
ch 10 going back to the prime of a Yggdrasill no

In the year 2125 with the whole world was covered with toxic greyish clouds people have to wear special mask whenever they go out of their home and for the workplace in this year the DMMO-RPG better known as yggdrasill became the number one worldwide game acknowledge by that elites of the gaming world and for also having the largest player base in the whole world it become the one game when people was asked about a DMMO- RPG they would first recall the name yggdrasill it is because it not only gives players freedom but also unlimited possibilities with the character build with this it became the most popular of all the DMMO games in the world in yggdrasill the players can various choose any class they want there can even choose dozens of classes or specialize in specific classes one can become a jack of all trades or the players can also be expert in the field they have chosen and take there class to the extreme

in this dark and gloomy night I am boy was watching outside the window from a huge building what was more astonishing that this whole building belong to one family which is an oil tycoon it very famous in the world the Tain long family which has a net worth of 400 billion dollars and one of the richest company in the whole world they also have a lot of shares in Other industries such as telecommunication, medicine, education and other such profitable industries the family also has a lot of influence overs Asia and and Gilgamesh is precisely the three son of the chairman of the long group at the top of the building there was a young teenager looking up at the sky which was filled with grey clouds he quietly muttered even the rain is so toxic only looking at the sky raining down one could feel the gloom like humanity had no future the environment is completely destroyed and one can barely see the sun and the bright starry Sky oh God what the hell this looks like A post apocalypse dammit the environment is terrible over here even back in my original world at least there were no grey clouds or toxic rain this civilization is so advanced but they have completely destroyed nature now I can see why Ainz tried so desperately to maintain the environment in the new world I think I have some understanding why some

members of Ainz ooal goal was so depressed and broken man if this young Lord lived in this environment for a decade or longer I'll definitely go crazy this is too depressing especially when it rain it makes this entire world somewhat desolate I can certainly understand why all the members play the game so seriously even going as far as to take leaves from their respective jobs just for crafting items for the guild

then I saw my Neural Nano -interface machine this tool is used to play games in this world it also use in online classes and other official things but my is specialised in gaming it allowed for a smooth gaming experience and also is quite expensive not a lot of people could afford this maybe one of the top 10 Gamers could other than the only people of high society can afford to buy it I put the helmet on and set comfortable on the chair and I started machine I was certainly in a three dimensional space where the character Yggdrasill floated I casually logged in the game my character was base on my real life appearance I was handsome anyway why should I change my appearance

it's been at least five months since I use the reality stone to come back to the time where yggdrasill was still thriving if I know better it hit close in about five to six years from now in this time i use the the reality stone to make all my skills look normal in yggdrasill The Other players will just think that my skills are just too rare and won't have too much suspicion of my class and skills now that if you thinking that I should use the power of classes and their benefits or it will be a complete waste then first I should remind you I cultivate and my cultivation will definitely class with the skills in the new world I don't know why but my instincts are giving me crazy warnings when I was about to take a Melee class I am definitely strong enough to send any level 100 player specialised in melee combat complain to the Gm of how my class skill are so broken and not to mention my monstrous Reserves of Mana in short I am one broken character even without any class skill but as for the racial classes that's another story I can definitely take racial classes so so I came up with an idea why don't I choose 100 levels in racial classes I am already a demigod

so for example if I choose the Angel race the holy power will support my divinity by making it even more pure and Powerful and on the plus I will get all the racial skills of the angels like Holy presence, purification and a lot of passive and active skills from the racial traits I I chose the Angel race for two reasons it can make my divinity more pure by the support of the Holy power I am second the Angel race was More humanoid then a lot of hydromorphic races in yggdrasill I continuously leveled up my angel class as for my racial state it's like this

[Angel] – 15 level

[High Angle ]– 15

[Archangel] – 15

[seraphin] – 15

[seraph Empyrean] – 10

[Prince Of Heaven] – 10

[weapon Saint]– 10

[Eagle Eye]– 5

and now Gilgamesh is appearance was a lot different he looked like a holy being with 10 wings behind him and a dazzling Golden hello above his head also his Wings were not white but golden with brilliant star light flickering around the his wings if now make his way to appear in the new world the people will definitely take him as Holy being who directly came from heaven to give salvation to the humans Holy power wrapped around him Like a cover his highest wings was cover with divine runes this custom effect it's truly great I looked so Holy and even if I talk Bullshit people will definitely take it as the truth I can use it to scum them because in their eyes Holy Angel such as i can never lie and not deceive anyone a symbol of righteousness and all things Holy even if I do bad things and put the blame on others people will most likely blindly believe me well most of people now then I have also learnt many summoning spells, attack spells, buff and debuff spells, how is the healing spells and some cosmetic spells as well like the fortress spell ainz use in the wilderness to take a rest when searching for the Dwarf race in the original work I bought a custom skin of the fortress spell like that I bought many other custom skins for other skin as well to make my spells look a lot cooler then the ordinary one the normal player use like for example when casting single Gate teleportation magic rather than a gate appearing for him to walk though with this particular custom skin the players body will turn into starlight and gradually disappear sending him to the desired location it is way more extravagant and cooler then the simple gate spell it is particularly used to show off rather than combat efficiency

but he didn't mind because here who are in all of yggdrasill can go toe to toe against him there is no one not even the world champions because just wave of his sword with his sword heart in combat experience if he says his 2nd no one will say his is first and this combat experience has not come from the game but from real life killing dangerous beast in the new world and also fighting against bandits and killing real people his own killing intent is something a person from the modern era can never hope to compare to this time Gilgamesh is taking a casual walk in Jotunheim to search for good materials from the Giants to make special items which can only be found in jotunheim the home of the Giants in this months he himself became quite a famous player because he never lost an pvp against any other players and is also known as one of the strongest top 10 players in yggdrasill i keep walking in and forest where the trees where huge i came across for giants all of a sudden I couldn't help but feels quite good to get to fight four giants at the same time I could have but mock the Giants with a smile hey you big Dum fools why aren't you kneeling down to your ancestor your father here is waiting for you to knee with this the giant got enraged and roar at the same time in my direction I can't help but snot it this useless display of intimate
