
Death, Wishes and Reincarnation

It's been a long day for me and I just feel tired. Works been ok and all but sometimes it just get so boring and all. I know I chose the career path be a Software Engineer but it's getting very boring at work sometimes. With that in mind I fall asleep for the last time in this life as my soul moves into the soul stream of this reality to be processed.

<Unknown Amount of Time Later>

I don't know where I am or how long I've been here just drifting in what I call soul stream because that what it seems like it to me a steam of souls. I sleep and wake up in intervals but each time I forget something. and worst of all I can't move as I just floating around as something seems to be restricting me.

I just woke up to a distrubance in the soul stream near me. As I continue to drift a hole appears in the soul stream and multiple objects hit my soul and merges with me as they push me out of the soul stream.

A I flow through out this new void I wished I knew what was going on. Then it happened, a untold amount of information is flowing throughout me. I don't know if I can keep sane with what's going on so I wish I had a helper or something that can help me. Then I feel the information flow going through somewhere else.

'What's going on with me' I wonder and the out of know where I get the answer. It seems that I became an soul removed from my reality when 13 wishing objects had merged with me. I know that I have 11 more wishes to make and seems like there are many dangerous things in this place so after long and hard process of thinking what I should do I've decided on using the remainder of wishes.

I wonder what is my biggest problem right now and I get the answer that my soul is soul is slowly disappearing thus I made my next wish.

'I wish I have an immortal soul that can't be harm or damage but can adapt and evolve'

With this I don't have worry about my soul decomposing in this void 10 more to go.

Next I know I've read and watched a lot of fictional content even though I forgot a lot of things in my previous life I know I wanted something like a system but forgetting is a big problem as well. A after thinking a while I've decided on my next two wishes.

'I wish I have a system interface like RPG that can interact and integrate with everything that only I can access and fully loyal to me'

[Ding... system has been integrated with user. Features Status, Skills, Inventory and others. Note that some features may not be available sometimes due to restrictions of the universe laws. You have 9 more wishes.]

'I wish that I can keep all my memories and no one can see or do anything with it that I do not allow'

[Ding... New Feature has been added to user as a hidden feature]

Ok now that a major problem has been dealt with its time to move on. 'System any recommendations what I do or wish for'

[With the current information gathered, it is recommended that user find a way to reincarnate into a universe as well as use all the wishes before reincarnation because the remaining will be void with the reincarnation]

Ok now since I have to reincarnate I need some stuff to help me when I reincarnate. First I need a skill be able to adapt to to anything. Then I need some kind of map to know and see what's around me and not get lost cause I still have some uneasy feelings of when I was lost in my previous life even though I don't remember how I was lost. Ok then let's get my next two wishes done.

'I wish I can hack anything with no cost'

[Ding...New Skill has been added : Hack]

'I wish I will have a map of everything'

[Ding... Map feature has been added]

'I wish I can auto reincarnate and will be given choice on the process'

[Ding... Reincarnation Feature has been added to System]

Ok now let's see what can I know in some fictions I read that people are able take and seal other powers. I definitely don't want that to ever happen to me so I should put some counter measure to it.

'I wish my powers are mine and no one can take them away from me, modify them or see them without my 100% free willed permission'

Ok now I need to make sure that I still can use my powers that I could have in each universe what better way than to have a copy of that universe that's always with me.

'I wish I have an internal universe for each reality I visit that can produce things related for the respected reality.'

[Ding... Internal Universe has been integrated]

Now let's get over powered some more

'I wish I have full control over space, time and the elements'

[Ding... wish not possible, contains to many variables and will effect realities and universes in a unfavorable way]

Ok there are limits to my wish can accommodate. Let's change the scope.

'I wish I have full control over space, time and the elements in my internal universe'

[Ding... Internal Universe has been Upgraded. Warning with current host skills there is a high chance that universe will view host as an non-native and will seek to kick out the host]

Shit, why was I not told of this before. Oh well I have to solve this via wish.

'I wish no can see me as non-native to the reality'

[Ding... Host soul had been modified to be accepted to all universes and realities]

One wish left but what should I wish for. I don't want to limit myself to... thats it, I know my what my final wish will be.

'I wish that I have no limits'

[Ding...Limits of skills and host has been removed. You have no more wishes left.]

Ok system let's get some basic settings done.

'System your name will now be Navi until further notice and no more Ding sound unless it is very important for me to know.'


'Navi has everything been integrated and dine'

[Yes everything has been integrated]

'What is the next thing I should do Navi'

[You should reincate into a word.]

'What are my options'

[Current Reincarnation Universe Options]

Pokémon Universe

One Piece Universe

Bleach Universe

Unknown Universe x30

'I think I will go to Pokémon Universe. System reincarnate me there'

[What species would you like to be]




[Where would you like to reincarnate at]

'Kanto Region'

[Reincarnation Process is Starting]