
Chapter 160

"So, are you planning on staying here forever? Most of the city has collapsed now, and it doesn't look like the water levels have recovered too much, going by the sandy desert on the surface. Not much lives up there anymore, and most of the surface cities of the old empire are buried and forgotten." Cain asks Lloran, and the old Elf shakes his head. 

"Since you've found the place, the entrance must be open again, so I'll be getting visitors. Looters, archeologists who are just publicly funded looters and some inquisitive travelers. So I'll have to either call for reinforcements or take care of it myself. I couldn't really leave even if I wanted to."

"We did block the entrance again with solid stone. I have a Summon who can teleport, so my group can come safely in and out, but it should still stop anyone else from successfully coming to bother you." Cain smiles.