacked us, I was kidnapped, tortured and branded by a knife in the face, from there they call me Scarface.

Looking in the mirror, I see a young boy, with a scar above his left eyebrow that reaches his head, dark skin and white hair.

(*Photo in the auxiliary chapter, I think*)

"Well, I'm still as hot as before, only with a slightly calmer and cooler mind."

[Host, I think your next course of action, has to be to buy the equipment to produce at least one single, a label called "Fantasy Studio", one of the biggest discographies in the world, is doing a competition called "New Stars", your song can go here, where you can gain popularity, and even sign with them.]


First a decent computer. Then you would need a DAW or EAD, it is a software that is used to record, edit and mix music on the computer, that, along with a sound card or better known as Audio Interface, which is a hardware that is used to connect the computer with the rest of the equipment. Those 2 elements are essential.

I would need a decent microphone, eventually I will end up with a collection of microphones, as there are many types, some are for vocals others for bass drums, etc.

I would like to have 2 types of headphones, one closed for monitoring, as they offer better isolation at the cost of lower sound quality and another open for mixing, which offer better sound quality at the cost of worse insulation, I hope I budget.

I would have liked some studio monitors, although he can do most mixes using headphones, he prefers the traditional way, which is with speakers, but he will not give me the budget, so I will pass it on.

Along with all that, the list ends with microphone stands, their respective cables and anti-pop filters.

And lastly, something I particularly like to play with in my spare time, a sampler, that wouldn't be a problem.

A sampler is an electronic musical instrument similar in some respects to a synthesizer but which, instead of generating sounds, uses recordings that are loaded by the user or recorded on it by the user to be played back by a keyboard, sequencer or other device to perform or compose music.

Samplers typically include filters, modulation by "low frequency oscillation" and other synthesizer-like processes that allow the original sound to be modified in different ways.

While browsing an app called Amaziing, which is a much better amazon, I buy all the equipment, staying with only 10,000CMD, clearly buy the lower quality stuff, but it's relatively decent to start with, then I'll make a lot of money.

The purchase will take 24 hours, I should order something to eat, and go thinking about my debut song, I could use songs from artists from my previous world, which would be more logical and easy, and I do not see the problem of ruining someone's future.

I guess with a full stomach I will have a clearer idea, although clearly I have to do some hip hop, rap or trap, since there is no such genre here, although in some future I will simply do what comes out of the studio.

Although I find it very strange that there are none of those genres, heck, there are more than 25 billion people, nobody thought of new music? Worthless.

Take your gun, the sons of bitches from Sector 6 are here!" A scream was heard throughout the house.

"How do they get into our territory?!" I asked as I quickly reached for an Ingram MAC-10 on the bedside table.

"I think they're for me," Oliver shouted.


Meanwhile, the guys from Sector 6 heard Oliver running away, in the kitchen, the guys from Sector 6 reacted quickly and kicked in the front door.

Taking advantage of the fact that they still don't know where we are, Oliver and I shot them.

Oliver, who was high on crack, couldn't hit anyone, but I managed to hit a little guy, who had a snake tattoo on his face.

Seeing the little guy fall to the ground, dead, they became enraged and immediately returned fire.

"We have to get out of here, Scar!" Oliver yelled at me.

"You are an idiot?, we don't have a back door! We have to wait for our brothers, they must have already heard the shot, they will come!" I hurriedly replied.

And he was right, waiting for a few minutes, enduring the sound of gunshots, some guys, by CS, ran here, and then I heard the sound of shotguns, Uzi and Glock.

While throwing shots, two guys, one fat and one muscular were surprised by CS's quick help.

Taking advantage of his surprise, I killed the last one, with a dragon tattoo.

I got out of my cover, then, to make sure they were dead, I put a bullet in each of them's heads.

"Thanks for the help, guys." I told them to our support.

"Don't mention it, just be sure to get rid of them, Scar" said one long-haired.

"Yes, I think I'm just going to call Juliet, she'll know what to do." I replied.

"Yes, do what you want." He said as he said goodbye.

Juliet is a woman, who was also born on this planet. She and the previous owner of this body, now me, have known each other for quite some time.

She always helped me in this kind of situation, since her job is selling human organs, and she makes a good amount of money.

I pull out my phone and dial Juliet's phone number.

A few seconds later she picked up the phone.

"Hellou, what's wrong, Scar?" A voice from a mature woman greeted me.

"I have some corpses, do you want them?" Asked.

"Um, of course, we meet in the same place as always, there hasn't been anyone there lately," Juliet slowly replied.

"Okay, I'm in Oliver's truck," I said, then hung up the phone.

After that, I asked Oliver to give me his truck to take care of the corpses and he gave me the key.

Then, we both started loading them into the back of the vehicle.

When we finished, I sat in the van, started it, and headed to the aforementioned meeting place.

After 20 minutes of driving, I arrived at an abandoned zoo.

I drove to the place where the aquatic animals probably used to be.

When I arrived at the place, I saw a black woman with a Mitsubishi Nativa that she uses for this kind of dirty work.

I parked the truck and got out of it.

"Scar, it's been a long time!" He said in a happy, beautiful voice as he reached out to hug me.

Accept her hug reluctantly, as she is not the best of people and no one you can trust like Oliver.

"Yes, it's been quite some time Juliet," I said as I hugged her.

After a few seconds, she let go of me and then said; "Now, show me what you have, Scar."

I nod with my head toward her, then we walked to the back of the van. I open the door, then the smell of rust comes out of the vehicle.

When the smell flooded our noses, we wave our hands a little, trying to push the smell away a little.

"Hm, I see, where did they get the bullets?"

"I didn't check, but I made a hole in the head of each of them" I replied softly.

She nodded with a serious expression, which only shows when concentrating on her work.

"Help me put it in my trunk"

"Okay," I said, then picked up the muscular guy and put him on my shoulder.

'Shit, this son of a bitch is heavy'

We spent some time carrying the corpses.

When we finished, she sent me 10k to my bank account, then we said goodbye.

'Well, 10k easily won thanks to that bastard'

I get into Oliver's van and drive home.

"Now, I think... It's time to remake some of the most famous rap/hip hop/trap songs."


Author's Note:

Go leave your stones, Sector 6 bastards, leave reviews of the bullets that were also eaten by bastards.

What song do you want your debut with? Name songs (rap, hip hop, trap, etc).

Sorry for the mistakes, I'm using translator DeepL...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

_opiumcreators' thoughts