
Chapter 12


The tense atmosphere in the room heightened as the battle with the fallen angels began. Demaris found himself dueling both Dohnaseek, clad in a trenchcoat and fedora, and Kalawarner, who wore a revealing purple dress. Their movements were swift and calculated, forcing Demaris to stay on his toes and use every ounce of his skill to counter their relentless attacks.

Meanwhile, Mittelt engaged Kiba and Koneko in combat. Kiba's swordsmanship was a sight to behold, as he parried and countered Mittelt's strikes with grace and precision. Koneko, though small in stature, displayed incredible strength and agility, easily holding her own against the fallen angel.

On the other side of the room, Issei faced off against Raynare, who seemed to take great pleasure in tormenting him. Their fight was fierce, with Raynare landing powerful blows that Issei struggled to dodge. The intensity of their battle left no doubt that this was a deeply personal fight for both of them.

As Demaris continued to duel Dohnaseek and Kalawarner, he found himself pushed to his limits. He utilized the full repertoire of skills he had honed through his decades of training and combat. Lightning crackled through the air as he cast lightning magic with his revolver ACD, narrowly missing Kalawarner who had to resort to evasive maneuvers. He summoned a group of skeletons to assist him in the fight, the clattering of their bones echoing through the room as they clashed with his opponents. Sorceress quietly helps in calculating trajectories for Demaris, together they force Dohnaseek and Kalawarner to work together to counter his relentless onslaught.

The battle raged on, the air thick with tension and the sounds of clashing swords and spells. Demaris' Advanced ACD glowed with power as he continued to engage Dohnaseek and Kalawarner in a deadly dance. Beads of sweat rolled down his face, but he refused to falter, his determination driving him forward. His opponents are fallen angels, beings that could be hundreds if not thousands of years old, their skills honed to a deadly effect. Against Kiba, Issei, or Koneko, the fallen angel duo would wipe the floor with'em. While Demaris was at the peak of human strength, he was fighting two beings beyond human strength.

Kiba and Koneko were locked in a fierce battle against Mittelt, the fallen angel's wings beating the air furiously as she launched a barrage of light-based attacks. Kiba's sword sliced through the air, deflecting some of the projectiles, while Koneko darted in and out, delivering powerful punches and kicks that sent shockwaves rippling through the room.

Across the battlefield, Issei and Raynare fought with a ferocity born of deep-seated hatred. Their eyes met, burning with the intensity of their emotions, as they exchanged blow after blow. Issei's powerful fists slammed into Raynare, each impact sending her reeling, but she retaliated with swift, vicious strikes of her own.

Demaris knew that this fight couldn't continue indefinitely. He needed to find a way to end it, and soon. With a surge of determination, he unleashed a powerful lightning bolt, aiming it directly at Dohnaseek. The fallen angel managed to dodge the attack, but it left him momentarily vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, Demaris lunged forward, his Starlight Blade glowing brightly as he slashed at Dohnaseek. The fallen angel tried to counter, but Demaris was too fast, his sword finding its mark and delivering a devastating blow.

Kalawarner, seeing her comrade falter, redoubled her efforts, attacking Demaris with renewed ferocity. They clashed, sparks flying as light blades met light spears, the sound ringing out like a sinister symphony. He finally crushes one of her spears and before she can make a new one, cuts her head off with fluid motions of his blade. He then finishes off Dohnaseek with an icicle to the chest.

Demaris, with a combination of his swordsmanship and advanced magical abilities, finally overcame Dohnaseek and Kalawarner. As their bodies crumpled to the floor, the battle between Kiba and Koneko against Mittelt reached its conclusion, with the pair of devils emerging victorious.

Issei, severely wounded but still standing, faced off against Raynare. With a primal roar, he unlocked the full power of his Boosted Gear, and with one last, desperate effort, delivered a haymaker punch that sent the fallen angel crashing through the ceiling and into the church above.

The ground shook from the impact, and silence descended on the battlefield. Demaris and his allies panted, catching their breath as they surveyed the scene. They had won.

Rias appeared at the top of the stairs, dragging a battered and bruised Raynare by the scruff of her neck. The fallen angel's once-mocking eyes were now filled with fear and desperation, her wings tattered and broken.

Issei, seeing the girl he once believed to be innocent and sweet, hesitated. He couldn't bring himself to end her life, the memories of their date still lingering in his mind.

Seeing Issei's struggle, Rias stepped forward, her crimson eyes cold and resolute. She placed a hand on Raynare's forehead, her Power of Destruction glowing ominously.

"Raynare," Rias said, her voice steady and unyielding, "for your crimes against my family, my peerage, and humanity, you are hereby sentenced to death."

With a flash of red and black light, Raynare's body disintegrated, leaving only a cloud of dust as a testament to her existence.

The battle was over, but the scars it left behind would not be forgotten. The rescue team, battered and weary from the intense battle, turned their attention to Asia, who was still bound to the large cross. Working together, they carefully untied her, her body trembling and weak from the pain she had suffered during the ritual.

It was clear that Asia was in shock, and despite Rias's best efforts to use her healing magic, the girl's condition continued to deteriorate. Demaris regrets not learning healing magic, this was the third person dying before his eyes in this life.

But it seemed as though fate was against them. Asia's body, unable to handle the intense trauma, began to fail. Her breathing grew shallow, and her eyes began to lose their light. With a weak smile, she looked at Issei, tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you... Issei... for being... my friend..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

As Asia stilled and ceased breathing, Rias, overcome with determination, refused to accept defeat. Gathering her strength and resolve, she made a decision that would change Asia's life forever.

"I won't let you die, Asia," Rias declared, her eyes filled with conviction. "I'll give you a new life, a new beginning. I'll reincarnate you as a devil and make you a part of my family."

Without hesitation, Rias used her remaining bishop piece to reincarnate Asia as a devil. The process was intense, and the air around them seemed to crackle with energy as the evil piece was absorbed into Asia.

Slowly, the color began to return to Asia's face, and her breathing steadied. Her once dull and lifeless eyes now sparkled with newfound vitality. As she awoke, disoriented but alive, she looked at her saviors with a mixture of gratitude and bewilderment.

Demaris, his body aching and fatigued from the intense battle, knew he needed rest. He wished everyone well, a slight smile on his face, before deciding to make his exit. "Take care, everyone. I'll see you all soon," he said, his voice heavy with exhaustion.

As he uttered the words, he activated a space attribute spell, a magic skill he could never attain without his advanced ACD. It would seem that even in this life, Demaris still needs the aid of technology to cast magic.

Above and below Demaris, two circular disks of the night sky appeared, each one shimmering with the beauty of distant stars and nebulas. The mesmerizing sight captivated everyone present, their eyes wide with awe and curiosity.

With a sudden, swift motion, the disks slammed together, sandwiching Demaris within their celestial embrace. In the blink of an eye, he vanished, leaving behind nothing but the echo of his presence.

The sight left Rias in a state of shock, as she had not been present earlier to witness Demaris use magic without the aid of magic circles. Her eyes darted around the now-empty space where he had once stood, her mind racing to make sense of what she had just seen. If he didn't use magic circles, how did he use magic?

Her peerage, too, found themselves reeling from the spectacle. Though they had been too preoccupied with the battle earlier to notice Demaris's unique abilities, the sudden disappearance left them with no choice but to confront the reality of his powers.

"Did he just... teleport?" Koneko asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"That was incredible," Kiba added, his eyes still fixed on the spot where Demaris had stood moments before.

The group exchanged glances, the shock of the event still fresh in their minds. It was clear that Demaris was far more powerful and mysterious than they had initially thought. As they pondered the implications of his abilities, they couldn't help but feel a growing sense of intrigue


The sun streamed through the windows, bathing the room in warm, golden light. Demaris stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he awoke from several hours of deep, restorative sleep.

Stretching his limbs, Demaris glanced a notification, the advanced ACD buzzed with an incoming text message. It was from Rias, informing him that Freed Selzen had managed to escape the barrier during the night, injuring Sona's queen in the process. Demaris frowned, displeased by the news, but resolved to deal with Freed when the time came.

He glanced at the date displayed on his phone, a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he was forgetting something important. The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning – in just a week, he would be starting school at Ilvermorny.

Demaris knew that he needed to finalize his adoption plan and sever ties with the orphanage once and for all. With his new life taking shape and the start of school at Ilvermorny looming, it was time to put that part of his past behind him. Determined to move forward, he turned his attention to the task at hand: building a robotic body for Sorceress to pilot.

He purchased the necessary resources from the goblins at Gringotts and sent a text message to Rias, informing her that he would meet with her in three days and that they could discuss the aftermath of their raid on the fallen angels once he wasn't busy. With everything in place, Demaris got to work on his most ambitious project yet.

He carefully designed the robot to look exactly as he did in his past life over the next three days: dark black hair, sharp gray eyes, regal features, and an impressive stature of six foot three inches, complete with a well-muscled frame. He poured his heart and soul into the project, meticulously crafting each component to ensure it was as lifelike and functional as possible, only stopping to sleep and eat two meals a day.

The robot's capabilities were nothing short of astounding – its magic output was twice that of Demaris's own, being equipped with a miniaturized mana extractor to generate its own power. This would allow Sorceress to pilot the body with ease and efficiency, providing them with an invaluable asset in their ongoing adventures.

As Demaris stepped back to admire his handiwork, a sense of pride and accomplishment washed over him. Though a perfect model, it still paled in comparison to the Mechanical Warriors he made as Andrew in Etherton. He had come so far since arriving in this world, and he knew that he was well-equipped to face whatever challenges awaited him. With Sorceress by his side and an unwavering determination, Demaris was ready to embrace the future and all that it had in store.

Excited to see the fruits of his labor, Demaris and Sorceress prepared to take the new robot body out for a spin. Sorceress, eager to test her new form, seamlessly transferred her consciousness into the mechanical doppelgänger of Andrew Etherton.

As Sorceress adjusted to the robot body, Demaris couldn't help but marvel at his own creation. The attention to detail was astonishing, and the robot moved with the fluidity and grace of a real person.

"Alright, Sorceress, let's see what you can do," Demaris said, a mixture of excitement and anticipation in his voice.

Sorceress nodded and effortlessly executed a series of complex movements – acrobatic flips, high-speed sprints, and even a few impressive displays of strength. The robot body responded flawlessly, its powerful muscles and advanced technology working in perfect harmony.

"Wow, Demaris! This is incredible!" Sorceress exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I never imagined I'd be able to move like this. You've truly outdone yourself. I can feel too, it's an odd sensation to say the least."

"Thank you," Demaris replied, a proud smile spreading across his face. "I'm just glad it works as well as I'd hoped. Now, let's put this new body to good use."

Demaris decided it was time to set his adoption plan into motion. Posing as Andrew Etherton, he contacted the orphanage and arranged a meeting to discuss adopting Demaris. With Sorceress piloting the robot body, the orphanage staff was none the wiser about their true identities.

The meeting went smoothly, and the orphanage staff was more than happy to finalize the adoption. Demaris couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as he left the building, knowing that this chapter of his life was finally closed.

Now that he was to live in his apartment full time, Demaris decided it was finally time to furnish his apartment. He had been living in this space for some time now off and on. It was starting to feel a little too empty. With a clear vision in mind, he chose a sleek, futuristic style for the furnishings, reflecting his affinity for advanced technology and cutting-edge designs. The apartment was soon filled with clean lines, minimalist decor, and innovative gadgets that made everyday life more efficient and comfortable.

As Demaris admired his newly furnished home, he turned to Sorceress, who was still inhabiting the robotic body of Andrew Etherton.

"You know, Sorceress, I've been thinking. You deserve a body of your own, something that truly reflects who you are," Demaris said thoughtfully.

Sorceress looked at him, curiosity piqued. "You mean, create a new robot body specifically for me?"

Demaris nodded. "Exactly. I can help you design it, or you can come up with the concept yourself. I want you to feel comfortable and at home in your new form."

Sorceress hesitated for a moment before responding. "Demaris, I appreciate the offer, but I have to ask... Why did you model my current body after your wife from your past life?"

Demaris looked a bit sheepish as he admitted, "I guess I wanted to give you an appearance that was familiar and comforting to me. But I realize now that it's not fair to impose my past on you. You deserve to have your own unique identity."

Sorceress smiled, clearly touched by his words. "Thank you, Demaris. I'm honored that you thought so highly of me, but I'd like to create my own appearance. I'll need your help, of course, but I want it to be a reflection of who I am as an individual."

Demaris smiled warmly, feeling a surge of pride for his friend. "I fully support your decision, Sorceress. Let's work together to create a robotic body that's truly and uniquely yours."

Demaris left Sorceress to start her design and decided it was time to meet with Rias. He crossed from Queens to Brooklyn and onto the prestigious campus of Kuoh Academy. It is a school for the elite and until recently, an all girls school. It was originally founded by a Japanese immigrant businessman and soon became a well known school for grades 9-12.

The office of the occult research club, a little too on the nose if you ask Demaris, is in the old school building to the rear of campus. He enters the old school building and quickly finds himself entering the Occult research club room.

"Welcome, Demaris. I'm glad to see you're safe," Rias said. "I have some good news for you. It seems that there have been no repercussions from our raid on the fallen angels. They were acting without orders, so we won't face any consequences for our actions."

Demaris breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that they had managed to avoid any further complications. However, Rias had more news for him.

"My brother, Sirzechs Lucifer, has heard about your involvement in the raid and wishes to meet you," she continued. "He is the current Lucifer and my older brother, so it's quite an honor that he wants to meet you personally."

Demaris was taken aback by the news, but realized he had prior commitments to attend to. "I appreciate the invitation, but I'm afraid I'll have to take a raincheck on that."

Rias nodded, understanding that Demaris doesn't want to meet with her brother, "Of course, Demaris. We can arrange for a meeting with my brother at a later time, but would you be so kind as to sign a contract dictating you won't cause any trouble in New York?"

"If I find the terms agreeable," Demaris nods and behind reading a contract Rias hands him. He can find nothing of concern, for the most part it is about a non-aggression pact and a promise to assist each other in times of peril.

Demaris signs the contract after verifying there is no extra magic added to it. Once complete he excuses himself and goes back home.

With the matter settled for now, Demaris focused his attention on preparing for his new life at boarding school while also supporting Sorceress as she worked on creating her own robotic body.

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