
Death and Re-Birth

(Night time after dinner)

Harsh is a 17 year old high school student who is currently walking on the rooftop of his home.

Just like any other day he has over eaten a little bit more and now come above to walk and digest some food and take fresh air.

It's been more then 10 minutes that he is walking sometimes in circles and sometimes from left to right then from right to left.

It becames his daily routine like this everyday after dinner he come above his house and walk a little bit with thinking about his life and so on.

Harsh is not too smart just an average student in his life wanting nothing more then just life to goes on and on.

Unbeknownst to him his life soon going to take a U turn with great interest in mere few minutes.

Harsh is currently thinking about his what to do tomorrow, his life is very simple and peaceful having a mother to cook food , a little brother whom he can play in free times , a little strict but good father and there is nothing more in his life that Harsh desire for.

Just like any other anime fan his favourite anime is Naruto and Harsh has watch all episodes of Naruto including even filler onces.

In the last years because of corna-virus its a great opportunity for him to watch many animes series and Harsh enjoy a lot of time binge watching them one after another.

With no worries to go to school because they started taking online classes and he had to stay home all the time.

It like God has listened to his wish...

But suddenly when Harsh was in his thoughts a loud noise that come from above the sky enters his ears.

The noise is too loud so harsh quickly move his head backwards in that particular direction in which he heard the sound.

Just as he move his face towards the loud noise that coming from above the sky his face frowned his eyes widened and all of his thoughts that running through his mind stopped.

His eyes can clearly see an airplane with his left wings on fire coming towards his direction , the left wing is completely on fire.

Harsh currently has a look of horror in his face , it's the time of night with the sky is full of navy blue colour and a few starts can be seen above with a half-full moon on the right side.

The plane has a red light on it's front which constantly beeping like switching on and off and on the middle a small green and yellow light can be seen simultaneously switching off and on.

With each passing second the plan is falling in his direction at this continous phase the plan gonna hit him in a few seconds.

Yes he is gonna die if that's happens and there is no way out because when the plan hit the ground not only the area where it hit but the surrounding area also going to be destroyed.

It's impossible to run anywhere to be able to live , this calamity cannot be avoided.

As the second passes by the size of the plane naturally increase with respect to Harsh's vision.

Harsh also stop thinking about anything else and just look's at this view because it's a once in a lifetime view and he can't be alive after this.

And quickly the front of the plane hit the house in front of Harsh's house and with the rapid velocity and acceleration of the plane it soon going to hit Harsh house this all happened in a mere 1 second.

All the surrounding area engulfed in fire the flames engulfed everything in itself the temperature suddenly rose a lot.

Without any delay the plane hit Harsh's house and with it everything over....

Harsh died in a rather unique way which he can never dream off , the day is going as normal as any other day but it take a great turn for him in just a few seconds.

If it not his daily routine to go above the rooftop of his house for a walk after dinner he may be inside of his house right now and never even know how he die.

As before Harsh die he can feel the pain and burning sensation of his body only for a second the pain is like a torture for him and the burning sensation of his body because of fire assualt him to die.

It only lasted for a mere second but for him it lasted for an eternity he just wanted to live this body form this kind of suffering he thought at that time.

And soon it was over and his soul fall in Darkness absolute darkness without any light to be seen.

It is so Dark that he can't even able to see himself all he could see is black wherever he look he can't even able to find the scene of direction left or right up or down like no gravity exist here like there is no scene of time or gravity exist here absolute darkness that all .

"Am I dead? Or somehow survive and in coma right now". Harsh thought

Because there is no scene of time here he don't now how much time has passed by a few seconds or minutes or hours....


For Harsh it's feel like whole entirnity has passed by and he is trapped in this godforsaken place.

As harsh has lose all hope suddenly a white light flashes in front of him like an exit for him.

Harsh also seen light after so much time has passed by , Harsh quickly try to run towards the light but suddenly he remembers that he don't feel his body he can't feel his legs or hands since the time he come here.

The exist the light is infront of him but he can't go he can't move , He can just stay there and look at those light.

But suddenly a miracle happenes and the white light start to come in his direction soon the white light engulf Harsh.

____ In a certain House a boy is lying on a bed slowly open his eyes...

as Harsh slowly open his eyes he got shocked to see the first thing the brown rooftop of a certain House made out of Woods.

He quickly try to stand up what he saw is a bed big enough to accommodate a young person the house in entirely made out of Woods.

He saw a small study desk with some pictures on it , an almirah made out of Woods , a fridge that's all.

Suddenly Harsh feel a small but sharp pain in his head and both of his hand quickly move towards his head.

When his hand moves he notice that his hands are too small but this is not the time for him to think of that because of the sharp pain he closed his eyes and also put both the hands on his head.

The pain only lasted for a few seconds and then it's goes away and quickly the memories of this body enter Harsh's mind.

Suddenly Harsh has a look of surprise on his face because on the memory he can't find his parents but only find a grandma taking care of him.

That's not all but the intersting things is that its feel like he is in some kind of game or inside an anime.

After gathering all the information Harsh quickly run towards the almirah because with it there is a medium-sized mirror fit on it.

As Harsh look into himself he is surprised his eyes widened again but not in horror but in a rather surprised and excited way.

What he sees is a 3 year old little boy with black spiky hairs with yellow colour goggles of an old fasion , light gray colour shirt with blue colour open coat on it , and black colour pants that fit him.

Out of curiosity harsh quickly move his body to face the mirror and he saw what he is trying to find a symbol on the back of his coat like shirt , the symbol of a fan well not fan but basically looks like it.

The symbol looks like the hand made fan that used in 19th century above half was red and the lower half was white.

It doesn't take a sec for Harsh to understand that this symbol represents the Uchiha clan and what about his identity? , he is in the body of Obito Uchiha One of the main antagonists.

Obito Uchiha....Harsh murmur to himself.

He has watch Naruto all episodes he is a fan of Itachi Uchiha and knows everything about upcoming future.

So I basically died and now I became the main antagonist of Naruto? Wait...

I am only 3 year's old man I do know everything about this world but I am not strong enough and out of all that Naruto the hero of this series is not even born in this world.

A smile appears on Harsh's face as he look in the mirror again this time he look at his own face which is so cute , A face of a little innocent boy.

hey all what u think ))

what is Harsh going to do he knows everything in Naruto world he is transmigrated into the body of one of the strongest villian in the series.

Suryaputra_Karancreators' thoughts