
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Gosaku's 2nd Disciple and stopping the siege of Amera Town (1/3)

Narrator POV

After a days march, the Tetsujin army had arrived only to see countless smoke billowing in the far distance.

Before Gosaku could charge once again, Aoi had stopped him and and told him it would not be possible to rescue all of them by himself much to the grief of Gosaku.

Aoi: "I didn't say I won't let them die, but we shall also let the Cavalry fight and reach the other places that are burning"

Seeing Gosaku nod, she let him go and he soon left in a flash with his wolf mount. Aoi ordered the 18x Heavy Cavalry to split into two squadrons along with the 18x Mounted Longbowmen and sent the 8x Omoi Yumi Kihei & 9x Yumi Kihei towards another place that had smoke billowing from the distance.

Aoi: "Before you leave, I will name six of you to become the captains for each of your squadrons and know that their survival will depend solely on you so choose wisely"

The 53 Cavalry were stunned on the spot yet six Captains were chosen quickly seeing that they have more power in leading troops and compatibility with them together.

Seeing each other be picked they thanked their members before kneeling on one knee and waiting on Aoi's command.

Aoi: "Let it be as of today, you six will be known as the first Cavalry captains of our Army so wear this title with pride!"

All: "Yes!"

Aoi: "The 2 Captains of the Heavy cavalry will be named Goya Takanori & Ueyama Kenichi. The Captain of the Mounted Cavalry are Ozawa Juzo and Kurisu Takiji"

Aoi: "The Omoi Yumi Kihei Captain is Yuhara Toshiharu and Captain of the Yumi Kihei is Soma Tadasu"

Aoi: "Be the best Cavalry Officers of our Army and be remembered as the greatest. Make our enemy fear you and let them know our name!"

As the 53 Cavalry soldiers roared from behind the 6x Captains had started being lit in a golden white light and they all now had a combination of Elite-plate Armor & High-Plate Armor covering their body.

Their katanas now had a shiny appearance and their blades seemed sharper than before. Their Bows had become a Noble War Yumi and they had a Naginata on their back ready to slice enemies.

Yoshinobu: "Hah, guess Officer's are very trained if they have an elite's armor now. I Wonder if they will be able to prove a challenge to me once they become a Kishi Cavalry"

Aoi: "One can hope unless they are a genius like you, even if you both injure one another your body will be able to take more hits with your physique"

He nodded and hummed as the six Captains finished their upgrade to a Tier 3-5 Officer and after saluting Aoi they swiftly left towards the smoke in the distance

Yoshinobu: "It seems like six villages will be saved yet others will be destroyed at the same time. Just how many groups of these little creatures are there?"

Aoi: "Hah, there seems to be around 5500 of them so let us hope we are able to stop this army"

Yoshinobu: "Hmm, it will be a battle of our wits and perseverance to help as many as we can while fighting the onslaught of Goblins and their stronger counterparts"

Aoi: "Isn't that the first time I've ever heard you speak like an angel"

Yoshinobu: "It's because you don't believe in me, yet my true form has been shown already so it doesn't matter that much does it..?"

Aoi: "Indeed, yet it seems like Gosaku is suitable to truly be your teacher with his great strength"

I saw Yoshinobu sigh before he regained his confidence and in such vigor said he would train to the best of his ability and became a True monster to help the Young Lord.

Seeing Yoshinobu acting like this all of a sudden made Aoi think back on Yoshinobu's Past and see him trying to change.

Aoi: "Then let's both become monsters for our Young Lord and get him to be the best Clan leader of our Tetsujin Clan.."

Seeing Yoshinobu nod, they continued marching the main road and unknown to the both of them and Alexis, A Golden orb started forming within their very souls along with Alexis true name being imprinted into their souls.

Gosaku POV

As I neared the billowing smoke Instead of goblins being the attackers I saw a warband of Bandits fighting against the farmers and village guards fiercely and two armoured knights helping the village guards.


Some of them lit their arrows in fire and fired at the straw thatch houses burning the occupants inside filling me full of anger.

Reminding me of my village burned down by the Red hand bandits of Akashima. Feeling such rage built inside me I saw a tall man with lamellar armor covering his body and his sword raised about to kill a young girl and her brother covering her with bandits surrounding them both.

Red-violet flames slowly came out of my body and coated my Yari as I looked at the scene in front of me before I raised my Yaris and prepared to throw it.

As my red-violet flames spread from my body to the wolf who was shaking previously to now a growing wolf that had it's fur turn red-violet and a Red Orb formed inside my chest yet I did not care before I threw the Yari spear and like a bullet it tore through the air before reaching the bandit leader.


The burning Yari spear broke the golden shield that formed when it was 2-feet in front of the bandit leader and pierced through the lamellar armor.

In an instant it impaled five other bandits who were in it's way and not long the flames spread from the Yari spear into their body that kept burning their flesh as they screamed in agony.





Seeing such a scene, the bandits in the vicinity had stopped and looked at the burning corpses on the Yaris spear.

???: "W- what the hell ha-"

???: *Gulp* Wh-"

???: "Enem-"

Before they could all speak I threw three Spears made of Red-violet flames and pierced right through their skulls and with the wolf's new speed it sprinted towards the nearest bandit before chewing his head straight off as his headless corpse fell scaring the archers.

As the wolf lunged at another bandit I jumped off his back before taking out my Yumi Warbow out and nocking three arrows coated with Red-violet flames I shot at the Archer in the back who all had their necks bleeding with an arrow passing through their neck as they all fell.

The Red-violet flames Spread to other nearby bandits and devoured them in flames as their agony filled screams could even be heard to the guards fighting inside the village.

???: "Reinforcements? Come on men! We shall stall until the reinforcements aid us!"

???: "Push them back!"

It wasn't long before I killed all the bandits outside and put away my Yumi Warbow and focused on putting away the Red-violet flames back within my body.

I had kneeled on one knee and tried to move my hand towards his shoulder but he shifted his body backwards while protecting his sister.

Gosaku: "Are you both right?"

Seeing the young man with fear and terror in his mind I stopped reaching out towards him and softly whispered that it would all be fine now.

I got up slowly as whistled towards the wolf who dropped the body of a bitten bandit down on the ground. I walked to the right before placing my right foot on the burning corpse and pulling out my Yari spear as the skinless corpses fell.

Before the "corpse" could shift it's pain filled body it was engulfed in flames as he screamed once more and I heard fighting still going on.

Gosaku: "Let's go...Kojiro...."

The wolf whimpered as it followed it's powerful owner towards the entrance of the village that now lay in ruins.

As I read the name, Stillmire on the wooden plank I entered the village and found bandits before I thrusted and stabbed the bandits stomachs or cut them in half.

??? POV

I moved my sword upwards blocking a downward strike from the enemy bandits and with my squire stabbing his sword into a bandits neck and he fell.

???: "Right side Marcus!"

My young squire blocked a sword from his right and kicked the bandit away before ending his life with an downward strike and blood spluttered to his allies.

Marcus: "Thank you Knight Victor!"

Just how long must we wait until the expected reinforcements from the Keep reach the village? It has been about 2 hours since we were dispatched to Stillmire and have been fighting against these bandits.

10 minutes later

It wouldn't be long before we heard a loud explosion outside the village walls and it grabbed everyone's attention on it. I took this chance to take down another two bandits and for the bandit's to have worry written on all their faces.

???: "The hell was that?"

???: "One of you go and check up on the Boss!"

With one of them running backwards to check what was going on he turned around the corner only to see a cruel scene of bandits impaled to the houses with fires burning them alive and decapitated bodies laying around with the farmers and villagers witnessing such a cruel scene.

Before the man had enough time to scream out in fear and alert the others, A wolf sneaked up behind him from the shadows of the houses before biting his head off as his body fell with blood splattering everywhere.

???: "A-are they d-demon's..?"

???: "They m-must be! No one has such cruelty but devil's"

???: "Get away from them!!!"

???: "Huh? You guys are acting all hypocritical now when you saw your family killed and tortured by those bandits!"

???: "You! Shut your mouth you insolent child! They are Harold's sent by the devil himself as the Heralds wolf eats heads and the stranger impales others with their own weapons!"

???: "I'm not insolent, you old priest! I'm thankful for someone saving my family and the place I live in my whole life"

???: "You.."

Before he could speak the large wolves growled at him as it approached the priest with every step Red-violet flames came out his paws and burned the ground.

Gosaku: "Stop Kojiro, the child is full of innocence and respects his family...Let's help the guards whom still fight fight for the village people"

As soon as we left the small boy had run towards me and grabbed my empty right hand prompting me to stop and look at the boy questionably.

???: "Can you take me with you, Sir Knight"

I looked at him weirdly and told him that I could not take him and he had a family to come back to yet his next words left me surprised and a grin formed on my face even though I didn't want to.

???: "I- If I wish to protect my family, I need to become strong enough to be able to protect them so that nothing like this happens again!"

Gosaku: "Well, it seems like you already fulfilled one of my conditions seeing as you did not faint seeing all the bloodshed left behind by the two of us"

Child: "Th-"

Gosaku: "Even if you are to follow me, you will have to learn what it means to be a samurai and how to swing a blade properly will take time"

Child: "I will force myself to learn! I want to be the protector of my village and kick the priest out of my home!"

Gosaku: "Hmm, kicking the priest out will lead to their religion chasing you and your village out of your Kingdom"

Child: "Then i will be strong enough to beat them all up!"

Gosaku: "Haha, that's the spirit. Then if you truly wish to follow behind me, you must get rid of your fear and subconscious thoughts"

Gosaku: "To get rid of your fear, kill one of the bandits who attacked your village. I will only teach you the basic sword strikes and defensive stances with a sword so pay attention"

I picked the child up before placing him on top of the wolf and walked towards the middle of the village were 8x bandit archers didn't pay attention to the lights steps of Gosaku who arrived behind them.

Gosaku: "Prepare yourselves for I want to teach a child the way of fighting!!!"

Before the archers could turn around they were suddenly decapitated or had their bodies split in half in one wide swing with the Yari spear.

I saw shock in the boy's face before it turned to awe making me chuckle Abit and seeing everyone's attention on me I stepped aside and placed the Yari spear over my left shoulder.

Kojiro shook his body and the child landed on his face as he grunted and held his nose in pain as he glared at Kojiro making me face palm.

Gosaku: "I want all of you to come at me or your Lieutenant that seems to be you"

As I spoke I raised my Yari spear and pointed at the man in the far back who had a scar covering the his left eye.

???: "What? You think you are able to take down everyone here? I'd like to see you try!"

As the bandit spoke he raised his sword and charged at me before bringing it down for a strike but I simply turned my Yari to it's flat side and swatted the bandit away into a nearby house as the right side of his body caved in and he was unconscious with pupils white and foam coming out his mouth.

I spun the Yari spear around before slamming it down on the ground beside me. I looked at them seriously and so a few bandits came forwards and tried to fight me.

With the first bandit who had a spear in his hands rushed at me I unsheathed my Wakizashi and waited for the right moment.

Once the bandit had thrusted his weapon at me, I raised my Wakizashi and pointed at him before I stepped to the side and hit the pole of the spear and raised my Wakizashi in a circular motion making his spear go to another direction.

I raised my fist before punching his face to the right and stabbed my Wakizashi into his stomach. Moving towards the next person I stepped to the side avoiding an downward sword strike and moving my Wakizashi to the left blocking his sword and pushed him away with a left strike.


Gosaku: "Now, when they are striking downward or upwards you can use their momentum to tilt their blade to another direction instead of your face"

Using the bandits right swing I clashed with him but had used his momentum to tilt his blade to the right and punched him on the face as he was sent flying towards his friends.


Gosaku: "Now we attack and try to use feints to confuse your enemies but you must have a quick reaction time"

I raised my Wakizashi and stabbed the bandits right shoulder but changed direction to his left shoulder as it cut through his flesh as he shouted in pain only to be punched in the face and he fell down.




I then raised my Wakizashi and rushed towards another bandit and struck downwards as the bandit tried to block it with his sword. I swiftly brought back my Wakizashi before stabbing his body and through his liver as he groaned and fell to the ground.


???: "What the duck is he ma-"


???: "Dammit!"

Gosaku: "Now remember, always go for the enemies vital points or joints to immobilize them based on their armor or uncovered areas"

Seeing the Shieldman rush forwards with a shield I waited for the last second before stepping to the right as his shield bash failed and before he could get up fully I uppercutted his chin as he had suddenly fell down to the ground unconscious.

I turned around and kicked the attacking Lieutenant's shields that staggered him and enough for me to do a downward strike to which he tried to block but I let go of the Wakizashi and ducked before sweeping him off his feet and rolled as I wrapped my right arm around his neck tightly.

Gosaku: "Some of your enemies will have shields so perform faints. If you fight them straight on they will put most of their balance on their feet to take on any strikes"

Gosaku: "If you either give them and opening or strike them from above you will take away some of their balance on their feet and be able to sweep them off their feet easily"

I held the lieutenants neck tighter and suddenly pulled upwards and heard the sound of his neck snapping and I slowly got up before looking at the boy who still had a look of awe on his face.

Gosaku: "Do you mind bringing me my Spear back boy?"

The boy had walked forwards and looked at the Large Yari spear stuck on the ground and took a deep breath. He grabbed the pole of the Yari and tried pulling upwards only to push it up a little bit before he struggled and I chuckled before I lit my palms on fire and created a small sphere that floated towards the boy that was shocked and fearful.

Gosaku: "The flames won't hurt you, but you might get stung because of it's temperature so try to lift my Yari now"

As I waited for him I kneeled and picked up my Wakizashi before randomly swinging it to the right were a shout of uncontrollable pain screamed out and a figure appeared with blood splattering everywhere.

Gosaku: "Although I can't teach you on your awareness as of now, this lesson will be stopped for right now"

I lit my Wakizashi in Red-violet flames and saw fear in the bandits eyes, it seemed even the guards fighting were shocked.

Victors POV

W-what the hell is this? Who is strange man who seems to be...just...just training a child while we fight for our lives!?

But, I have to admit he is showing some of the basic techniques but even I was surprised when he started punching the bandits instead of killing them.

As he kept punching after each attack I was surprised especially when he had struck upwards with his fist at the Shieldman whom fell instantly with just ONE strike.

As I kept clashing with the remaining bandits I saw the man in the corner of my eye, use a feint on the lieutenant and sweeped him off his feet before rolling and choking the man to death with the Lieutenant's head stuck under his right arm.

He even calmly explained to detail to the boy what to do Incase he ever faced such a problem. After he suddenly killed the lieutenant he told the boy to pick up his Yari...?

Who would have thought it was a heavy weapon? Seeing the boy try to lift the weapon I felt pity until the strange armored man had lit his palms on a Red-violet flames shocking me and he created a sphere with his flames and sent it towards the young boy.

Victor: 'W-what is he doing!?"

Marcus: "Sir Victor! We should stop him fr-"

Victor: "Stop him? Seeing him swat away that bandit with the flat side of his weapon, I don't think we are a match for him"

Before we could try to charge forwards, the flames had landed on the boys and instead of seeing what we feared we saw the boy looked fine as the flame sphere wrapped itself on both his arms.

The boy then had tightened his grip on the polearm before he grunted and lifted up the polearm and falling backwards until he forcefully pushed forwards and ran towards me as the Red-violet flames were put out and the boy had let the Yari fall forwards.

I wanted to move forwards but before I could, the strange man had grabbed his weapon and appeared behind the boy and grabbed him from his patched shirt.

Gosaku: "Thank you, for picking it up young one. Then I wish for you to fight the injured bandits on your own and prove to me you are able to become my student"

Gosaku: "That reminds me, I don't believe I heard your name. What is your name boy?"

Child: "My name is Amon! I will prove I will be able to become your student!"

Gosaku: "Pick up the Wakizashi from the ground and fight against the injured bandits with what I reached today"

Amon POV

Hearing the strange yet strong mister say to leal up his sword in the ground I nodded and walked towards the Wakizashi...? I picked it up and looked at the injured Bandits who looked at me in a mocking manner.

I grit my teeth and copied the way Knight Gosaku had placed his blade defensively. Seeing two bandits approaching slowly with their mocking smiles I remembered Gosaku's words to charge and make the enemy unprepared.

As the nearest one approached, I suddenly charged forward and jumped with the bandit surprised giving me enough time to stab the Wakizashi into their neck which was a vital point and both of us fell down.

(⚠️ Warning, If I mention some of this stuff like vomit, infections, smells, looks that are dark I will warn beforehand ⚠️)

Feeling my stomach grumble and wanting to throw up I for fully held it in and got up slowly before I was kicked backwards and seeing the pissed off expression on his face I grinned just like Knight Gosaku.

I stabbed forwards and seeing the bandit block in panic I stepped backwards and slipped on a rock making me want to curse Goddess Terra but remembered who she was before stopping with my face covered in cold sweat.

I rolled to the right and stabbed forward at the other bandits shoulder as he groaned in pain. I let go of the stuck Wakizashi in his shoulder as a downward sword strike hit my previous position.



I raised my leg before kicking the limping bandit between his leg as his face grimaced in pain. As he knelt down dropping his sword I punched his face knocking him back.



I felt my face be punched hard enough to make tears come down my face but I held it in as I rolled on the ground.

Seeing the injured bandit closing in with an enraged look on his face with his sword raised about to hack me to death I lifted my tired legs to my chest and had kicked upwards with both feet hitting his family jewels.




Seeing his face scrunch up into pain and saw his sword falling towards my head I moved my head to the left and heard the clanging of metal hitting the ground loudly in my right ear.


I quickly got up and saw the last injured bandit with fear etched across his face. I picked up the falled sword below me before I turned around and stabbed my sword into the kneeling bandit as he gargled blood. I rushed forwards and the remaining bandit swung down his sword ready to kill me in one strike.

Giving it all I have, I raised up the sword before clashing with the bandits swords. Feeling my hands strain and want to drop the sword I forced them to continue holding as I slowly titled the sword and let the momentum of his sword go downwards to the right

Knowing that my punches aren't good enough to knock him away I instead used my head to slam into his face making him take a couple steps back.

I then raised my sword and stabbed my sword through his neck and seeing his face, it was the final straw that made me turn around and vomit.

Gosaku POV

Would you look at that, Amon seems to be skilled enough to fight injured bandits. He is quick on his feet, nimble and quick-witted enough to make these strategies of his.

And it seems like he is only an 8 year old, If I do accept him, he would be Yoshinobu's Junior and Yoshinobu will be able to teach Amon some of his skills.

Gosaku: "Time to finish the rest huh...?"

I turned around and looked at the remaining bandits before I grasped the Yari spear tightly over my shoulder before I rushed forwards and swung down my Yari spear horizontally as the remaining bandits died and it was enough to let the guards and knights finish off the r st of the bandits and now they looked at me seriously.

Victor: "If we may not be intruding, may we have your name and ask wether you are a wandering Knight or a man of another country...?"

Gosaku: "I am no knight, I am a Samurai of the Tetsujin Mercenaries who as of now are helping other villages besides this one from being attacked by a goblin army"

Marcus: "What!? How can they sneak through the Kingdoms...Border....Patrol"

Victor: "Wait, goblins? Then why did these bandits attack the Phykia Kingdom?"

Gosaku: "Then that means bandits are now outright joining the Goblins or have a ceasefire with one another"

Victor: "But what could make them rise and be united to launch a full-scale invasion with bandits helping the goblins...unless..."

Gosaku: "The Goblin King appears to be the leader and the Goblin army here seems to be filled with infantry and joining soldiers"

Marcus: "Dammit, then the two Beastman Camps may also be their objective if the Goblin King has appeared all of a sudden"

I hummed and asked them about the Beastman Camps they were talking about and why the Goblin Army is attacking villages as of now.

Gosaku: 'So it seems there are more factors in play here. If the Camps as they mentioned are large prison like towns then it's no wonder the will attack'

I should ask Lady Aoi about this once I arrive back with the Amon in tow. Speaking of which he had stopped vomiting and was giving a cloth by one of the guards to clean his face and a basin of water to spit out any remaining vomit within his mouth.

Once Amon finished he went towards the injured bandit who had the Wakizashi in his shoulder. Amon had pulled out the Wakizashi from the Bandits shoulder and stabbed right through his neck as he gargled out blood.

Seeing him walking towards me I whistled at Kojiro to come before I picked up the Wakizashi he held and placed it on my uwa-obi and bode farewell towards the two knights who stopped me before I could leave.

Victor: "Before you leave, May we ask what type of banner your Mercenary band belongs to?"

Gosaku: "You will know it when you see it in it's full glory. I bid you two farewell and try to help other villages that need help in the meantime"

Hearing my last words they had nodded and tended to the wounded village people. As we passed by Amons family home, we saw two people standing outside and Amon climbed down Kenjiro's fur and hugged both his parents with tears in his eyes.

I looked away and let them have their moment together and say their farewells to one another and for Amon to explain to his parents he is leaving with me.

Amon: "I will miss the two of you! I promise to come visit when I have the time and have properly trained to keep you both safe from any bandits!"

I sighed emotionally remembering the same words I said to my father and after about five minutes Amon climbed up Kojiro's fur and waved at his family as we left the village and back towards the Main Army.

Amon: "So am I accepted as your disciple Mr. Gosaku?"

Gosaku: "Yes, you proved your self with a great mind on how to act with all the obstacles you encountered being in your current body"

Amon: "Haha, I want to protect my family so I will make sure to work diligently under you Sir, Gosaku!"

I simply hummed and we passed by the gate were the two siblings waited for us before they both thanked us with more reluctance on the older boy's face.

Gosaku: "It is nothing, one must protect what one loves and defending those who are defenseless is the job of the strongest"

Hearing my words the girl was smiling and her older brother shocked but It didn't matter as we soon left the outskirts of the village and saw the Main army with Lady Aoi at the very front.

Hmm, now how should I explain this to Lady Aoi on getting a new disciple from a village attacks. Hmm, decisions, decisions...







To be continued