
Chapter 9: Fanatics vs The Gunslinger: Preparations

After that meet up with the Gunslinger Clair went back from her patrol and told them about the favor she asked from the gunslinger as both heroes and police were concerned. But she wasn't hurt and all but only a small shock of electricity and the side of her getting cuffes by the vigilante. But Roland intervene and went to Clair and asked.

"We know that you are a hero but you have to keep us updated. And also what's with that rifle?" Roland asked as Clair respond to him.

"Oh this well...I may have asked a favor and borrowed one of his guns and he gave me one and it's a working railgun" she said as the police and heroes were shocked in disbelief that The Gunslinger gave one of his guns to her.

"And that's not all he made them all by himself alone" As Clair shows them a booklet containing the details of the gun itself as it show the manufacturer being The Gunslinger.

As the room was silent because one there was no manufacturers or any dealer he made by Rey aka the gunslinger as the room was now in shambles as the police were now afraid of what gun did he make to wipe them out without any concerns. As Roland the Investigator was still thinking that the guns he made were impossible to make as he still pondering about the vigilante investigation as it is now getting cold ever since.

With Rey he was building another sniper rifle to replace it as a spare so he looks at the rifles from Cyberpunk 2077 once again. As he planned to build the Tsunami Rasetsu to replace his replacement gun. As he began to research about the gun as his brain is now filled with information about as he begins to build it once more as every part was delicate and we'll built.

Few hours later

After many hours of programming and some parts he have to be delicate during the build the Tsunami Rasetsu was finished as he stored it once more in his storage. As Rey is now planing to make his Punisher Loadout heade a list to make The LMG is the M600 Spitfire from both Apex and Titanfall in fact that both games are in the same Universe.

The shotgun he wanted to make the Shambler shotgun from The Metro games with some mods. And lastly the publisher's pistol from Cyberpunk 2077 was Johnny's Malorian the Malorian 3516 which can ricochet has a powerful shot but most of all a fire melee system that shoots out fire which also depletes the ammo in the magazine.

He then list down more Loadouts he need to prepare himself for. As he remembers in the manga he read M.H.A about the Humarise a global terrorist/cult that seeks the end of all humans with quirks. As they believe that those with quirks are diseases and infected while the quirkless were called pure humans. For him that's a load of B.S on his books that they have quirk users among their ranks. Yeah just a bunch of bias delusional bullshit just like those woke agendas on the internet and I should be thankful that there are rarely any of those in the universe he reincarnated. But seriously he encountered one of them as they were trying to kidnap a important person but Rey killed them and saved that person as this person left immediately. As Rey remembers that moment that made him more serious about this. As Rey was now listing in priorities as the first one being the Punisher Loadout, 2nd is the Gunslinger, 3rd the Scout Loadout, and last is the Scavenger Loadout. Then he also add another list of weaponized gadgets along the turret from Borderlands from Axton, then the drones , Seeker mines, fireflies, and stick bombs from Tom Clancy's the division, then some back-uo to help him like battle robots. But the issue is that he doesn't know what game until he began to research more until he remembers that there are robots in Titanfall being the BRD-01 Spectre And a Simulacrum. As he put that on his list of things to make to create his somewhat of a team.

Rey was doing everything he could going all out on scavenging more parts and purchasing a warehouse to do all of his robot making operations. Including some work on the other guns as well as the apartment doesn't have enough space for them to make them. As Rey collected more scraps and purchasing more material from the blackmarket and deliver it in his warehouse he recently purchased which cost him a lot of money. But it was worth it for the time being that he is going all out on this battle with Humarise as he stored more scrap metal and materials and even some electronics. After having the necessities needed for his non-stop work he begins with the Loadouts first.

Meanwhile with Humarise headquarters there was a gathering of the cult that the blue man named Flect Time. The leader of the cult that they believe about the quirk doomsday theory that they believe that quirks are a pestilence an infection. As he bring outs a speech for his cult meanwhile with Rey who is in the warehouse day and night working on his big preparations. He remembers that they wanted to kill not just him but everyone with a quirk that he doesn't want anyone to get hurt or die slowly from their torture as Rey is assembling his guns and modifications with it. Then Flect Turn began to preach out his speech.

"Today is the day that the era of quirk will now fall upon us the quirk doomsday theory had shown us the weakness of our bodies from our reliance of these so called powers or quirk have blinded us all from these warnings" he said as it switches to Rey making the other Loadouts as he finished the Punisher Loadout and continues on making more.

"Today we seek the destruction of this so called quirked society filled with these so called heroes of justice" Flec turn said as Rey finished making the Rentier Revolver, Leverage rifle, the explosive bundle and gauntlet from Evil West completing the gunslinger Loadout.

"Today we use our secret weapon to destroy the society that is built upon by the sickening fools who called themselves heroes for the day of reckoning and purification begins" as the members Rais their fists and weapons high and cheered.

But with Rey he is now making the bodies of 2 robots the specter and the simulacrum as there are wiring. And a powerful computer with Rey begings to add in all of the programing and an AI. With combat data and set in some priorities like fighting those who are a threat to their creator, Prioritizing safety to those who are not a threat, and follow commands to only Rey or given authority to command them. While the data and programing is uploading Rey continued on making his other Loadouts to his demolition Loadout to Scavenger Loadout and the gadgets like the turrets, the gadgets from The Division the drones, Seeker mines, fireflies, and stick bombs and he planned that he is going to make the demolition Loadout having the Torgue guns from Borderlands, as for the RPG it will be the Paingiver from Doom Eternal, and The grenade launcher is the shoulder mount also from Doom eternal. And for his secret weapon is the BFG 10k as Rey was grinning in evil intent that he is making the BFG 10k.
