
Chapter II

W-What the! Where am I? Why is everything so dark? Aito thought to himself as he starts moving. I don't feel like I got any legs so how am I moving. Maybe I am a ball in this life? no, the ball isn't squeezed, soft, and jelly-like. So what am I?... W-wait don't tell me: am I a slime!?

correct the robot computer in his head responded. You are a slime in this new world. Slime is pretty much the weakest. Why do I have to become a slime? can I become something else? No, you can't become something else. Once you become a certain thing then you must stay like that until your death. But don't worry slime isn't useless. You're a special kind of slime because your first move is a predator. It means you can devore any monster. once you devore them you will be able to get their ability. You can also storm item into your slimy body

That's good but how can I devore thing when I can't even see? Oh, Slime doesn't have an eye so you can't see but you can sense nearby things. You got to level up to learn a new ability. How do I level up? Aito asks the bot. You can do it by devore those plants on your right. Aito turn left and walk straight without seeing then he feels something when into his slimy body

You observe XP flower. It helps you level up. You can also use it to make a different type of potion with these flowers, the bot said. Okay, But why am I not level up yet? You just observe only one of those. You need to observe more so you could game more XP. You need around 2,300 of XP flower to level up, the bot said. This gonna take some time but I got to do it since I can't live if I can't see what around me